i personally do not think we should go after family members but we should go after pirate with lawyers... that is what i am working on now.
extortion and wire fraud has a good ring to it...
i really feel ashamed that so many try to hunt down the family
His family knows about this / is in on it. Don't have proof, but am working on it slowly.
Applying pressure to family members is good. They would find this uneasy, and they would talk to Pirate, and he would have the pressure from his family, and I would think that no matter how cynical he is, he will have some love for his family, and he would probably want to save face as well. On the other hand, perhaps he doesn't care about anything or anybody, and such pressure would be futile, but with the right kind of pressure, it's amazing how people can change their opinions, or change their acts.
We should all be glad we don't live in North Corea, then the entire family would be thrown in a workers camp for his wrongdoings.
He has no love for his family. Without revealing too much, it is apparent they know and he has told him such. You can find traces of these actions by his family taking down their social media website and their communications.
Ironically, his wife must be really dumb, because she keeps posting on facebook, although turned up her privacy settings (I believe after checking into it more..). There is more I am not going to say bc it could cancel out what I am trying to do, but there is a slim chance it will work regardless.
So, I think the family and friends are the easiest way to gain access to him. He has no money AFAIK, his parents are going through bankruptcy.. they aren't going too far.