
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 44. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Sens. Paul, Ernst, & Boxer Introduce Legislation to Arm the Kurds in Support of Fight Against

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senators Rand Paul (R-KY), Joni Ernst (R-IA), and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) introduced bipartisan legislation to provide for a temporary, emergency authorization of defense articles, defense services, and related training directly to the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). Other cosponsors include Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Ron Johnson (R-WI), and Marco Rubio (R-FL). This legislation would allow the U.S. to provide direct assistance to the KRG, a critical partner in the fight against ISIS. The companion bill was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives andhas broad bipartisan support across the ideological spectrum.

The legislation provides temporary, emergency authority for the President to provide weapons and training directly to Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga forces. The three-year authorization seeks to reduce delays in arming Peshmerga forces to fight ISIS, while in consultation with the Iraqi government.

“Defeating ISIS requires active participation from our allies in the region. I support sending arms to the Kurdish fighters who are providing the vital boots on the ground. This Administration claims they need the legal authority to arm the Kurds. This bill removes any doubt that they have the authority and the renewed encouragement of Congress to provide our Kurdish allies the support they need to continue their fight against ISIS and radical Islam,” Senator Paul said.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand polls best versus Hillary in new national WSJ poll

Jeb Bush .................................................. .................................... 43
Hillary Clinton .................................................. ............................. 49

Scott Walker .................................................. ............................... 40
Hillary Clinton .................................................. ............................. 50

Marco Rubio .................................................. ............................... 43
Hillary Clinton .................................................. ............................. 49

Rand Paul .................................................. ................................... 44
Hillary Clinton .................................................. ............................. 47

Consistently, Rand keeps Hillary a point or two lower than any other republican candidate. Yet you'll rarely see it mentioned on mainstream news, including Fox. And even if they do mention it in passing they surely will never focus on it to let it sink in with the viewers.
Activity: 2296
Merit: 1031
I've very interested in Rand Paul and I tend to lean left.  Rand Paul is actually for some fairly liberal policies and he is a "Libertarian" as I recall.  If left between Clinton and Bush... I'd rather have Paul.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Political Blotter: Sen. Rand Paul to visit Bay Area on May 9

Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul will take part in a "Disrupting Democracy" event on Saturday, May 9 in San Francisco.

The event -- hosted by Brigade and organized through Lincoln Labs, a libertarian-leaning technology and policy group -- will focus on strategies and tools that can increase voter turnout and overall civic engagement among Americans.

Paul, the junior U.S. senator from Kentucky, will take part in a "fireside chat" with Brigade CEO Matt Mahan and San Francisco Chronicle reporter Carla Marinucci. Tickets are free, but space is limited.

Paul's mostly-libertarian political ethos is appealing to many in Silicon Valley, especially those concerned about government surveillance programs.

"We look forward to Senator Paul's participation in the first Disrupting Democracy conversation," Lincoln Labs co-founder Garrett Johnson said in a news release. "We hope he is the first of many candidates who will come and share their vision for the technology sector in America."

Paul almost surely will have private meetings and a fundraiser or two while he's in the Bay Area, though no details have been publicly released.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Paul on Urban Protests: 'We Need to Understand Where It's Coming From'

He'd taken heat for a dark joke about the civil unrest in Baltimore. He'd generally stayed quiet on the topic, to the surprise of civil libertarians. On Monday, finally, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul used a campaign rally in Michigan to expand his remarks.

"You wonder why people are unhappy in our cities?" he asked an audience in Grand Rapids. "Some aren't doing it right. Some are protesting violently, and there's no excuse for violence, but the thing is, there is an unhappiness. Those of us who don't live in poverty, we need to understand where it's coming from."

Paul's plea for understanding was reminiscent of what he'd said for years, before a radio interview with Laura Ingraham led to accusations of glibness. “I came through the train on Baltimore last night,” Paul had said. “I’m glad the train didn’t stop." By week's end, campaign advisers were assuring reporters and allies that the senator did not mean to minimize what had happened to Freddie Gray, or why citizens had broken curfews to protest.

The old Paul made a triumphant, libertarian return to Grand Rapids. Most of his remarks focused on civil and police issues, from urban unrest to the National Security Agency to civil forfeiture. "I want us to be the party of the entire Bill of Rights," Paul said. "That means the Fifth Amendment and Sixth Amendment as well." He invoked the 1996 story of Richard Jewell, a security guard whose reputation was shredded–on false pretenses–after he located bombs aimed at the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta.

