
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 24. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
PPP surveys Rand's favorability in Kentucky and senate matchups vs. Dems

Q13 Do you approve or disapprove of Senator Rand
Paul’s job performance?
Approve .................................................. ........ 43%
Disapprove........................................ ............... 42%
Not sure .................................................. ........ 15%

Q16 If the candidates for US Senate next year were
Republican Rand Paul and Democrat Steve
Beshear, who would you vote for?
Rand Paul .................................................. ..... 49%
Steve Beshear .................................................. 39%
Not sure .................................................. ........ 12%

Q17 If the candidates for US Senate next year were
Republican Rand Paul and Democrat Crit
Luallen, who would you vote for?
Rand Paul .................................................. ...... 51%
Crit Luallen........................................... ............ 37%
Not sure .................................................. ........ 12%

Public Policy Polling surveyed 1,108 registered voters from June 18th-21st. The margin of error
for this survey was +/-2.9%. 80% of participants responded via the phone, while 20% of
respondents who do not have landlines completed the survey over the Internet.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
I am an evangelical minister and I support Rand Paul

June 22, 2015

As my wife and I have become more involved in the process of electing leaders, we have become more aware of political clichés that sound good in 10-second sound bites. But now we demand more substance. Before, it was enough if a candidate told me they were pro-life and pro-marriage; I could be won over fairly easily.

As I studied Rand Paul and his message, it became clear that there were some very real connections that I had with him on a personal level. As I vetted the 2016 candidates, I had a clear agenda to determine who addressed the real issues facing our nation. As a minister I see the tragedies in our communities.

Rand Paul is committed to reforming our broken criminal justice system. We are feeling the shock waves through our culture because it wasn’t addressed sooner. I strongly believe that the punishment should fit the crime.

When I was 13 years old I met my biological father for the first time. I developed a relationship and bonded with him. It was something I had dreamed about. Two years later, my father was arrested for conspiracy charges on drug trafficking. As a young man in an impressionable stage, it caused a crisis in my life. My dream was annihilated.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Reminds Us Why Questioning 9/11 Still Matters

"WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Rand Paul stood with family members of victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks as he announced new bipartisan legislation that would force President Obama to declassify 28 pages of the Senate investigation into the attacks.

Senator Paul was joined at the press conference by Terry Strada, National Chair of the 9/11 Families and Survivors United For Justice Against Terrorism, who lost her daughter Kaitlyn Strada, and Abraham Scott, husband of a victim. Also present were U.S. Representatives Walter Jones (R-NC), Stephen F. Lynch (D-MA), and Thomas Massie (R-KY) and former U.S. Senator Bob Graham (D-FL).

The Transparency for the Families of 9/11 Victims and Survivors Act of 2015 was co-sponsored by Senators Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY). The bill marks the latest attempt at revealing what the Bush and Obama Administrations have been hiding within the 28 pages of the report, officially known as the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 2001.

“I stand with my colleagues today to call for the release of the final 28 pages of the 9/11 Congressional Inquiry,” Paul said. “I firmly believe the family members of the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks have the right to know the details surrounding the tragedies that occurred on that sad day.” Paul will reportedly push for a vote on the bill as an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act of 2016.

Senator Paul has already become unpopular in the Republican Party for his challenging of the Patriot Act. Bringing the 9/11 attacks to the forefront will not likely win him any more Republican friends."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: Confederate flag is “inescapably a symbol of human bondage and slavery”

During a radio interview this morning, Senator Rand Paul offered his take on the Confederate battle flag, which many have said should be taken down from South Carolina government properties in the wake of the racist murders of nine black churchgoers in Charleston.

Here’s what Paul said:

No, I agree, I think the flag is inescapably a symbol of human bondage and slavery, and particularly when people use it obviously for murder and to justify hatred so vicious that you would kill somebody I think that that symbolism needs to end, and I think South Carolina is doing the right thing.

Obviously it’s a decision for South Carolina to make, but if I were in South Carolina, that’s what I would vote to do, and that’s what I would recommend to anybody who asked for my opinion. There have been people who have used it for southern pride and heritage and all of that but really to I think to every African American in the country it’s a symbolism of slavery to them and now it’s a symbol of murder for this young man and so I think it’s time to put it in a museum.

