Скажите честно, Вы за веткой следите, прежде чем посты слать?
прошу прощения, на автомате ответил )
из сложности генерации блока следует два преимущества:
1. новые монеты распределяются равномерно между участниками системы
2. для создания фальшивого блока нужно много усилий
если сделать блоки чаще, то во-первых сложнее будет синхронизировать цепочки
во-вторых любой злонамеренный юзер сможет много много нагадить в систему плохих блоков, от которых ей прийдётся избавляться
как-то так
вот нашел с англ. ветки:
But another question is, why does it have to be that way? Was it based on technical limitations of having too many blocks if there was 1 per minute or 1 per second?
It's to allow for high latency between nodes. If it was one minute, a few seconds of latency between ends of the network could give someone with good network resources a better chance of winning blocks, damaging the "one vote per CPU" principle.
Also, remember that a confirmation is valuable because it represents some CPU power. If it took a minute on average to get a confirmation, you'd have to get 10 confirmations to match the protection of a single 10-minute confirmation. 1-minute confirmations might even be less valuable than 0 confirmations in such a system because it could be cheaper for an attacker to solve the required number of blocks than to overcome the TCP network.
и с вики:
Why ten minutes specifically? It is a tradeoff chosen by Satoshi between propagation time of new blocks in large networks and the amount of work wasted due to chain splits. If that made no sense to you, don't worry.