
Topic: Evolution is a hoax - page 67. (Read 108173 times)

Activity: 18
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March 19, 2018, 05:10:08 AM
This theory is totally wrong and have no base....
hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 500
March 19, 2018, 05:06:18 AM
What facts show we devolve? Except for religious fundamentalism. Can you provide a source for brain size claim?

It is not hard to find that our brain gradually shrink. Here is the example of 5 seconds search. I have not even rEad the article:

It is not important why. It is a known fact that it is.

Defining aspect of evolution, as I see it, is gradual perfecting of lifeforms.

Thats adaptation not an evolution. It can be as well biblicly as well as unbiblicly. You choose the latter but that is not how the world looks like. World do not say either way. It could be both ways.

One comes after the other, improved.

You use vague language. What do you mean by saying improved? Evolution do not use such a term. They use the term better adapted to the enviroment. You call evolution something that is not an evolution, and that what evolutionists call evolution is just an adaptation.

Descendants come after their ancestors.

And that sentence is actually not saying anything. It is a hot air.

However, it isn't always the case that the newer lifeform is more advanced.

It is never more advanced. Show me one example of more advanced specie arriving outside of the imagination of idolaters. It was always the other way around - the changes was according the enviroment and it was fully reversible. Do you understand? Wild animals can be domesticated for example and adapt and after a while, it can be the same wild specie as before, using natural selection ofcourse, but the evolution says that the evolution do not go backwards. That is contrary to the facts. Evolution as they call it, and that is simply an adaptions that can go backward.

Evolution leads to many blind alleys.

You see? You even stated that evolution can lead to blind alleys - meaning - it does not go backward. That is just not true. But it is not an evolution it is simply adaptation.

Genetics shows the common origin of all lifeforms.

No? The fact that the pig is more similiar to us in genetics than any monkey disprove your notion of genetics having anything to do with any lineage. It is disproven.

So its either you do not understand the evolution, or you do not understand that the things you say is disproven by THE REALITY!

The difference between you and ISIS fundamentalists is that you are peaceful and educated. Your worldview is very similar to their.

The difference between the TV and your message is none. Yes I know the slandering of christians calling them muslims. Good luck with that on the Judgement Day.

Our genome shows our kinship to all lifeforms.

It does. And that link that connects us is God the creator.

This memory is still embedded in our genes and consciousness.

Yeah... some people have memories of rocks... they do not think most of the time.. And the dreams of flying is because we were monkeybats....... Bats that had become monkeys. Nice. I wonder when they would include batman as our missing link.

I asked you how do you understand evolution and you tell me the divinations and dream interpretations. Yup evolution is magical thinking because the reality disproven what they say.

Activity: 30
Merit: 0
March 19, 2018, 04:47:20 AM
Wait... We evolve towards what? All the facts says we devolve - especially our average brain size.
Towards more knowledge and less superstition. What facts show we devolve? Except for religious fundamentalism. Can you provide a source for brain size claim?
Believing in the Bible literally and thinking that evolution is a hoax and that everyone else is deceived by the Devil - that makes you a fundamentalist.
The difference between you and ISIS fundamentalists is that you are peaceful and educated. Your worldview is very similar to their.

Defining aspect of evolution, as I see it, is gradual perfecting of lifeforms. One comes after the other, improved. Descendants come after their ancestors. However, it isn't always the case that the newer lifeform is more advanced. Evolution leads to many blind alleys.
Genetics shows the common origin of all lifeforms. Our genome shows our kinship to all lifeforms.

Do you know that feeling when you are somewhere between the waking state and falling asleep? You are on your bed and suddenly you twitch like you were falling somewhere? Our ancestors were sleeping on trees. Guess what can happen if you fall asleep on a tree? You can fall down. This memory is still embedded in our genes and consciousness.
hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 500
March 19, 2018, 04:10:11 AM
You are my neighbour and I am commanded to love you. Out of love I am saying that you are not my brother. You can do better. Ok? You think that love is to accept everything. No. Love is wanting the best to the other person.
Commanded to love! Do you tell that to your family also? Aren't we a poor type of beings if we have to be "commanded to love"? So you wouldn't love anyone if the Bible didn't say so?
Yes, love is acceptance even if (you think) someone is wrong. You would know this if you understood the Gospels.

You seem like a well educated person, so I don't see how you ended up with creationism and religious fundamentalism.
Yes, I understand evolution and I understand your view of Christianity. It's just that I have a different view on these topics. Creationism is a minor branch in modern Christianity, but I'm baffled with it. It's interesting that it's mostly an American phenomenon. Such a peculiar country.