Other Republican candidates, particularly Lindsey Graham and Mike Huckabee, have taken much more dubious positions.


I know Rand is thinking general election and has had some passed issues w/ the question over the civil rights act of 1964 (i think) and one of his staffers being a southern sympathizer but he needs to tend to the base a little more and not flounder.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Neocons Bill O'Reilly and Charles Krauthammer discuss Rand's tax plan on the most viewed Fox show tonight (technically last night).

Check it out, watch closely to see how Rand is treated on this choreographed show that is meant to sway the GOP primary heavily. Many elderly 'republicans' watch this show to get their 'news' but are usually hoodwinked.

I made it through a full 4 minutes until the Zombie came on:
Charles Krauthammer, wow I had heard of him, but never had the pleasure of viewing his soulless, half-dead face.
Yeah man, he's the nightly 'special guest' on the 6pm show and most of the programs at this time tend to be foreign policy oriented w/ him as the anointed professor. They also do this presidential primary roulette thing they play in which none of the panel ever puts any money on Rand but always on Rubio, Bush and Walker like they're trying to drive a meme to the viewers. Pathetic.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
Neocons Bill O'Reilly and Charles Krauthammer discuss Rand's tax plan on the most viewed Fox show tonight (technically last night).

Check it out, watch closely to see how Rand is treated on this choreographed show that is meant to sway the GOP primary heavily. Many elderly 'republicans' watch this show to get their 'news' but are usually hoodwinked.

I made it through a full 4 minutes until the Zombie came on:
Charles Krauthammer, wow I had heard of him, but never had the pleasure of viewing his soulless, half-dead face.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Neocons Bill O'Reilly and Charles Krauthammer discuss Rand's tax plan on the most viewed Fox show tonight (technically last night).

Check it out, watch closely to see how Rand is treated on this choreographed show that is meant to sway the GOP primary heavily. Many elderly 'republicans' watch this show to get their 'news' but are usually hoodwinked.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
‘Bailout Bush’ – That’s What A Pro-Rand Paul Super PAC Is Calling Jeb

A pro-Rand Paul super PAC is out with a new video giving Jeb Bush the nickname “Bailout Bush,” accusing the former Florida governor of being a big supporter of government bailouts.

America’s Liberty PAC says they spending five figures to show the 60-second spot running online to targeted voters in early primary states. The PAC has also acquired the domain

The video shows Bush offering support to the 2008 Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP, for example.

“Several of Gov. Bush’s conflicts with the Republican base have been well documented, but no one seems to be talking about perhaps the most damaging issue: Jeb’s long history of support for bailouts,” said John Tate, the president of the super PAC.

Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
Rand Paul's Father's Day Tribute to Ron Paul (former Representative from Texas and 3-time Presidential contender, now retired but delivered over 4000 babies as an OBG-YN)

I enjoyed the short video. Many people don't know Ron was a "3-time Presidential candidate", since he won the Libertarian Party nomination in 1988. That experience helped convince Ron that change had to come from within a major party, instead of a 3rd party. I think a 3rd party could make a huge difference if they were well funded and allowed to debate, like Ross Perot was in 1992.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Bush Surging, Rand Paul Plunging in GOP Primary Voters Poll

Below are the overall scores, combining negatives and positives, from the poll:
Marco Rubio: 74 percent-15 percent (+59)
Jeb Bush: 75 percent-22 percent (+53)
Scott Walker: 57 percent-19 percent (+38)
Mike Huckabee: 65 percent-32 percent (+33)
Ben Carson: 50 percent-21 percent (+29)
Rick Perry: 53 percent-31 percent (+22)
Ted Cruz: 51 percent-31 percent (+20)
Rick Santorum: 49 percent-40 percent (+9)
Bobby Jindal: 36 percent-28 percent (+8)
Rand Paul: 49 percent-45 percent (+4)
Carly Fiorina: 31 percent-29 percent (+2)
John Kasich: 25 percent-30 percent (-5)
Chris Christie: 36 percent-55 percent (-19)
Lindsey Graham: 27 percent-49 percent (-22)

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I seriously doubt that this lineup is even close to being real. W/ Rubio's immigration stand and his absurd foreign policy stance there's no way he's plus 59 and no one likes Bush at this rate. No way that Rand could be this low despite his trends against Hillary in the general. Cruz has never polled well in any GOP primary nor has Perry. But to see Jindal and Santorum outdoing Rand, this it just outright bullcrap and newsmax has never been in the corner of Rand Paul.

