That is definitely some interesting interpretation of the bible, of course any bible scholar would disagree with you. Even badecker here doesn't believe the earth is flat. We are still waiting for real evidence, though, fake cgi videos don't count.
Genesis 1:4 should be under the first heading I edited it, it's the on-off switch.
There's no evidence that can satisfy somebody willing to make dishonest arguments and support manufactured evidence.
You really haven't given any, one video of a moon with some weird effect. You go from that to claim the moon and other stars and planets are holograms, show me the hologram projector then. Your interpretations of the bible, as I said, are just your imagination, again, no scholar would agree with you, in fact 99.99% of believers don't. Maybe you should think about that.
In Genesis 1:3 (KJV) it says
"And God said, Let there be light: and there was light." but God hasn't created the Sun, Moon or any Stars yet. What do you reckon is the correct interpretation then? What is this light, where is this light coming from, why is there light?
Don't say just because God said so, it was magically wished into existence, don't give me that bullshit. Take your appeal to authority with your bible scholars and go blow them out of your asshole!
Oh it's actually very easy to explain that, people that wrote that book 10.000 years ago had no idea about almost anything and clearly made terrible mistakes, can't blame them for their ignorance though. first issue with insects walking on all fours is clearly a translation error, crawling insect being correct. The argument assumes our ancestors were so stupid they couldn't count to six, you can take that and the rest of your appeal to rationalwiki authority and blow it out of your asshole!
beer batter "kosher" grasshopperGod wouldn't let the only proof of his existence to have translation errors.
Creating human from clay and ribs.
Talking snake.
We all are sinners because of a fruit eaten by an innocent uneducated girl.
Punishing pharaoh for having a harden heart which God gave him at the first place.
Dividing ocean.
A bloke survived in the whole digestive system of a sea monster for 3 days.
Woman became pregnant without the good part (I mean without having sex).
Turning water into wine violating basic laws of physics.
Resurrection of a man the god allowed to be killed.
According to the book of Genesis, Chapter 1 Verses 11 to 13, vegetation was created on the third day along with seed bearing grasses, plants and trees, and sun was created on the fourth day (verses 14-19). How is it scientifically possible for vegetation to have appeared on earth without the presence of the sun?
We know the earth is far older than 10k years.
This story of the flood, as given in the Bible, contradicts scientific evidence from archaelogical sources which indicate that the eleventh dynasty in Egypt and the third dynasty in Babylonia were in existence without any break in civilisation and in a manner totally unaffected by any major calamity which may have occurred in the 21st century B.C.
I'm bored to find more, there are plenty, bottom line is the bible is garbage overall but it is absolute garbage when it comes to scientific understanding of the world so please refrain from ever using it again as proof for anything.