Jesuits are saving Christianity from oblivion, at least in the West, mark my words. While creationists are pushing it into ridicule. Creationism can survive in the third world or in parts of the US, among the ignorance and magical thinking. It has no future because people evolve.

Yes I need to be commanded to love the person I would call the wrong doer. The society teaches me that to not love the ones that I might consider my enemies - I am suppose to be better than the society of this flawwed world.

I would love - but not my neighbours, only those good to me like pagans do.

Love is not an acceptance...... Love is having a warm feeling despite everything. I have warm feelings to you despite I do not agree with you. I do not have to accept your point of view or what you do.

For example. You used the parents as example. Lets say that the daughter is a drug addict. Out of love one should accept that she is so? Out of love one would do everything to let her out of that addiction.

You seem like a well educated person, so I don't see how you ended up with creationism and religious fundamentalism.

There is no such thing as religious fundamentalism. It is a slander term. Either someone love the teachings of Christ or not. Many will say to the Christ in that day - Lord! Lord! and he will say depart from me those who do the workings of inequity.

Yes, I understand evolution

So what is its main characteristic? The thing that defines it and that cannot be explained otherwise in reality? In other words if you would see some of its aspect in the world - what would that be?

Creationism is a minor branch in modern Christianity,

I do not believe in creationism. I believe the word of God is true if that implies that there is no evolution - so be it. Creationist is I guess some kind of a slander term as well it would be better to be called non-evolutionist. It is obvious that the world as well as lifeforms had their begining, so there was a creation, so everyone should call themselves a creationists. It is kind of a silly.

It's interesting that it's mostly an American phenomenon. Such a peculiar country.

I am polish it is rare to think outside of the box here, and the box is that if someone have phd infront of his name everything what he says is true. America is the country of people that once believed biblicly that is why they were running away from Europe. They are less and less biblicly inclined and that is sad.

Jesuits are saving Christianity from oblivion,

You wanted to say - they are "saving" Christianity from the Bible right?

Creationism can survive in the third world or in parts of the US, among the ignorance and magical thinking.

Why did you come to think I had any magical thinking? You on the other hand have a problem with too much stereotypical thinking.

It has no future because people evolve.

Wait... We evolve towards what? All the facts says we devolve - especially our average brain size.
Activity: 30
Merit: 0
March 19, 2018, 03:47:05 AM
You are my neighbour and I am commanded to love you. Out of love I am saying that you are not my brother. You can do better. Ok? You think that love is to accept everything. No. Love is wanting the best to the other person.
Commanded to love! Do you tell that to your family also? Aren't we a poor type of beings if we have to be "commanded to love"? So you wouldn't love anyone if the Bible didn't say so?
Yes, love is acceptance even if (you think) someone is wrong. You would know this if you understood the Gospels.

You seem like a well educated person, so I don't see how you ended up with creationism and religious fundamentalism.
Yes, I understand evolution and I understand your view of Christianity. It's just that I have a different view on these topics. Creationism is a minor branch in modern Christianity, but I'm baffled with it. It's interesting that it's mostly an American phenomenon. Such a peculiar country.

Jesuits are saving Christianity from oblivion, at least in the West, mark my words. While creationists are pushing it into ridicule. Creationism can survive in the third world or in parts of the US, among the ignorance and magical thinking. It has no future because people evolve.
hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 500
March 19, 2018, 03:02:24 AM
The Kingdom is among you. That is a subtle detail but important newertheless. The devil is in the detail you know? The term was used as to not be decieved. Do not believe others. It is you who will know not some wise guy over the internet that plays with words. Its amongs you, to emphasize, that its not among them.

If you delete a large part of the Bible for your convenience sake I would not call you brother sadly, because whoever take away from that book let him be cursed.

You are just another type of gnostic. Suit yourself.

Namaste? Its hinduistic term. Everything I believe is the tradition of man? Not if you believe in Christs word. How someone calling themselve a christian can say that is beyond my understanding, not that I would wish to understand why someone is so illogical and self contradictory. Someone just is. Like many other things.

Why would only christian be divine? Because it is proven that all the rest are mere demonical imitations without the proper understanding.

Yes they are all true to some degree. It is like every succesfull lies is true to some degree. Like evolution. It is true that there is a dna, adaptation, change, natural selection etc etc.