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Activity: 196
Merit: 100
May 2-4 2014
Bush 13%

According to me, Jeb Bush has many chances to win the U.S Elections, he has big chances to gain the support from the business giants, since his family is connected directly or indirectly to Haliburton, their family themselves are well established in business ventures in various fields, Bush families are one of the richest politician family in the country.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul's Father's Day Tribute to Ron Paul (former Representative from Texas and 3-time Presidential contender, now retired but delivered over 4000 babies as an OBG-YN)
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Joe the Plumber reposts: Why the Patriot Act is Tyranny and Rand Paul is a hero

Senator Rand Paul is taking a lot of heat from establishment Conservatives and some in the media for his unwavering stand against the Patriot Act. The party line that is emerging says that we are now vulnerable to terrorist attack.

Even Senator Paul, himself, said he was being accused of damaging America’s defenses against such attacks – By Tom DeWeese

These accusations are almost humorous considering that many of these same establishment Republicans have refused to force Barack Obama to enforce immigration laws. That fact now allows literally anyone who wants to harm our nation to cross over the border and to not only remain here, but also to receive tax payer benefits and perhaps even the right to vote. Reportedly, Obama is allowing people from the same Middle Eastern nations that give rise to terrorism to flood into our nation at horrific rates.

Newly announced presidential candidate Lindsey Graham is especially guilty of this let down in American security as he has pushed for policies to open our borders even further. So too have Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush. Has anyone accused them of damaging American national security?

The fact is Rand Paul is a defender of American security unlike any other candidate currently running to lead this nation. He’s one of a very few to openly stand for the Constitutional rights of all Americans to be secure in their homes and free of government snooping into their private business.

The created hysteria over the Patriot Act being a guardian of our freedom is hog wash. This is the Patriot Act that was rushed into place just after a horrific terrorist attack – 911. Of course the nation was scared and of course out went the cry – “Do something NOW to protect us.”

When introduced, we were assured by the Justice Department that the Patriot Act was simply to give federal law enforcement agencies the surveillance and investigative tools they needed to deter future terror attacks. However, the emotional rush to “do something” by quickly passing the Patriot Act, left little time for lawmakers to put its measures under scrutiny. In fact, then Congressman Ron Paul said he couldn’t even get a copy of the Act before the vote.

As a result, provisions of the Act offered major opportunities for government abuses of law-abiding private citizens. The Act says that the government does not need to have a suspect or to even be conducting an investigation related to terrorism to monitor your visits into web sites on the Internet.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Poll: Paul slides among GOP primary voters

Support for Sen. Rand Paul slipped in a new poll of likely Republican primary voters, with only 49 percent saying they could see themselves voting for the first-term Kentucky senator for president, compared with 59 percent in the same survey two months earlier.

Former Florida Gov.Jeb Bush led the poll, conducted for The Wall Street Journal and NBC News, with 75 percent of likely voters saying they could see themselves supporting him. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio was just behind, with 74 percent support, followed by former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (65 percent), Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (57 percent) and former Texas Gov. Rick Perry (53 percent). Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (51 percent), retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson (50 percent), Paul, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum (49 percent) and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (36 percent) rounded out the top 10.

The WSJ/NBC poll, released on Sunday’s episode of “Meet the Press,” showed double-digit gains for Bush, Rubio, Huckabee, Cruz and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina (31 percent) compared with where they stood earlier in the spring. “Obviously, something’s going on there,” Karl Rove, the GOP strategist and Wall Street Journal columnist, said on “Fox News Sunday.”

