CUDA: Device: 0 Thread exited with code: 46
CUDA: Device: 1 Thread exited with code: 46
CUDA: Device: 2 Thread exited with code: 46
CUDA: Device: 3 Thread exited with code: 46
CUDA: Device: 4 Thread exited with code: 46
ERROR: Some workers are stopped. Attempt to restart: 2
CUDA: Device: 0 GeForce GTX 1070, 8192 MB M0
CUDA: Device: 0 Thread exited with code: 46
CUDA: Device: 1 GeForce GTX 1070, 8192 MB M0
CUDA: Device: 1 Thread exited with code: 46
CUDA: Device: 2 GeForce GTX 1070, 8192 MB M0
CUDA: Device: 2 Thread exited with code: 46
CUDA: Device: 3 GeForce GTX 1070, 8192 MB M0
CUDA: Device: 3 Thread exited with code: 46
CUDA: Device: 4 GeForce GTX 1070, 8192 MB M0
CUDA: Device: 4 Thread exited with code: 46
Just got the same glitch, restarting the script worked fine.
Some time ago I had kind of the same problem with Claymore and my AMD's.
hint to EWBF: Setting the (-r 240) "restart by user" switch to every 4 hours solved my problem.
Thanks for the restart by user hint, didn't even know it existed till I saw your post. I've set it up on all my miners as a just in case measure. I believe I have found a solution for Thread exited with code: 46 , Thread exited with code: 77 , and Thread exited with code 30 . After hours of tinkering and sifting through logs in EVGA precision X I noticed a correlation between power % and this error. Every time it would happen on my 1060 and 1070 rigs they would be within 4% of 100%. One of the times I even saw GPU voltage at 0.000% the line before the miner crashed. I've found on both my rigs that were having this problem, setting the power % to 94% has stopped the problem and allowed me to returned to an overclocked (rather than under clocked) configuration. My 1060 is now getting me a consistent 280-300 sol/sec with these overclocked settings on an MSI 1060 3GT OC 3GB.
Do you know what is the manufacter of your GPU's memory?