Yes the Holy Ghost and The Kingdom of God is not in the book, but whoever keepeth the teaching of that book is to be blessed with both.
Devil is a term invented by the ego to blame someone else for its problems and failures.
I'm not a Christian and yes I highly appreciate gnosticism. I'm calling you brother as a fellow human. We are brothers despite every possible difference between us. It's a sad thing that you think that your fellow humans are deceived by the devil and even call it proven. (How would you prove such a thing). Very egoistic belief also. No one is right except us, the chosen people, type of belief. Christianity can do better than that tribal idea. Do you think God would let billions of people be deceived and only give the truth to the chosen Jewish/Christian people? What kind of God would it be? Would you let your children be deceived? Would you favour one over the others?

My point is this: God is in/among us and in the whole of nature, growing with its magnificent splendor, evolving through myriad of lifeforms. But you are to fascinated with ancient books to see Him in Nature and fellow humans.
Have you heard of a Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin ( Please read his work to see how evolution nicely fits with Christianity. Never stop learning.

You are my neighbour and I am commanded to love you. Out of love I am saying that you are not my brother. You can do better. Ok? You think that love is to accept everything. No. Love is wanting the best to the other person.

What does God have to do with Belial? How two can walk together unless they are in agreement?

Very egoistic belief also.

No it is not. It is a belief that values standards and law.

No one is right except us, the chosen people, type of belief.

Noone is good except God. I am not right... I do things I would not want to do even tho I know they are wrong. That is a process of purification on my part to not want to be vengeful, hating, lustful, covetous etc etc.

I have not said other religions are not right. They are. To some degree. Many people have teachings similiar to Christ, but if they are driving them away from the Christ it is not good in my opinion. I was impressed with some Sikh and what he was saying. It is so sad that many non-bible catholic concepts are driving the people away from the Messiah.

No religion is right ok? No christian religion is right. It is not that only christianity are the chosen people, a lot of people in the so called christian world deny the Bible ok? So it is the same with every religion, not just so called non-christian.

Do you think God would let billions of people be deceived and only give the truth to the chosen Jewish/Christian people?

They are all decieving themselves believing the priests. They should be the priests themselves the priests of the High priest Jesus Christ that have the law written in their hearts.

Would you let your children be deceived? Would you favour one over the others?

No. That is why we have a Messiah and the ORDER and commandment to go and spread.

My point is this: God is in/among us and in the whole of nature, growing with its magnificent splendor, evolving through myriad of lifeforms.

Yes we see a character of a God, but it is not a God. It is his mere image. We are the mere image of the character of God. We should not bow down to eachother as well.

Do not make any image of what is in the earth - and do not bow down before it. Second commandment.

Have you heard of a Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin ( Please read his work to see how evolution nicely fits with Christianity. Never stop learning.

Jesuits? Ha... They are the fathers of many idolatries. Why am I not surprised?

Guess what? God didn't write the Bible. Some bearded Jews did.

And Romans. Some greeks had part in it as well. You do not agree with the concept of being a prophet do you? Well many Jews did not agree as well and they killed their own prophets - that is why the God was and is not happy with them.

I wouldn't take their word, especially after some much time has passed and we know much more about the world.

You are not aware how hard it is to falsify the living book ok? Try to falsify the Lord of the Rings for example. You could not do it. People would saw every fraud.

How would he explain evolution to some warring desert tribes?

How? He would not said "after its own kind" he would not want to misguide them doesnt he.

Explaining evolution is simple. For example - your mother is a rock. Or the mother of this group of creature is a mouse for example. And a mother of that creature was a fish. Instead he called us all the sons of Adam and Eve. Ofcourse there is a methaporical serpent there from time to time. But... it has nothing to do with evolution, maybe with the science of the behaviour of animals - ethology . The reptiles are known for their lack of empathy called many times being coldblooded. So if someone is a son of the serpent - he took the characteristic of a serpent - being a psychopath. Ofcourse it have nothing to do with reptilians, rather reptilians story is another story to ridicule the Bible. Just like the evolution.

