This is a very accurate assessment and what I've been saying all along.
I am completely upfront with my buyers and I will tell you the ins and outs of the bot, all the settings, what will happen if you tweak them and more, and how to protect yourself when the markets crash and the best ways to avoid bags. I won't promise a unicorn, but I have in depth knowledge about how to operate it best in different conditions, how to diffferentiate coinpairs to pick with what settings. Above all, I believe resellers really should be helping those who buy to succeed, and luckily a number of us do offer support without asking for extra.
In my opinion it is an excellent tool, but you have understand how it works to get the best out of it plus a bit about trading, and how markets behave in general. It took many of us weeks to figure out how to best use it, and it wasn't until I spoke one on one to some of the earliest and most experienced users I really understood it.
I recently conducted a 2 hour skype coaching session with someone (testominial coming soon) who approached (he bought off someone else who he said gave them virtually no help at all and was frustrated) me asking to teach them inside out about it and give them good strategy advice, so we spoke for real, hearing each other's voices and I condensed what took me about a month to learn into two hours plus a number of action points and continual advice, and checking in with them. (Note I am open to people who did not buy off me enquiring about a similar service but I have very limited time and my house is having the electrical wiring re-done so my availibility is limited)
Above all you need a realistic attitude. Success in any field is a marathon, not a sprint. There is nothing on earth which is just "Push a few buttons and make me rich" but you can succeed if you have the right tools, mentors, attitude, patience, and willingness to learn and adapt. An olympic champion doesn't just train a few times, they practice, get feedback, reflect, ask questions, find out everything they can and live and breathe their sport. If they get a few disappointing results, they get feedback, find out what they could have done differently or how to prepare for a similar scenario. For a little bit of effort to learn how Gunbot works properly, and watch it carefully whilst being cautious at first and commit to learning more about the Crypto market and trading in general and then some ongoing monitoring it will pay off longterm, bigtime.
Im an owner of gunbot, this bot is not really auto pilot, you must change setting every week/month in order to adapt you to the market, choose your reseller very carefully, some are very bad and will never help or provide you good setting, other are great and will help you
Im satisfated with this product, 0.1 BTC its a very small price for this bot, Tradingview plugin is a MUST HAVE, with this plugin you can really maximize your profit