You gotta love how all these shills like Vod and suchmoon call me a liar and tag me as a scammer while NASA rakes in $57 million USD/day. Maybe that nice astronaut will lend me her wire cutters so I can go to work on you dirtbags.
Amazing they can ignore the mountain of evidence. They seem to have no red flag system for calling bullshit. They are broken humans (you can tell by the constant insults) Those images they were sold as a kid really burned into their minds and they are too scared to break away from the herd.
They are tagging you with negative trust trying to shut you the hell up. They have no evidence of curvature so this is what it has turned to.
Your getting through to people. I wonder how many readers you have turned that don't want to speak up due to the underhanded tactics.
Keep it up. You have amassed a incredible knowledge base here on this thread. Your also exposing their lack of evidence. Anyone with half a brain can see who is providing real information and evidence and who is name calling. We had a great example of that here tonight. They don't even get the fact they are hurting their own cause. LOL
Thanks for all the information!
Look at that woman's hair in clip above then compare it to women on the Zero G planes hair. Unbelievable anyone would buy this shit.