
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 25. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) tells Breitbart News he thinks his new tax reform plan—which would institute a flat tax of 14.5 percent for all individuals and businesses, do away with the current IRS tax code completely, and eliminate the payroll tax—is the “boldest plan out there.”

“The current tax code is 70,000 pages and we think it’s been chasing American jobs overseas and chasing American companies out of our country,” Paul said when asked about the new plan, which he unveiled this week.

We thought about whether we could fix it or not, and really we think it’s beyond fixing—so we figured we should just scrap the whole thing, start over and see what we can do with a flat tax for personal income and for business. What’s unique about ours—there have been flat taxes proposed in the past—but what’s unique about our flat tax is we were actually able to eliminate the payroll tax, we eliminate FICA.

I think some of the flat tax proposals have struggled in the past because Democrats have said, ‘oh they’re just for the rich.’ But the interesting thing about ours is somebody making $30,000 gets over a $2,000 tax cut. It’s a significant tax cut for people who don’t pay much already in income tax but their main tax is a payroll tax. I think this would be a great way to have a tax cut that everybody gets a little bit of.
Paul said that putting forward a plan like this allows conservatives and Republicans to go straight after Democrats in a legitimate effort to discredit the argument that a bigger federal government is the way to grow the economy and create jobs.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul doubles down on bill to make Congress more transparent

Sen. Rand Paul is doubling down on passing legislation he says would increase congressional transparency.

The Kentucky Republican, who is running for president, has reintroduced proposals that would limit the subject of any bill to one topic, as well as a separate measure that aims to ensure lawmakers have read a proposal before it's voted on.

Paul suggested his legislation would give Americans more input into the legislative process and prevent Congress from passing legislation "without hearings, amendments, or debate."

"I firmly believe the American people have a right to be part of the legislative process," Paul said in a statement. "My bills will allow citizens sufficient time to read and give input to members of Congress as they consider legislation impacting the lives of all Americans."

Paul's One Subject at a Time Act would require legislation to "embrace no more than one subject," according to the language. It would also block spending bills from containing measures that aren't relevant to departments or agencies being funded by the bill.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Sen Rand Paul (R): My Fair & Flat Tax Plan Eliminates Payroll Tax & Cuts Deductions - On Fox News Cashin' In w/ Eric Bolling (this morning)
They also cover Donald Trump's entrance into the GOP primary and how Rand outpolls Hillary in 5 states that Obama won in 2012. Great segment.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
A New ‘Pro-Rand Paul’ Super PAC is Making Paul’s Official Super PAC Nervous

The phone calls were confounding, until they multiplied. People at the top of Kentucky Senator Rand Paul's network were being asked about a new group that wanted to turn donations into campaign wins. What, they asked, was the Concerned American Voters super PAC?

The short answer: A headache. The new iteration of the CAV super PAC is the child of a movement that mostly helps but sometimes bedevils Rand Paul. It was relaunched this week, with much fanfare, when long-time FreedomWorks CEO Matt Kibbe announced that he'd left the Tea Party group to become a senior PAC advisor. The new PAC would try to organize Iowa for Paul, starting with 40-full time organizers. Kibbe's goal, he told reporter Byron Tau, was to prevent 2016 from being another "train wreck for the GOP" by out-organizing the Republican establishment.

At FreedomWorks, Kibbe had endorsed Paul's work whenever he could. In 2013, he and FreedomWorks endorsed Paul's filibuster over the legality of drone warfare. In 2014, he stood behind Paul to endorse the senator's civil suit over the NSA's bulk data collection program, "on behalf of our six million-plus members."

Yet people close to Paul discouraged Kibbe from building up his own PAC. It was nothing personal; it was just that the candidate had already sanctioned America's Liberty PAC. One source euphemistically described Kibbe's move as entrepreneurial, to emphasize that the senator had not been pining for a second super PAC.

"We have no animosity and Mr. Kibbe is free to support Rand in any way he likes," America's Liberty PAC Jesse Benton told Bloomberg in an e-mail. "America's Liberty PAC, however, will remain the only Super PAC endorsed by Senator Paul, and the only PAC that will host Senator Paul at events."


This new PAC is only a headache in that it's an alternative to Benton's America's Liberty PAC. To start organizing Iowa for Rand w/ millions of fresh money plus 40 full time staffers is a major boon for Rand's chances. Kibby used to run FreedomWorks, a major libertarian/tea party organization w/ 6 million members and lots of ties to right wing radio talk hosts, so this guy has lots of allies and big donors at his disposal.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Herman Cain: Rand Paul nails it with his tax code replacement proposal

Rip it up, roots and all, and start over. (And this feels kind of familiar too.)