The poll of 236 likely GOP voters, conducted June 14-18, had a margin of error of plus or minus 6.4 percentage points. The two news organizations will release horserace numbers for the primary field on Monday.

Way small sample size and politico is a lefty outfit that would love to portray Rand being weak in the GOP field as he would be the toughest to beat in a general based upon repeated head-head matchups w/ Hillary in key battleground/formerly blue states.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul’s demented promise: I’ll do to America what Sam Brownback did to Kansas

Libertarian-ish Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul debuted his new plan to “blow up” the federal tax code yesterday, and if you haven’t read Jim Newell’s scorching take on it, then there’s something deeply flawed with you and you should remedy it immediately. The gist of Paul’s plan (replacing the current tax structure with a 14.5-percent flat tax) is the gist of basically every Republican tax plan: massive transfers of wealth up the economic ladder with a few paltry scraps thrown to the middle class that allow Republicans to claim they’re focused on “working families.”

As Paul’s Wall Street Journal op-ed notes, he crafted this plan with the assistance of some of the high priests of supply-side economic theory: frequently and flagrantly wrong bozo Stephen Moore, flat-tax evangelist and dimwit billionaire rights activist Steve Forbes, and the also frequently wrong Art Laffer, who launched the trickle-down revolution that’s given us over three decades of bad economic policy. Anyone familiar with these knuckleheads and the economic philosophy they espouse should already know what they’re promising with Rand Paul’s tax scheme: huge tax cuts aimed primarily at corporations and the wealthy will supercharge the economy and produce untold millions of jobs and untold trillions of dollars in tax revenue.

Rand’s op-ed describes the effect as a “steroid injection” right into the economy’s underdeveloped buttocks:

Here’s why this plan would balance the budget: We asked the experts at the nonpartisan Tax Foundation to estimate what this plan would mean for jobs, and whether we are raising enough money to fund the government. The analysis is positive news: The plan is an economic steroid injection. Because the Fair and Flat Tax rewards work, saving, investment and small business creation, the Tax Foundation estimates that in 10 years it will increase gross domestic product by about 10%, and create at least 1.4 million new jobs.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul's personality predicament\

Sen. Rand Paul articulated a real stunner in what appeared to be prepared remarks in the Senate. He said "Some of them [people in Washington], I think, secretly want there to be an attack on the United States so they can blame it on me.

Not doing himself any favors with statements like this. I can't possibly see how he thought that would be a good thing to say out loud.
He, after the fact, walked it back a little saying he was using hyperbole when making that statement. But that was just his public position and not his personal feeling which is what he articulated in the Senate. These war mongering/pro-surveillance state folks have been lying about this bulk data collection saying how great it is in helping stop terrorism when in reality, it's just brazen lies to scare people into allowing them to spy at will w/ no limits. The FBI and some group set up by the Obama administration said point blank that this data collection has done nothing to make us safer. The point is, many times in the past these neocon types have said terrorist attacks will come if we don't grow the state's power over us and or fight more and more overseas which subtly means they would welcome more attacks to further their statist goals and keep the MIC rolling in profits. ISIS was armed and offered plenty of territory to expand and train by first destabilizing the middle east and this kind of strategy has repeatedly come out of the neocon agenda. Rand only walked it back because it is easy for the media to demagogue the comment.

That's kind of a problem for me. I don't want another candidate playing politics. I want honest candidates who are transparent and not patronizing for the purpose of winning votes. Don't have a public position that differs from your personal feeling. If you're not doing what you think is best, you're selling out like every other politician. The lack of quality candidates in this field is depressing.
Ok my friend, if you think that Rand is playing the game while not having any under-thought about his end-game, you're on your own. This man is trying his best to influence and gain supporters while doing what is truly right for the US and the rest of the world, so you should finally realize it once and for all. He's done it all from civil liberties to domestic economic policy, you decide.
Activity: 2044
Merit: 1115
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Rand Paul's personality predicament\

Sen. Rand Paul articulated a real stunner in what appeared to be prepared remarks in the Senate. He said "Some of them [people in Washington], I think, secretly want there to be an attack on the United States so they can blame it on me.

