The evidence supporting a flat, stationary world is overwhelming and growing daily. Go pro sponsored just about ever thing taking a camera to high attitude, but the fish eye lens had its days too.
If Earth were a spinning ball heated by a Sun 93 million miles away, it would be impossible to have simultaneously sweltering summers in Africa while just a few thousand miles away bone-chilling frozen Arctic/Antarctic winters experiencing little to no heat from the Sun whatsoever. If the heat from the Sun traveled 93,000,000 miles to the Sahara desert, it is absurd to assert that another 4,000 miles (0.00004%) further to Antarctica would completely negate such sweltering heat resulting in such drastic differences.
Yea but the seasons are explanined as the earth is on an elliptical orbit around the sun, and the earth is tilted 23 degrees on the vertical axis.
But this is also faulty, because if the axis is tilted, then because its is not wobbling, i guess there would be permanent summer on the southern hemisphere.
Also due to this, the heat on the southern hemisphere would be much higher than it is on the northern, which is not true, here is a heat map where I marked the equator with a green line.
You can see that its not just that the southern hemisphere doesnt have permawinter (probably a lot of australians know how cold winters are sometimes), but its average temperature exactly where the tilt is, is actually lower than it is where its farther from the sun.
South Africa would get direct 90 degree sun rays directly,and the temperature there has to be like 70 degrees celsius in the summer for this theory to work, so it is crap really.
So I guess the 23 degree tilt theory is a big pile of donkey crap, it doesnt make sense.