It would be easier for them to just think that "God created everything". For the same reason we don't teach evolutionary biology in kindergarten. Even adults have trouble understanding it  Wink

If you believe in evolution it does not mean that you understand it do you? I understand it very well as well as Baddecker we have proven that we do many times in this thread. The question is - do you understand it?
Activity: 30
Merit: 0
March 19, 2018, 02:10:03 AM
Except that God, Himself, in the Bible says creation, and "after its kind"... not evolution.
Guess what? God didn't write the Bible. Some bearded Jews did. But you can believe what you like.
I wouldn't take their word, especially after some much time has passed and we know much more about the world.
Another thing, let's assume God really spoke through the Bible. How would he explain evolution to some warring desert tribes? It would be easier for them to just think that "God created everything". For the same reason we don't teach evolutionary biology in kindergarten. Even adults have trouble understanding it  Wink
Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
March 18, 2018, 07:42:32 PM

There is plenty of evidence, there are hundreds of different websites with it. I know you only believe ''answers in genesis''

This is interesting. All the evidence in your links is that they SAY there is evidence.

Let me say it again. There is no proof for evolution. Show us even one proof of evolution.

And also. Essentially all the evidence for evolution fits something else better.

Next, there are the many things that show evolution to be impossible.

Evolution is a hoax.


And all your links, which are basically all from answers in genesis SAY there is no evidence. Let me say it again, there is proof for evolution.

''Show us even one proof of evolution.'' Well every time I link something you say the same stupid shit like above lmao

''And also. Essentially all the evidence for evolution fits something else better.'' Again saying the same shit, no it doesn't. Evolution totally destroys creationism, get over it.

''Next, there are the many things that show evolution to be impossible.'' They are all fallacious and easily rebutted tho.

Since your links never show any proof, and since the evidence in your links fits creation or adaptation better than evolution, I am right in saying the same old thing.

Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
March 18, 2018, 07:40:47 PM
The Kingdom is among you. That is a subtle detail but important newertheless. The devil is in the detail you know? The term was used as to not be decieved. Do not believe others. It is you who will know not some wise guy over the internet that plays with words. Its amongs you, to emphasize, that its not among them.

If you delete a large part of the Bible for your convenience sake I would not call you brother sadly, because whoever take away from that book let him be cursed.

You are just another type of gnostic. Suit yourself.

Namaste? Its hinduistic term. Everything I believe is the tradition of man? Not if you believe in Christs word. How someone calling themselve a christian can say that is beyond my understanding, not that I would wish to understand why someone is so illogical and self contradictory. Someone just is. Like many other things.

Why would only christian be divine? Because it is proven that all the rest are mere demonical imitations without the proper understanding.

Yes they are all true to some degree. It is like every succesfull lies is true to some degree. Like evolution. It is true that there is a dna, adaptation, change, natural selection etc etc.

Yes the Holy Ghost and The Kingdom of God is not in the book, but whoever keepeth the teaching of that book is to be blessed with both.
Devil is a term invented by the ego to blame someone else for its problems and failures.
I'm not a Christian and yes I highly appreciate gnosticism. I'm calling you brother as a fellow human. We are brothers despite every possible difference between us. It's a sad thing that you think that your fellow humans are deceived by the devil and even call it proven. (How would you prove such a thing). Very egoistic belief also. No one is right except us, the chosen people, type of belief. Christianity can do better than that tribal idea. Do you think God would let billions of people be deceived and only give the truth to the chosen Jewish/Christian people? What kind of God would it be? Would you let your children be deceived? Would you favour one over the others?

My point is this: God is in/among us and in the whole of nature, growing with its magnificent splendor, evolving through myriad of lifeforms. But you are to fascinated with ancient books to see Him in Nature and fellow humans.
Have you heard of a Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin ( Please read his work to see how evolution nicely fits with Christianity. Never stop learning.

Except that God, Himself, in the Bible says creation, and "after its kind"... not evolution.

Activity: 30
Merit: 0
March 18, 2018, 04:18:10 PM
The Kingdom is among you. That is a subtle detail but important newertheless. The devil is in the detail you know? The term was used as to not be decieved. Do not believe others. It is you who will know not some wise guy over the internet that plays with words. Its amongs you, to emphasize, that its not among them.

If you delete a large part of the Bible for your convenience sake I would not call you brother sadly, because whoever take away from that book let him be cursed.

You are just another type of gnostic. Suit yourself.

Namaste? Its hinduistic term. Everything I believe is the tradition of man? Not if you believe in Christs word. How someone calling themselve a christian can say that is beyond my understanding, not that I would wish to understand why someone is so illogical and self contradictory. Someone just is. Like many other things.

Why would only christian be divine? Because it is proven that all the rest are mere demonical imitations without the proper understanding.

Yes they are all true to some degree. It is like every succesfull lies is true to some degree. Like evolution. It is true that there is a dna, adaptation, change, natural selection etc etc.

