This is not a case of being addicted to gambling. There are people who are actually in control of their gambling habits or addiction. For instance, they do not gamble beyond their budget; they commit an hour or two to gambling per week or twice per week and strictly adhere to it, among all other things. We have heard and read stories here and out there about how gambling ruins lives, careers, relationships, throws people into debt, and more. But my question is, could this be happening to everybody? Has your responsible gambling habit had any positive effects on your relationships with your spouse, kids, parents, and others? Has it improved your finances and helped you stay out of debt? Has it improved your mental health and well-being in any way? Has it been able to help you meet an urgent need? Let's discuss.
Filling up the urgent needs from gambling? This never happened to me before, The money I made from gambling came unexpectedly and since my business is what I use to take good care of myself and my spouse I do not expect anything from gambling, I only gamble when I have extra money on me that has no other purpose.
I used to gamble with whatever I had until I learned the act of responsible gambling, honestly, it's not easy to be a responsible gambler unless you are not already addicted to gambling.
How you make money in your life always has its impact too, if you are making money as a married person, you will have enough to fill every hole, like responsibility in your home, your spouse and kids, your investment, and your gambling too.
Whatever I plan on doing though, gambling comes last.