I love a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy but something as evil as the US government killing its own people for profit is just not probable.
What is not probable is a steel tower exploding into dust without explosives.
And the US government is killing its own people for profit every day. Just look around.
If presented with a choice of either having a few Kilopeople die in a quick 'new Pearl Harbor' type event, or having millions of people die over the next few decades as a result of not being able to consume 25% of the worlds production due to loss of control over certain geographical areas and geopolitical structures, it is by no means clear to me that 'doing' 9/11 was a poor decision. At least in terms of situation management with the well being of the US as a priority.
The evidence that 9/11 was a false flag is, to me, completely overwhelming. Setting aside moral and ethical consideration of the event and the events which followed (which are, to me, quite appalling), I am not really prepared to cast judgement on the appropriateness of the strategy and probably will not be for several decades. It depends a bit on how the next step, obtaining control over Iran's oil, plays out.
The average income in the US is about $40000/year, a person can survive on $1000/year - millions of Americans aren't going to die if they have to drive smaller cars, none have to die.
The US's wealth was entirely the result of capital accumalation, production and innovation... mostly from a time when its laws and culture favored these things. It's ability to wage war are the result of it's wealth... not the source of it's wealth, and it has engaged in alot of pointless wars (Grenada??). There is no geopolitics that is making the US any money. America got rich on isolationism.
The notion that the US is in the middle east for the oil and that this is profitable doesn't hold up - the US consumer would still have to pay for oil, the producer still has to fund extracting the oil. The rulers of these countries have to sell oil to someone and if they're going to play 'geopolitics' and not sell to the highest bidder, then some other country will... the US doesn't even get most of it's oil from the middle east (it's Canada actually - how much more secure can you get, and 3rd is Mexico... 4th is Venezuela and Chavez hates America).
I think that fossil fuel is of equal or lesser importance to the ability to transport energy, and both are largely secondary in importance to money. India and China have populations which are to large to support with energy-poor agricultural methods at this point, and the situation shows now sign of letting up. If they were deprived of fossil fuel energy sources, their populations would starve and revolt. And as long as we in the US have the ability to provoke this outcome, we have tremendous leverage. Our compliant bitches (Europe, Austrailia, Canada) can tag along if they cough up some resources and manpower when told to.
Controlling the fossil fuel resources of the Middle East creates a situation where we can run enormous trade deficits as long as the situation persists. I personally can write as many checks as I like as long as I am sure that they will not be cashed, and so can the US. So, unlike a lot of people, I am of the opinion that deficits do not matter and the logical strategy is to make hay while the sun shines. Exactly as we are doing.
We are looking at population growth rates which makes starvation (and/or war) inevitable within the foreseeable future. If we can maintain our position, we might be able to keep our people from starving and steer the high casualty producing conflicts to take place among starving peoples (who will be to weak to even dream of taking us on.) Maybe we can perpetuate and control the conflicts with just drone strikes from within the safety of our own territory.
Something I don't think alot of people know: the US has the largest coal reserves in the world (and is near the top of natual gas), it is the Saudi Arabia of coal and the Iraq of natural gas. You have energy security if push comes to shove. A country can't do to the US what the US did to Japan in WW2 - cut off its supply of raw materials to prevent it from waging war (which was the reason for Pearl Harbor).
The other potential reason to be in the middle east is Israel... except Israel is armed to the teeth and fought and won wars against almost all the Arab countries combined. It's possible it could all be about Iran aquiring nukes, but if North Korea and Pakistan have nukes then you're closing the gates after the horses have escaped.
It makes me sad that the US is fighting wars and killing people for no rational reason what so ever.
That said, 911 may or may not have been an inside job... that 3rd building certainly looked suspicious. Precedents: Gulf of Tonkin (totally fake reason for Vietnam war), Gleiwitz incident (Nazis pretending to be Polish attacking German targets), the Manchurian Incident (Japanese false flag excuse to attack China during WW2)...
Makes me sad as well. I just don't buy that there is 'no reason', and I think that most people take a much to simplistic view of geopolitics and of money.
And speaking of false flags, I would add that there seems to be decent evidence that Pearl Harbor, while obviously not a 'self-inflicted wound', was
- a delight to much of our leadership as a way to get into WW-II
- provoked to a large extent by cutting off Japan's energy and steel
- got rid of a bunch of useless battleships which were only really good for sucking down fuel oil and manpower post WW-I
- ended up not harming our carrier fleet which was key in the war which followed.
It is really difficult to get a very weak country to commit suicide by attacking a much stronger one Poland->Germany, Iraq->US, Spain->US, Vietnam->US. Almost without exception in modern times, wars start either via a false flag or significant mis-calculation (Japan/US, German/USSR.)