Yes the Holy Ghost and The Kingdom of God is not in the book, but whoever keepeth the teaching of that book is to be blessed with both.
Devil is a term invented by the ego to blame someone else for its problems and failures.
I'm not a Christian and yes I highly appreciate gnosticism. I'm calling you brother as a fellow human. We are brothers despite every possible difference between us. It's a sad thing that you think that your fellow humans are deceived by the devil and even call it proven. (How would you prove such a thing). Very egoistic belief also. No one is right except us, the chosen people, type of belief. Christianity can do better than that tribal idea. Do you think God would let billions of people be deceived and only give the truth to the chosen Jewish/Christian people? What kind of God would it be? Would you let your children be deceived? Would you favour one over the others?

My point is this: God is in/among us and in the whole of nature, growing with its magnificent splendor, evolving through myriad of lifeforms. But you are to fascinated with ancient books to see Him in Nature and fellow humans.
Have you heard of a Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin ( Please read his work to see how evolution nicely fits with Christianity. Never stop learning.
Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
March 18, 2018, 07:52:12 AM

There is plenty of evidence, there are hundreds of different websites with it. I know you only believe ''answers in genesis''

This is interesting. All the evidence in your links is that they SAY there is evidence.

Let me say it again. There is no proof for evolution. Show us even one proof of evolution.

And also. Essentially all the evidence for evolution fits something else better.

Next, there are the many things that show evolution to be impossible.

Evolution is a hoax.


And all your links, which are basically all from answers in genesis SAY there is no evidence. Let me say it again, there is proof for evolution.

''Show us even one proof of evolution.'' Well every time I link something you say the same stupid shit like above lmao

''And also. Essentially all the evidence for evolution fits something else better.'' Again saying the same shit, no it doesn't. Evolution totally destroys creationism, get over it.

''Next, there are the many things that show evolution to be impossible.'' They are all fallacious and easily rebutted tho.

The things shown in the links are evidence for creation. God made life on our planet to work together.

The proof for evolution is lacking. Why? Because all the evidences provided can easily be shown to be either adaptation or evidence of creation compatibility.

In other words, it's what you want to believe. Evolution is a religion.

Evolution is a hoax.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
March 18, 2018, 07:36:18 AM

There is plenty of evidence, there are hundreds of different websites with it. I know you only believe ''answers in genesis''

This is interesting. All the evidence in your links is that they SAY there is evidence.

Let me say it again. There is no proof for evolution. Show us even one proof of evolution.

And also. Essentially all the evidence for evolution fits something else better.

Next, there are the many things that show evolution to be impossible.

Evolution is a hoax.


And all your links, which are basically all from answers in genesis SAY there is no evidence. Let me say it again, there is proof for evolution.

''Show us even one proof of evolution.'' Well every time I link something you say the same stupid shit like above lmao

''And also. Essentially all the evidence for evolution fits something else better.'' Again saying the same shit, no it doesn't. Evolution totally destroys creationism, get over it.

''Next, there are the many things that show evolution to be impossible.'' They are all fallacious and easily rebutted tho.

Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
March 18, 2018, 06:49:42 AM
You just lost it. Why? This is a forum where we communicate using words. If we don't understand the meanings of words, then the forum has no meaning.

I showed you the meaning of the word religion. But you don't like the meaning. Why not? Do you simply like to have your own pet meanings for words? If that's what it is, why would you expect anyone to be able to communicate with you in a forum?

Further. Thank you for letting us know that you are not an atheist, although why you did so is unclear.

If you believe in evolution, you have a religion. Believe is what is done in religions. If you KNOW about evolution, then you know it is a hoax. Why? There isn't any proof for evolution. Even evolution evidence fits something else better than it fits evolution. The evolution scientists who study evolution know this. But since you simply believe what they say because you don't know, you have made them the high priests of your evolution religion.

Thanks for showing me what religion means. Great that you put such a complex term in one sentence, really academic approach, you should have your own class on religion on Harvard.
In line with this definition - I fully believe red traffic light means "don't go", so is it a religion? Do you see how absurd you sound when you use this definition out of its context?

Proof of evolution is all around you, in fossils, in DNA, but you think it's a hoax. Where is the proof of creationism? I don't consider ancient books as proof if they are contradicted with scientific evidence and ordinary logic. This is the difference between creationists and evolutionists.
I don't believe evolution because someone says so, but because it feels so natural and logical. After all, it feels so elegant, actually divine. But creationists cannot think of an elegant God who uses evolution, they see God with a magic wand, like kindergarten kids. But I don't have a problem with that because I accept different viewpoints. The problem is when you use the words like "hoax" for things you don't like or don't understand.

