This is the reason for global warming propaganda.
The global elitists are strongly pushing the idea of global warming because, if the North Pole ice is allowed to dissipate, we all can have access to the "big hole" at the North Pole, like Admiral Byrd found. Once we intermingle with the advanced races inside, we will learn their knowledge about how to free ourselves from global domination by the global elite. We are already starting with Bitcoin. Obviously, they don't want to lose control, so they are fighting in every way that they can think of.
The reason for chemtrails is, the global elite are spraying massive amounts of powdered aluminum into the atmosphere, to hopefully reflect some of the sun's heat, in an effort to keep the polar ice caps from melting. A couple of side advantages from the aluminum are in the Alzheimer's that develops, both to keep the population "dumb," and to help people die off early so that the world population decreases, at least in its rapid expansion rate.
You are going to die young from the chemtrails. You will never find out all the riches of wisdom and knowledge of the inhabitants of the inside of the earth, because the global elitists are killing you off with chemtrails, the same chemtrails they are using to keep the polar ice caps from melting any further.