"Think if Richard Jewell had been a black man in the South in the 1920s," said Paul. "White kids do drugs as much as black kids do them, but everybody in prison is black or brown."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Justin Amash endorses Rand Paul for president, a "once-in-a-generation sort of candidate"

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) endorsed Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) for president Monday.

The endorsement from Amash, who was an ally of Paul's father, Ron, was no surprise. Amash and Paul come from the same playbook: libertarian-leaning members of Congress who relish in being a thorn in the side of the establishment, are privacy advocates and are willing to lob bombs at their opponents.

"Rand Paul is a once-in-a generation sort of candidate," Amash said at the Kent County Republican Party headquarters here, where he appeared with Paul. Amash praised Paul's calls for a balanced budget and to stop government surveillance of phones and computers, and his attempts to broaden the Republican Party by courting young people and minorities.

"Rand Paul is the most electable candidate for president that we have," Amash said. "He's the one person who can unite our party and also bring new people into the party."

Amash joins former congressman J.C. Watts, who introduced Paul at his campaign launch last month.


Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
2016 hopefuls may skip Nevada caucus because it's "rigged" for Rand Paul

Several likely GOP presidential campaigns are threatening to skip the Nevada GOP caucus because they fear it’s rigged for a Rand Paul win, said Republican insiders concerned the Silver State could lose its clout as one of four early voting states.

As a result, some campaigns are pressing behind the scenes for the Legislature to drop caucuses run by the political parties in favor of a government-staged state primary in February.

“A number of presidential campaigns are waiting to see what happens in the Legislature before deciding whether to engage in Nevada or not,” said a top GOP operative. “There is real concern that the state party will either be incompetent — or use incompetence as an excuse to rig it for Rand Paul.

More bullcrap...

This is just a small taste of the kind of garbage that will be on display going forward. It's how they try running a narrative in advance to prevent a true opposition candidate from gaining momentum and getting positive electoral news coverage. Stay tuned
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Iowa Poll (PPP): Rand in Top Tier in Clinton Match-ups

--Top Tier

Clinton/Paul..............45/43..............Clinton +2
Clinton/Huckabee.....46/44...............Clinton +2
Clinton/Rubio............46/44..............Clinton +2
Clinton/Bush.............45/42..............Clinton +3

--The Also Rans

Clinton/Christie.........45/40..............Clinton +5
Clinton/Carson...........48/41..............Clinton +7
Clinton/Cruz..............49/42..............Clinton +7
Clinton/Walker..........48/41..............Clinton +7
Clinton/Perry.............48/41...............Clinton +7
Activity: 3038
Merit: 1032
RIP Mommy
To anyone who said he should have stopped, what did you expect him to do? He's not going to magically disappear drug & self-defense prohibition in a day.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Paul: Justice equals peace in Baltimore

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., a GOP presidential hopeful, said the charges in Baltimore case could bring peace to the city Friday at a Northern Kentucky Chamber event, where he also talked Brent Spence.

FORT MITCHELL – GOP presidential hopeful and U.S. Sen. Rand Paul Friday appeared to welcome the news that six Baltimore city police officers would face criminal charges in the death of a prisoner in custody, even if he didn’t say how he felt about which way the case should go.

“The sooner we get justice, the sooner we will get peace,” Paul said after a lunch meeting with minority and business leaders at the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce. He did not indicate whether the officers in question should be convicted or acquitted of any charges, however. The death sparked looting and rioting in Baltimore earlier this week, although Friday, the Maryland state attorney announced she would pursue manslaughter and assault charges against the police officers in question.

Paul also said he regretted a comment he made on a national radio talk show about “not stopping during a riot” earlier in the week. On the nationally syndicated Laura Ingraham show Tuesday, Paul linked the violence to a “lack of fathers,” praised police in general and quipped that his train rode through Baltimore the previous night and that “I’m glad the train didn’t stop.”

“You always regret off-hand comments after you say them because people misinterpret them,” Paul said Friday. ““But people shouldn’t misinterpret my intentions ... I have been one of the few people traveling to our big cities trying to find solutions to poverty there.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Does Rand Paul support legalization of cannabis?