You are welcome for the thanks. But I'm not interested in teaching a class at Harvard right now.

A couple of buddies were driving down the road one day. As they were going along, they came to a red light, but the driver didn't stop. He drove right on through. The passenger thought, "Well, everybody does that once in a while." They came to another red light, and again, the driver drove right on through like he didn't see that the light was red. His buddy casually remarked, "Who taught you to drive? That was a red light back there." The driver replied, "My brother taught me to drive, and doesn't red mean 'go' and green mean 'stop'?" His buddy, the passenger, was shocked. He said, "No, no. It's just the opposite. Red means 'stop' and green means 'go'. Your brother has it backwards. If you don't change, we're liable to get into an accident." "I see," said the drive. "I'll do it the right way from now on." As they were driving along, they came to a green light. The driver stopped. The passenger thought, What? He said, "Didn't we just go through this - red means 'stop' but green means 'go'? Why did you stop for green?" The driver said, "My brother might have been coming the other way."

All the evidence that fits evolution theory so far, fits something else better... something like adaptation.

All the so-called proof for evolution so far, has been found to not prove evolution when it is examined according to further and more complex scientific examination.

There are many things in nature and life that show that evolution in any way we can imagine it is impossible.

When we think that our brother might be coming down the road with mixed up evolution evidence, we need to slow down for the "green," not stop for it. We need to show him that the proof for evolution is all talk, even though it might be something that maintains evolution theory.

The only reason that evolution is maintained as a theory rather than simply dropped, is because some people want it to remain a theory. They want it to remain a theory for several reason, among which are:
1. They make money off the belief of people, via the universities, and the digs;
2. They remain popular and famous because of it;
3. Dropping evolution, as it should be dropped, would upset the current flow of science;
4. Dropping evolution, as it should be dropped, would upset society because of how wide-spread the evolution religion has become.
But the evolution lie needs to stop so that people can wake up and live with correct thinking.

Evolution is a pure hoax.

hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 500
March 18, 2018, 06:41:56 AM

Why do you call my beliefs shallow? You don't know me ok? You ignored my whole post. Why? Should I post it again?

You were talking about Nietzsche so I told you - you know nothing about. Now you say that Nietzsche wanted to say what you want to say and not what he wanted to say?

You do the same with the Bible. You do the same with me. You caricature everything you talk about to suit you.

You are exactly the "last man" that Nietzsche was talking about. And the same men that Bible says:

2 Tim 4:3

"3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;"

But literal reading cuts you the trouble of thinking for yourself, you can just take things as they are written because of their traditional authority. I choose the way of inquiry, scepticism and knowledge.

You choose the way of the itching ears my brother. I choose not the traditions of man. You do.

Judaism was a tribal ethnocentric religion and Old Testament reflects that, while New Testament opens the level of a world religion free from many tribal taboos and superstitions (not from all).

Are you talking to me or with Nietzsche? You tried to put the words in Nietzsche mouth. Have I said - I am so happy what Izrealites were? No. I was not. But not because of what you say, but because of what Christ said about them. He had said they abandoned Tora(literary meaning) in favour of Talmud (human interpretations and metaphors).

So it is not only you are not agreeing with me. You are not agreeing with the Nietzsche, you are not even agreeing with Christ. And you tell me I do something wrong.... well..... Remove the beam of wood from your eye ok?

Btw why literal commandments cannot be summarise into one commandment if it leads to one being? Why do they have to be metaphorical to do so? That is silly.... completly. If you take something metaphoricly you make more out of something not less.... I wonder how people think.... really. Itching ears...

Christianity came out from His upgrading of the Old Testament.

Well... In some sense it was. But Christ took the Old Testament liteally ok? He fulfilled the law ok? He did not disband it. Or maybe you make a metaphor out of it as well...

Many things in the Bible are as well metaphorical as well as literal ok? That is the beuty of this book. And some things are purely metaphorical. If you think I take everything literaly you must take me for an idiot ok? But on the other hand if you pick what is metaphorical or you think that everything in the book is metaphorical then the John would say about you that you came from the spirit of the antichrist.
If I say you have shallow beliefs, I'm not saying you are shallow. We have to discern people from their beliefs. Failing to do so creates all the trouble in this world. You could believe the craziest thing ever, but I still respect you as a person.
Ok, forget about Nietzsche. I used him freely to make a point. It may have been misused.
I'm sad to give you the news but everything you believe (and everyone in this world) are the traditions of man. Why would only Judaeo-Christian tradition be divine? Why not Hindu, Buddhist or Muslim? I believe they are all true in various degrees. Religions are human conceptualisations of reality. They are called divine because of the sublime insights they offer.

