However the US has done one thing, it has shown restraint when it had and has now vast nuclear advantage. I wonder what other countries with such and advantage would show the same restraint
The US of all countries? Nagasaki and Hiroshima ring a bell? No other country has ever dropped a nuke on people
except the US.
This is an issue where I take an unusual step (for me) of defending the US. It was a different time in history, and nuclear weapons were not well understood as evidenced by some of the domestic actions of our nuclear program. The American/Japanese war in the Pacific was one of histories most brutal and we were understandably war-weary. Coupled with this, the fact that the Japanese were tenacious and it was difficult to predict their response. It was also not lost on people that the means that the Japanese employed to control their empire were themselves extra-ordinarily inhumane so there was an understandable attitude of 'they had it coming'. Lastly, the destruction in both life and property of the atomic bombs were significantly less than the firebombings of Tokyo.
I do wish we had targeted differently. We had only two weapons to make an impression which was a distinct factor, but I think we could have taken our time and continued to nuke less populated and civilian dominated targets as fissile material became available, and it was a sure thing that we'd be producing such material at as high a rate as possible.
Ultimately I doubt that there was any country who would have deferred on the use of atomic weapons if they were in anything remotely resembling our situation at that time in history. Least the Japanese themselves.
The main lesson to be learned comes from the Japanese and it is to be ever vigilant against a militant leadership who has aspirations to build and maintain an empire. They will deliver a bucket of tears to their people eventually. Always do. Unfortunately this lesson needs to be re-learned by the masses from time to time, and the US is in the mid-life of such a cycle as I read the tea leaves.