Loading blockchain from folder C:\ProgramData\electroneum\lmdb ...
WARN blockchain.db.lmdb src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp:72 Failed to open lmdb environment: Input/output error
ERROR cn src/cryptonote_core/cryptonote_core.cpp:399 Error opening database:Failed to open lmdb environment: Input/output error
Failed to save config to file C:\Program Data\electroneum/p2pstate.bin
Destructing connection p2p#0 to
Looks like the process doesn't have the rights to write into that folder on disk C, or it's being blocked by something (like an antivirus/windows defender/etc).
Try to move the whole thing to another folder, preferably disk D, and also make it save the database in there. For example, I run all monero-based wallets with a bat-file that looks like this:
"electroneumd.exe --data-dir D:\wallets\electronium-win-x64-"
It tells the daemon to save the blockchain in the folder specified, instead of putting it somewhere on disk C.
Another option is to run the electroneumd.exe as an administrator.