Oldest and longest resisting hoax ever made by man kind.
Heliocentrism - the youngest and shortest resisting hoax ever made by manking.
P.S Im not a flat earther. But dont judge if you dont want to be judged. You see only flaws in the flat earth model like if heliocentric was flawless. No sir its faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from sustainable. They need to invent utterly stupid shit like dark matter for heliocentrism to make even slightest of sense. Just check what is a dark matter according to physics no according to popular science. Its a mass that "must be there" otherwise all of their calculations are wrong. Yeah they are wrong with or without a dark matter lol.
Don't judge?! Every time you get out of bed you make a judgement to do so. You judge people and things all day long. Did the cook make your breakfast well enough? Do your eggs have enough hot sauce on them? Do you need another gulp of water?
Dont judge others because you might be the stupid as well in some sittuation. Firstly judge yourself. Dont talk like if you dont know what im talking about. In other words dont use logical fallacies that if someone is wrong you are right. Thats just wrong. You call yourself a christian and you dont know what Im talking about? Thats bad man. Thats bad.
Jesus said that we are not supposed to judge. But what was He really talking about? When I get judged by Him, I want to be judged as qualified for salvation.
The math for a black hole says that the BH is the size of a point. Points don't have any size. Black Holes don't exist.
It's semantics in part.
Not a black hole. Dont you even know that the official science makes patches that invent dark matter that is way more dense than the rest of the universe for their equations to make sense? In other words - they talk to themselfs - fuck it doesnt make sense there must be something to make sense to all of this - lets just invent shit and call it spooky like dark matter. In all other cases that "calculations" would be called cheating, because in other words they say they are right even if they are wrong.
Qualified for salvation because in a lot of verses Jesus implies he dont listen to the hypocrites. So. Just dont be a hypocrite. Its a plain language I dont know why people struggle to understand this.
Fact that you can go from one point all around and get same spot where you started is enough to understand that Earth is a round object not a flat surface
Thats not what flat earthers imply! You dont know their theory and you call them stupid. Thats not very smart. You dont know the problems of your heliocentric model as well and you call it absolute truth I suppose as well. Otherwise you wouldnt be so sure that flat earth must be wrong.
The Bible tells us that all people are liars. So, if I state such, am I a liar when I state it? The point is, everyone states some truth and some lies.
The standard simple triangulation of the stars with relation to the earth and sun, shows that the earth is a globe, that the sun is roughly 93,000,000 miles from the earth, that the sun is roughly 800,000 miles in diameter. If you add the moon, that the moon is roughly 225,000 miles away, and that its diameter is roughly 2,159 miles.
This stuff is based on simple triangulation that is used everyday by surveyors all over the world. This triangulation is shown to work by using it small scale, and then making actual measurements by ruler or tape measure to see if it is right. In addition to that, complex math shows that this triangulation is accurate.
FE people don't have anything that refutes triangulation. Neither do they have actual small-scale measurements that prove it is wrong. Geometry and calculus that show that standard triangulation it is correct.
Flat earth is false. It is religion if it is believed to be true.
Its imposible to measure by trigonometry the distance to the sun using the earth as a refference because the sun in bigger than the earth according to official story. We cant use stars as a refference as well as we dont know how far those are either. We could measure the distance to the sun knowing the distance from earth to lets say venus. But in my opinion we dont know that. Official science says we use venus if Im not wrong to make such a calculations.
Google "how to determine the distance to the sun" to find several different ways to determine the distance to the sun. Many of these use triangulation. With a simple transit and a slightly more powerful telescope, you could with reasonable accuracy do the math yourself.
They dont have to refute something you dont accuratly say how you measure? Are you using the earth, venus and the sun in your triangulation? Or you just heard they do that? Or you dont understand what you are talking about? How do they meassure the distance from earth to venus? Triangulation as well? How? Magic? You know you have to have three defined points to triangulate do you? And two of them must be known.
Nobody has to do anything but die. Why do you suggest that I think someone is required to refute something? As above, Google "how to determine the distance to the sun" to find several different ways to determine the distance to the sun. Most of them use triangulation that surveyors use everyday.
They make the assumption that venus is roughly the same size as the earth because thats what they thought would make sense. Well. That doesnt make it true. If its smaller than they think the sun is relativly closer and if venus is very small the sun is very close.
p.s about your antiintelect position of catholic church im 100% oposed. We can know the truth and we can see if someone is lying dont make assumptions that people are hopelessly dumb. Yes sure. Catholics mostly are, but not all people are catholics. And people are inherently good, but a little messed up by the nefilims and under their influence.
Since you don't provide enough info to explain what you mean by my "antiintelect position of catholic church," there is no way for me to express any opinion about it.
People are hopelessly ignorant about many things. Why? Because some things are very complex, and people don't live long enough to study all things. Because of this, people have to trust other people for many things.
To show you how much you have to trust other people, do you ever walk down the sidewalk? If you do, you have to trust that all the people walking next to you are going to be relatively peaceful like you. Why do you have to trust? Because you don't know at what moment a stranger is going to single you out for attack, and kill you on the spot.
People are NOT inherently good. Their goodness flows from Jesus placing goodness in the hearts of everyone. Goodness flows from Jesus... from God. People are inherently evil.