Things i liked about his dad, but not sure about his son.

1. Isolationist, i really think we need this. Its like the saying "if you cannot help yourself you cannot help others"
2. Audit the fed
3. Proscute the bankers shorting peoples mortgages.
4. Legalization of all drugs

Basically stay out of other peoples business unless they are hurting someone else and then make them pay.

As Ron sr. has said himself or my recent posting in this thread about Ronnie jr., Ron and Rand are 99% the same on the issues and the end game but just different in tactics. Meaning, you'll get much more non-iconoclastic lingo out of Rand who's trying to build a broader coalition (and that includes establishment types) w/o offering too much for the media to demagogue on and labeling him an extremist like the old man. Some strong libertarian/ancap idealists can't stomach the needle that Rand has to thread and thus call him a sell out even tho they should be intelligent enough to see the big picture.
hero member
Activity: 675
Merit: 507
Freedom to choose
Does Rand Paul support legalization of cannabis?

Things i liked about his dad, but not sure about his son.

1. Isolationist, i really think we need this. Its like the saying "if you cannot help yourself you cannot help others"
2. Audit the fed
3. Proscute the bankers shorting peoples mortgages.
4. Legalization of all drugs

Basically stay out of other peoples business unless they are hurting someone else and then make them pay.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Black conservative & libertarian millennials launch Pro-Paul Super PAC

The mission of the FreedmenPAC is to aggregate black conservatives who endorse Senator Rand Paul’s campaign for the presidency of the United States. Our goal is to raise funds and create a support network necessary for the election of Senator Paul and other liberty candidates.

As an organization of black conservatives, our major focus is supporting candidates who advocate for fundamental solutions in the black community. We believe Rand Paul is the only candidate, of either party, whose platform gives any hope in restoring the black family. His policies will invigorate black communities in order to create autonomy for generations to come.

Senator Paul has suggested economic freedom zones that would give tax breaks to businesses in impoverished neighborhoods. This would give black business owners the flexibility necessary to build infrastructure and expand capital to ensure the longevity of their communities.

Senator Paul is also committed to enfranchising non-violent criminals who have lost their right to vote on issues in their communities. The policy would allow an enormous population of African Americans to regain their political power. In addition to proposing unprecedented reforms in criminal justice, Dr. Paul has voiced serious concern about the current war on drugs.

Finally, his stance on school choice would revolutionize our crumbling education system by putting it back into the hands of parents. Dr. Paul believes that socio-economic status shouldn't determine where, or the quality, in which our children are educated. A great education needs to be available for everyone, in addition to the parents and community needing to be the cornerstone of decisions, not Washington.

Wherever you are, if the plight of African Americans and other minorities is important to you, then support the FreedmenPAC’s commitment to elect Rand Paul, and liberty candidates to empower our black citizens.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
I would gladly vote for Ron Paul's son as he is the closest to me ideologically, and I like how Ron Paul acknowledged Bitcoin as a potential fiat scam killer in a news segment. The problem, im starting to think that even if he got the most votes, something would happen, from voting count being rigged, to the gov or the powers that be pullin an actual JFK to avoid it.
Either that or the bankers would let the whole system cave in and attempt to blame libertarians. Under such a crash there would be constantly diminishing purchasing power for those on fixed incomes/welfare. Not saying this would happen just speculating because I know how these types operate. Keep kicking the can down the road until the people get hip to it and vote in someone who can stop the bleeding and turn things around, then let it fold and get the masses calling for big govt once again.
Activity: 1204
Merit: 1028
I would gladly vote for Ron Paul's son as he is the closest to me ideologically, and I like how Ron Paul acknowledged Bitcoin as a potential fiat scam killer in a news segment. The problem, im starting to think that even if he got the most votes, something would happen, from voting count being rigged, to the gov or the powers that be pullin an actual JFK to avoid it.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
How Rand Paul learned to talk to black people

Rand Paul's intensive effort to redeem himself -- and the Republican Party -- with minorities seemed to be on the verge of cratering.

He joked Tuesday to conservative radio host Laura Ingraham that he was happy his train didn't stop in the riot-scarred city of Baltimore. It was exactly the type of tone-deaf remark the Kentucky senator's group of black advisers urged him to avoid as he seeks to expand the GOP's outreach to minorities.