Not doing himself any favors with statements like this. I can't possibly see how he thought that would be a good thing to say out loud.
He, after the fact, walked it back a little saying he was using hyperbole when making that statement. But that was just his public position and not his personal feeling which is what he articulated in the Senate. These war mongering/pro-surveillance state folks have been lying about this bulk data collection saying how great it is in helping stop terrorism when in reality, it's just brazen lies to scare people into allowing them to spy at will w/ no limits. The FBI and some group set up by the Obama administration said point blank that this data collection has done nothing to make us safer. The point is, many times in the past these neocon types have said terrorist attacks will come if we don't grow the state's power over us and or fight more and more overseas which subtly means they would welcome more attacks to further their statist goals and keep the MIC rolling in profits. ISIS was armed and offered plenty of territory to expand and train by first destabilizing the middle east and this kind of strategy has repeatedly come out of the neocon agenda. Rand only walked it back because it is easy for the media to demagogue the comment.

That's kind of a problem for me. I don't want another candidate playing politics. I want honest candidates who are transparent and not patronizing for the purpose of winning votes. Don't have a public position that differs from your personal feeling. If you're not doing what you think is best, you're selling out like every other politician. The lack of quality candidates in this field is depressing.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Here's the local Kentucky news report on Rand's performing of pro bono eye surgeries today.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Presidential hopeful Rand Paul talks about campaign, Charleston shooting

Republican presidential candidate and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul was in the Local 6 area on Friday.

Paul helped local ophthalmologist Dr. Barbara Bowers celebrate her new eye care facility with a ribbon cutting, then they scrubbed and got ready for eye surgery.

Paul took time before the festivities and surgery to talk about his run for the Republican nomination and reflect on the church shooting in Charleston, South Carolina. Paul called the tragedy "mind-boggling."

"To me it represents a deeper problem," he said. "Obviously there is a law enforcement response. We need to capture and separate this person or punish this person so this thing doesn't happen, but there's also to me a sense of what's wrong with this person? What's wrong with society that someone would kill innocent people, particularly in a church?"

He said he knows gun control will become a hot topic again but said he doesn't think guns are the problem.

"I think guns can be good or bad, but I think guns in self-defense are a good thing," he said.

Paul addressed the growing crowd of GOP candidates and told Local 6 he believes he stands out.

"I'm one of the few Republicans that says, 'Let's think before we act. Let's look before we leap,' and not everything we've intervened in the Middle East its been good for our country," he said.

He added that he's been targeting different voters who haven't heard his message and thinks that's making him a true competitor of Hillary Clinton.

"As this all comes together, that's consistent with my message that sometimes big government messes things up," he said. "I think that it's starting to resonate and I think that's why we're leading Hillary Clinton among independent across the country."

Video and pics...
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul dominates the Republican presidential pack on Facebook

As cable news’ influence continues to shrink, especially among the young, the importance of social media in political campaigns continues to grow. According to Pew Research Center and NBC, Millennials overwhelmingly get their news from Facebook over that of traditional media.

“A Pew Research Center study found that 61 percent of Millennials (aged 18-33 currently) get political news from Facebook at least once a week, compared with 39 percent of Baby Boomers (aged 50-68).”
In fact, social media played a significant role in Obama’s 2008 and 2012 victories. Republicans couldn’t even keep up.

Right now, Senate Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is leading the Republican pack on Facebook in some important states. Bloomberg reports that Paul is “the most talked about Republican” in New Hampshire, Iowa, and South Carolina on social media “in terms of unique users.”

Earlier this month it was reported that Paul holds the most “likes” of any other presidential candidate on Facebook.

Rand Paul (R) — 2 million
Ben Carson (R) — 1.4 million
Ted Cruz (R) — 1.2 million
Rick Perry (R) — 1.1 million
Marco Rubio (R) — 875 thousand
Hillary Clinton (D) — 873 thousand
Bernie Sanders (D) 534 thousand
Rick Santorum (R) — 216 thousand
Lindsey Graham (R) — 112 thousand
Martin O’Malley (D) — 70 thousand
Carly Fiorina (R) — 60 thousand
George Pataki (R) — 15 thousand
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