So, let me get this straight: the US destroyed tens of billion of dollars worth of real estate to scavenge less than half a billion dollars in gold.
Yeah, that sounds reasonable
It totally is!! Much less killing a couple thousand of the best and brightest and throwing the country into a economic tailspin that cost Trillions..
all for a few hundred million of gold bars..
Maybe they bought insurance. And shorted the stock market. And leveraged up on oil. And ...
There was certainly an overall loss, but individual profits could certainly outweigh individual losses if you knew when and where it was going to happen.
You then plow all your profits into gold, and slow it off slowly at the new, elevated prices.
Maybe my dog shits gold bars. Maybe he can talk. Maybe his piss is yellow cake uranium.. Maybe I take the profit from the gold bars to send my dog to engineering school to learn how to build centrifuges with which to purify his piss into weapons grade uranium!!! Then no one will fuck with my dog cause he will be a f'n nuclear power!@!!