They immediately knew Paul's comment would pose a problem. They checked with other African-Americans to see how it was being perceived.

On Wednesday afternoon, Paul spoke for about an hour with black advisers who told him what they were hearing. The Republican presidential contender told them he understood the concern and expressed regret for his words.

"He said 'OK, I understand what everyone is saying, you're right. I shouldn't have said it that way,'" said Elroy Sailor, a senior adviser and director of strategic planning for Paul. "He recognizes that people listen and hear things differently. Certain words resonate with different constituencies.'"

The episode underscores Paul's complicated history with race. This is the man who openly questioned central tenets of the Civil Rights Act before he later voiced unequivocal support. He's partnered with New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker to push for criminal justice reform but also spoke this week of his sympathy for the "plight of the police."


Perhaps more importantly, Paul's comments -- and his response -- speak to the influence an informal group of black advisers will have as he tries to prove that his eclectic blend of conservative fiscal policies paired with a focus on criminal justice and civil liberties can expand the reach of the Republican Party.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Chris McDaniel (Former GOP US Senate candidate that got screwed by the establishment) of MS: Rand Paul is right: "Lindsey Graham and John McCain are “lapdogs"

Like him or not, Rand Paul is right:

"Lindsey Graham and John McCain are “lapdogs” for President Barack Obama’s foreign policy, Rand Paul said Tuesday, at once firing back at recent remarks from the hawkish Republicans and seeking to distinguish his defense credentials."
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Welcomes Hillary Clinton to the Fight for Criminal Justice Reform
The Republican presidential candidate notes the need to "undo some of the harm inflicted by the Clinton administration."

Earlier today I noted that Hillary Clinton, while declaring "it's time to end the era of mass incarceration," did not mention her own role in promoting the "tough on crime" policies that have put so many people in prison for so long. This morning Rand Paul's office issued a press release calling attention to that omission:

According to Salon, the Clinton administration's focus on the "War on Drugs" is responsible for increasing incarceration by 673,000 new inmates....

Not only is Hillary Clinton trying to undo some of the harm inflicted by the Clinton administration, she is now emulating proposals introduced by Senator Rand Paul over the last several years, and we welcome her to the fight.
In the Salon article, Jeff Stein notes:

The explosion of the prison system under Bill Clinton's version of the "War on Drugs" is impossible to dispute. The total prison population rose by 673,000 people under Clinton's tenure —or by 235,000 more than it did under President Ronald Reagan, according to a study by the Justice Policy Institute. "Under President Bill Clinton, the number of prisoners under federal jurisdiction doubled, and grew more than it did under the previous 12-years of Republican rule,combined," states the JPI report. The federal incarceration rate in 1999, the last year of the Democrat's term, was 42 per 100,000—more than double the federal incarceration rate at the end of President Reagan's term (17 per 100,000), and 61 percent higher than at the end of President George Bush's term (25 per 100,000), according to JPI.

The JPI report, titled "Too Little, Too Late: President Clinton's Prison Legacy," is here. Hillary Clinton is not her husband, of course, but she was a vocal supporter of his criminal justice policies, and her recent discussions of reform have been notably light not only on references to his administration but on references to the drug war's role in overincarceration.


Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Can someone tell me this is false?
According to this hiliarry is FAR in the lead where almost all other polls I have seen rand paul beating hillary in many key states

I heard recently that polls were showing Rand beating Hillary in several swing states, and at least one or two that are "usually blue"/ democratic party victories. I don't have a link now though.
I heard this too many times. Most of them were linked on Rand's facebook page but they are true and the polls are done by 3rd parties. Re-reading over the article it says that they are the odds that gamblers are gambling on, not actually polls from real people.
I see so much stuff on Rand that I'm not going to dig up these different polls showing him up on Hillary in IA, PA, OH and on her heels in VA, I just know for a fact that it's true cause I'm not likely gonna forget this info. I'm sure there's something on this in the last few pages tho. The main thesis is that Rand does better against the bitch over every other republican is because of his broad appeal among the youth, independents and even minorities this early on. The other republican candidates, specifically Bush and Rubio, are going to lose support against the bitch because many Rand voters simply will not support fraudulent establishment figures.
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