I like very much when I see candidates for any office - but especially for the presidency - propose ideas that don't just nudge things a bit in one direction or another, but that actually solve problems. So I really liked when Rand Paul, via an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal published yesterday, proposed to rip out the tax code by its foundations and start over with a simple, flat tax of 14.5 percent on individuals and businesses.

The best thing about this proposal is that Paul recognizes what too many of his rivals for the Republican nomination seem to miss, which is that you're not going to get the federal tax code right by fiddling with it and tweaking it. The Leviathan we find ourselves with today is so riddled with complexities and traps - all of them designed to empower politicians and the IRS - there's no way you eliminate the problems it creates by adding a tax credit here or lowering a rate there.

You have to kill it. Dead. Then you have to institute something new is designed solely to fund government operations, without giving Congress and the IRS tricky little mechanisms by which to manipulate people's behavior - while also having the virtue of being easy to understand and simple to comply with.

I see that Sen. Paul consulted with economists Stephen Moore and Arthur Laffer, and with former Forbes publisher and presidential candidate Steve Forbes, in the development of his plan. Excellent. I know all three men, and I have sought their advice to varying degrees over the years.

And when I read the Paul plan, it sounded kind of familiar. The major difference between what he calls the Flat and Fair Tax and my 9-9-9 plan is that he doesn't propose a national sales tax as part of the package - opting instead for a tax with a somewhat higher rate that applies only to income earned by individuals and businesses. Here are some more details about how it works:

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Raised Around Cry For Smaller Government, Rand Paul Carries The Torch

Sen. Rand Paul made headlines recently with his one-man effort to roll back government surveillance. And that's the just beginning of Paul's plan to dismantle big chunks of the federal government.

"The Washington machine that gobbles up our freedoms and invades every nook and cranny of our lives must be stopped," Paul declared in April, as he announced his presidential campaign.

But Paul's hometown of Lake Jackson, Texas, only exists because of a shotgun wedding between big government and industry. The city was hastily built near the Texas Gulf Coast in the 1940s to house workers at a nearby Dow Chemical plant, so that they could produce the magnesium the military needed during World War II.

"The U.S. government stepped in and they made it happen," said Robert Rule, executive director of the Lake Jackson Historical Association.

Lake Jackson's curving streets were master-planned to protect the city's live oak trees — a stark contrast to the unregulated sprawl of Houston, 50 miles to the north.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Names Hedge Fund Chief Mark Spitznagel as Economic Adviser

Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky has appointed Mark Spitznagel, the hedge fund manager, as a senior economic adviser as he seeks the Republican presidential nomination.

At first blush, the two might seem like an odd pair. Mr. Spitznagel is the founder of Universa Investments, a $6 billion hedge fund that is set up to make money in an economic crisis.

But the two share a similar outlook on the government’s role in the financial markets: that it should not have one.


Mr. Spitznagel, who is 44, gained credibility for predicting two market routs over the last decade, first in 2000 and then in 2008. In the 2008 financial crisis, his Universa funds rose by 115 percent as the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index plummeted. Mr. Spitznagel believes the next market rout is coming soon.


His thinking is shaped by the Austrian school of economics, which has its roots in 19th-century Vienna and makes the argument that the government should not meddle in any part of the economy because when it does, it causes all kinds of distortions.


Mr. Spitznagel is also a friend of Mr. Paul’s father, Ron Paul, a former Texas congressman and presidential candidate. The elder Mr. Paul wrote a foreword in Mr. Spitznagel’s book, “The Dao of Capital” (Wiley, 2013), in which Mr. Spitznagel outlines his philosophy of the markets.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Wants Internal GOP Debate Over Taxes

In unveiling his proposal to slash taxes to a single 14.5 percent marginal rate, Sen. Rand Paul wants a debate over whether the GOP should only seek to simplify the tax code.

In an interview with CQ Roll Call, the Kentucky Republican said the plan he outlined in an opinion piece published in Thursday’s Wall Street Journal should encourage a debate about the amount of money the federal government should take in from tax receipts, upending the existing systems of taxes and tariffs along the way.

“I think the main thing that we as Republicans need to do a better job on is that most of the Republicans in Washington I think are — have become beaten down by the system and all they are willing to offer is revenue neutral tax reform. And to me that means they’re just going to shift the burden around, but they’re not going to reduce the overall burden for the private sector,” Paul said. “I think that’s the debate we need to have within the Republican Party: are we the party that wants to shift the burden around … or are we the party that actually thinks that you can stimulate the economy and grow the economy by significantly reducing how much revenue comes into Washington and leaving that money in the private sector.”

The presidential candidate’s past proposals to balance the federal budget would require significant slashing of federal programs, and his tax plan would be no different, apparently reducing federal revenue by a minimum of $2 trillion over a decade.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Finds Medium for His Flat-Tax Message: Snapchat

Coming to a smartphone near you — if you happen to live in Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire or South Carolina, that is: the first Snapchat ad for a presidential candidate.