Antichrist and all that magical stuff is missing to point of Christianity in my opinion. The point is, as I see it, that we are all brothers and that "the Kingdom is within you". It's within you, and not in old books.
Obviously, we cannot reach an agreement and that's perfectly fine. Namaste, my brother  Smiley

The Kingdom is among you. That is a subtle detail but important newertheless. The devil is in the detail you know? The term was used as to not be decieved. Do not believe others. It is you who will know not some wise guy over the internet that plays with words. Its amongs you, to emphasize, that its not among them.

If you delete a large part of the Bible for your convenience sake I would not call you brother sadly, because whoever take away from that book let him be cursed.

You are just another type of gnostic. Suit yourself.

Namaste? Its hinduistic term. Everything I believe is the tradition of man? Not if you believe in Christs word. How someone calling themselve a christian can say that is beyond my understanding, not that I would wish to understand why someone is so illogical and self contradictory. Someone just is. Like many other things.

Why would only christian be divine? Because it is proven that all the rest are mere demonical imitations without the proper understanding.

Yes they are all true to some degree. It is like every succesfull lies is true to some degree. Like evolution. It is true that there is a dna, adaptation, change, natural selection etc etc.

Yes the Holy Ghost and The Kingdom of God is not in the book, but whoever keepeth the teaching of that book is to be blessed with both.

Activity: 30
Merit: 0
March 18, 2018, 05:17:21 AM

Why do you call my beliefs shallow? You don't know me ok? You ignored my whole post. Why? Should I post it again?

You were talking about Nietzsche so I told you - you know nothing about. Now you say that Nietzsche wanted to say what you want to say and not what he wanted to say?

You do the same with the Bible. You do the same with me. You caricature everything you talk about to suit you.

You are exactly the "last man" that Nietzsche was talking about. And the same men that Bible says:

2 Tim 4:3

"3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;"

But literal reading cuts you the trouble of thinking for yourself, you can just take things as they are written because of their traditional authority. I choose the way of inquiry, scepticism and knowledge.

You choose the way of the itching ears my brother. I choose not the traditions of man. You do.

Judaism was a tribal ethnocentric religion and Old Testament reflects that, while New Testament opens the level of a world religion free from many tribal taboos and superstitions (not from all).

Are you talking to me or with Nietzsche? You tried to put the words in Nietzsche mouth. Have I said - I am so happy what Izrealites were? No. I was not. But not because of what you say, but because of what Christ said about them. He had said they abandoned Tora(literary meaning) in favour of Talmud (human interpretations and metaphors).

So it is not only you are not agreeing with me. You are not agreeing with the Nietzsche, you are not even agreeing with Christ. And you tell me I do something wrong.... well..... Remove the beam of wood from your eye ok?

Btw why literal commandments cannot be summarise into one commandment if it leads to one being? Why do they have to be metaphorical to do so? That is silly.... completly. If you take something metaphoricly you make more out of something not less.... I wonder how people think.... really. Itching ears...

Christianity came out from His upgrading of the Old Testament.

Well... In some sense it was. But Christ took the Old Testament liteally ok? He fulfilled the law ok? He did not disband it. Or maybe you make a metaphor out of it as well...

Many things in the Bible are as well metaphorical as well as literal ok? That is the beuty of this book. And some things are purely metaphorical. If you think I take everything literaly you must take me for an idiot ok? But on the other hand if you pick what is metaphorical or you think that everything in the book is metaphorical then the John would say about you that you came from the spirit of the antichrist.
If I say you have shallow beliefs, I'm not saying you are shallow. We have to discern people from their beliefs. Failing to do so creates all the trouble in this world. You could believe the craziest thing ever, but I still respect you as a person.
Ok, forget about Nietzsche. I used him freely to make a point. It may have been misused.
I'm sad to give you the news but everything you believe (and everyone in this world) are the traditions of man. Why would only Judaeo-Christian tradition be divine? Why not Hindu, Buddhist or Muslim? I believe they are all true in various degrees. Religions are human conceptualisations of reality. They are called divine because of the sublime insights they offer.

Antichrist and all that magical stuff is missing to point of Christianity in my opinion. The point is, as I see it, that we are all brothers and that "the Kingdom is within you". It's within you, and not in old books.
Obviously, we cannot reach an agreement and that's perfectly fine. Namaste, my brother  Smiley
Activity: 30
Merit: 0
March 18, 2018, 05:00:10 AM
You just lost it. Why? This is a forum where we communicate using words. If we don't understand the meanings of words, then the forum has no meaning.

I showed you the meaning of the word religion. But you don't like the meaning. Why not? Do you simply like to have your own pet meanings for words? If that's what it is, why would you expect anyone to be able to communicate with you in a forum?

Further. Thank you for letting us know that you are not an atheist, although why you did so is unclear.

If you believe in evolution, you have a religion. Believe is what is done in religions. If you KNOW about evolution, then you know it is a hoax. Why? There isn't any proof for evolution. Even evolution evidence fits something else better than it fits evolution. The evolution scientists who study evolution know this. But since you simply believe what they say because you don't know, you have made them the high priests of your evolution religion.

Thanks for showing me what religion means. Great that you put such a complex term in one sentence, really academic approach, you should have your own class on religion on Harvard.
In line with this definition - I fully believe red traffic light means "don't go", so is it a religion? Do you see how absurd you sound when you use this definition out of its context?

Proof of evolution is all around you, in fossils, in DNA, but you think it's a hoax. Where is the proof of creationism? I don't consider ancient books as proof if they are contradicted with scientific evidence and ordinary logic. This is the difference between creationists and evolutionists.
I don't believe evolution because someone says so, but because it feels so natural and logical. After all, it feels so elegant, actually divine. But creationists cannot think of an elegant God who uses evolution, they see God with a magic wand, like kindergarten kids. But I don't have a problem with that because I accept different viewpoints. The problem is when you use the words like "hoax" for things you don't like or don't understand.
Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
March 17, 2018, 09:33:53 PM

There is plenty of evidence, there are hundreds of different websites with it. I know you only believe ''answers in genesis''

This is interesting. All the evidence in your links is that they SAY there is evidence.

Let me say it again. There is no proof for evolution. Show us even one proof of evolution.

And also. Essentially all the evidence for evolution fits something else better.

Next, there are the many things that show evolution to be impossible.

Evolution is a hoax.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
March 17, 2018, 07:30:44 PM

There is plenty of evidence, there are hundreds of different websites with it. I know you only believe ''answers in genesis''
Activity: 29
Merit: 0
March 17, 2018, 06:02:59 PM
Science can be told to be as much con as religion Smiley

Your preaching science and know nothing of it, just because you saw it somewhere .

That's how conning works.

But im not conned by your madness Smiley

Not more than by preacher of any sort.

Science doesnt prove much evolution  no more than you prove anything.

You dont even know what proof is lol

Typing in caps being drunk insulting people is not really a proof of anything outside of your own madness and authority complex .

I blame your parents for yelling too much at you to show their authority.
Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
March 17, 2018, 04:59:28 PM
You entirely ignore the fact that according to the complete definition of religion, Nietzsche and evolution and atheism are religion, just as formal religions are religion. See #6 at ( "something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience:
to make a religion of fighting prejudice."
OMG. You are losing it. Jumping from one thing to another. Nietzsche is a philosopher. Evolution is a scientific theory (one of the greatest in terms of explanatory power). Atheism is a disbelief in God or gods.
I devotedly brush my teeth every evening and no one can convince me it's wrong, so is brushing teeth a religion, according to your bright logic?
Although I understand your point that people can be rigid in their beliefs, whatever they were. I'm not like that. I believe the most reasonable and proven scenario. And that is evolution right now.
Don't be so quick to judge people. I'm not an atheist, totally opposite - pantheist  Wink

You just lost it. Why? This is a forum where we communicate using words. If we don't understand the meanings of words, then the forum has no meaning.

I showed you the meaning of the word religion. But you don't like the meaning. Why not? Do you simply like to have your own pet meanings for words? If that's what it is, why would you expect anyone to be able to communicate with you in a forum?

Further. Thank you for letting us know that you are not an atheist, although why you did so is unclear.

If you believe in evolution, you have a religion. Believe is what is done in religions. If you KNOW about evolution, then you know it is a hoax. Why? There isn't any proof for evolution. Even evolution evidence fits something else better than it fits evolution. The evolution scientists who study evolution know this. But since you simply believe what they say because you don't know, you have made them the high priests of your evolution religion.

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