The “super PAC” backing Mr. Paul, America’s Liberty PAC, will become the first to use the rapidly expanding social media app to advertise on behalf of someone seeking the White House in 2016.

Called “How Rand Rolls,” the 10-second spot talks up the Kentucky Republican’s new flat-tax plan, which he announced on Thursday.

Jesse Benton, the PAC’s director, said Snapchat offered two distinct advantages that other advertising did not. It can be highly targeted to people in certain geographic areas — in this case, voters in the early primary and caucus states. And it offers a high degree of direct interaction with the young audience Mr. Paul is trying to reach.

“We feel it’s an efficient way to reach the people Senator Paul needs to reach,” Mr. Benton said, adding that he expected hundreds of thousands of people to see it. He put the dollar amount the PAC is spending on the ad, which will also appear on the Internet, in the five-figure range.

Anyone scrolling through the curated story content on Snapchat in those four states could see the ad.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
GOP Senator. Graham: Clinton tops Rand Paul on foreign policy

“Would you say right now that any Republican running would be better, in terms of foreign policy, than Hillary Clinton?” John Dickerson, host of “Face the Nation,” asked Graham on Sunday.
“Yes, except for Rand Paul,” Graham responded. “No, she would be beat by all of us, except Rand Paul.”

Graham also said that he believed Clinton’s foreign policy decisions while serving as secretary of State had severely hurt America’s interests abroad.

“You would have to suspend disbelief to believe that America is well-positioned against Iran, against Syria, against ISIL, against Russia, against China,” he said, using an alternate acronym for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

“We’re in a terrible position,” he added. “If Hillary Clinton thinks we’re well-positioned as a nation, she has disqualified herself to be commander-in-chief.”

Clinton served as President Obama’s secretary of State from 2009 to 2013.

Graham said on Sunday that their foreign policy doctrine has badly harmed the U.S. military’s ongoing fight against terrorism.

“I’m dying to hear from my military leadership on how we degrade and destroy ISIL with the current strategy,” he said.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Walker Continues Lead in Iowa Caucus Poll, Rand Paul Slides

Scott Walker continues to lead the field of Republican presidential candidates in Iowa, according to a poll of likely Republican Iowa caucus participants released on Thursday.

The poll, commissioned by the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association, also found a 5-point drop in support for Sen. Rand Paul compared to a similar survey by the Des Moines Register late last month.

Walker received 19 percent in the poll, followed by Ben Carson at 13 percent and Jeb Bush at 11 percent. Marco Rubio received 9 percent, followed by Rick Perry at 7 percent, Ted Cruz at 6 percent and Rand Paul at 5 percent.

Paul has been sliding in Iowa caucus polls since January, when he was in second place behind Walker at 14 percent. The latest IRFA poll has Paul in 7th place, tied with “Unsure.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul on Charleston Shooting: ‘There's A Sickness in Our Country’

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul told a crowd of social conservatives that a "sickness" in the country was responsible for the mass shootings in South Carolina, adding that the problem "isn't going to be fixed by your government."

At the opening luncheon of the Faith & Freedom Coalition's annual Washington, D.C. conference, where he shared the stage with two other Republican presidential contenders, Paul went out of his way to address the massacre that left nine people dead in Charleston after a gunman opened fire in a predominantly black church.

"We had the shooting this morning," he said. The senator, who has been outspoken on the subject of racial violence, suggested that the problem is bigger and deeper than politics and policy.

"What kind of person goes into church and shoots nine people?" Paul  lamented. "There's a sickness in our country. There's something terribly wrong. But it isn't going to be fixed by your government. It's people straying away, it's people not understanding where salvation comes from. I think if we understand that, we'll have better expectations of what to expect from government."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Raised Around Cry For Smaller Government, Rand Paul Carries The Torch

Sen. Rand Paul made headlines recently with his one-man effort to roll back government surveillance. And that's the just beginning of Paul's plan to dismantle big chunks of the federal government.

"The Washington machine that gobbles up our freedoms and invades every nook and cranny of our lives must be stopped," Paul declared in April, as he announced his presidential campaign.

But Paul's hometown of Lake Jackson, Texas, only exists because of a shotgun wedding between big government and industry. The city was hastily built near the Texas Gulf Coast in the 1940s to house workers at a nearby Dow Chemical plant, so that they could produce the magnesium the military needed during World War II.

"The U.S. government stepped in and they made it happen," said Robert Rule, executive director of the Lake Jackson Historical Association.

Lake Jackson's curving streets were master-planned to protect the city's live oak trees — a stark contrast to the unregulated sprawl of Houston, 50 miles to the north.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul to GOP: It's Time to Move Beyond the Second Amendment
The senator from Kentucky continues to takes the road less traveled through the GOP primaries.

Sen. Rand Paul took a risk Thursday. Speaking to an audience of religious conservatives in the wake of a racially charged shooting in South Carolina, Paul delicately suggested that Republicans might want to start focusing on other parts of the Bill of Rights than the Second Amendment.

"Everybody is for the Second Amendment. All 55 candidates running for president are for the Second Amendment—on our side," Paul told the crowd. "But the thing is that a lot of young people, that might not be their primary issue."

Leaving room, even rhetorical room, to one's right—particularly on an issue as important to the Republican base as gun rights—is a gamble in the crowded 2016 GOP primary. But it's one very much in keeping with the Kentucky senator's campaign of almost-gonzo optimism, and it's the type of decision backed by Paul's personal conviction that his libertarian philosophy can unite traditional Republican voters with more independent-minded young people and minorities.

Speaking at the Faith and Freedom Coalition summit, Paul's remarks also mentioned the Wednesday night shooting that killed nine black church congregants in Charleston, South Carolina.

"We had the shooting this morning in South Carolina. What kind of person goes in a church and shoots nine people? There's a sickness in our country. There's something terribly wrong, but it isn't going to be fixed by your government. It's people straying away, it's people not understanding where salvation comes from. And I think that if we understand that, we'll understand and have better expectations of what we get from our government."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul's flat tax proposal: What it means for you

The short answer is probably yes. But a lot depends on how much money you make -- the more you make, the bigger your tax break.

The plan that Paul described in a Wall Street Journal column Thursday would tax everyone - businesses and and individuals - at a flat 14.5% rate. Households wouldn't pay tax on income below $50,000, Paul wrote. And the payroll tax, which employers and workers both pay to fund Social Security, would go away altogether, along with most tax breaks and deductions.

"The left will argue that the plan is a tax cut for the wealthy. But most of the loopholes in the tax code were designed by the rich and politically connected," Paul wrote. "Though the rich will pay a lower rate along with everyone else, they won't have special provisions to avoid paying lower than 14.5%."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand is making news right now since he's making waves at this Faith and Freedom conference by talking about personal liberty. Rand is just killing it when talking about millenials voting powers at his point.

Let's not let the socons control nor have any stake in this next election or just a little, the young folks should vote in droves to own it for Rand Paul.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Here's the evangelical stuff that one poster recently was looking for (in Iowa-1st in the nation caucus):
Rand talks w/ evange Dave Brody about his IA religious stances. Brody on one hand praises the interview but on the other he questions Rand's approach.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul to raid pot summit for campaign cash

Sen. Rand Paul, the most vocal critic of the “war on drugs” in the 2016 Republican presidential field, will host a “private briefing” on June 30 for campaign donors on the sidelines of the 2nd annual Cannabis Business Summit and Expo in Denver, according to an invitation for the event obtained by Yahoo News.

It’s not clear whether any of Paul’s rivals for the GOP nomination will associate themselves with the gathering, which is put on by the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA). Other headline events at the June 29-July 1 forum include pot-themed sessions called “Running Your Cannabusiness,” “Cultivation and Processing,” “Money Matters,” “Finance, Accounting and Insurance,” and “The Law, Policy and Reform.”

NCIA forwarded its members an invitation from Paul’s campaign for a “VIP reception” at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver. There are three donor levels: $2,700 gets “attendee” status, someone wanting the “sponsor” label has to kick in $5,400, while a “host” must pony up $10,400. Any checks must be payable to “Rand Paul Victory Committee.”


Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
12-year-old YouTube Star Explains What Millennials Think About Rand Paul

CJ Pearson, a 12-year-old YouTube pundit, believes presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) has a unique ability to connect with millennial voters and even younger fans like himself.

Pearson is a Georgia student entering 8th grade whose videos backing conservative causes have gone viral. He said he is currently part of Paul's Georgia leadership team.

In a conversation with Business Insider on Thursday, Pearson said one of the first things people his age notice about Paul is his distinctive hair.
"What I've seen as far as the optics of other young people, they look at Rand with this head full of hair, really curly," Pearson said.

Once younger people take a longer look at Paul, Pearson added, they quickly grow fond of his libertarian-leaning views and deviations from Republican orthodoxy.

"If you want a maverick, someone who's proud to be his own individual, then Rand Paul's the guy you're looking for," he said. "Young people are just naturally independent."
He also said Paul's opposition to widespread government surveillance and support for reforming the criminal justice system deeply resonate with younger crowds.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
[Video] Rand Paul on Fox & Friends (morning show) 6/18/15
He talks about his new tax plan and arming pilots for more secure travel logistics.
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