Sorry BADecker, you have never done that. You are sad that you are a single person trying to convert the world to your ideology. You claim your god is real yet provide no proof.
It's funny that the majority of religious people say they have no proof yet they can internalize and believe. I don't question that. That is a personal choice.
But you claim you have the proof and all I do is ask you to share it.
You fail yet again!
Okay, at least for a start of the proof.
Cause and effect is scientifically understood all over the world. Newton's 3rd Law upholds it. Cause and effect is like a person playing pool (billiards). The pool player hits a ball which hits another ball which hits another ball, etc., which finally knocks a specified ball into a designated pocket.
We know from experience that there is great difficulty in tapping a cue ball in such a way so that it will cause a string of balls - through cause and effect - to finally knock a specified ball into a designated pocket. There has to be a lot of intelligent planning and skilful control, in the mind and body of the pool shark who does this.
Everything that we see in the universe operates by cause and effect. We have found nothing that does not operate by cause and effect. Rather than a simple handful of cause and effect actions as in the pool game, there are countless trillions upon trillions of cause and effect actions in the universe. Rather than simple specified pool intelligence that measures and calculates only a handful of movements to a designated end, the cause and effect movements of the universe create intelligent ends, over all the cause and effect actions of the universe.
The only thing we see in the universe that causes intelligent cause and effect actions is, greater intelligence. Consider all the machines that are made by mankind, and all the simple machines that animals use. The greater the intelligence of the animal or the man, the greater is the cause and effect action that is produced. This hasn't been shown to work any other way, anywhere on earth or in the observations we make regarding the rest of the universe.
Since the only time that we understand the "causer" of complex cause and effect activity is when it is connected to intelligence, and we have no evidence of anything not intelligent behind a string of intelligent cause and effect actions, we can conclude that there is a Great Intelligence behind the cause and effect actions that make up the universe.
Even though this isn't quite proof of God, alone, it is almost proof of God.
Now, about proof. Suppose you live in a wood frame house. Imagine that you are sitting in your home office and responding in the forum, here. Look up at one of the walls in your office. You see the surface of the wall, right. But if there aren't any holes in the wall, you don't see the studs that hold the wall up, right? Because of this, you have no real proof that the studs are there. Even if you saw the house being built, even if you saw the workers put up the studs that would become your office walls, you have no proof that there is anything beyond the paint or the wallpaper that exists now, do you? For all you know, the studs might have disappeared since you saw the workers put them up. In fact, you have no real proof that up until the exact instant of the present, you were even sitting in your office working on the computer, typing into the forum, right.
If you are going to get that nuts with the idea of proof, forget your whole life. You might as well not exist.
However, if you are the kind of person who accepts standard scientific proof that makes science laws, then the above explanation of the almost-proof of the existence of God is entirely credible. It is greater than scientific theory, even though it isn't quite enough for proof as it is expressed. The rest of the proof is expressed here:
Wake up,
stats. All you have is hot air. And it is turning colder with every breath you take. If it weren't for the fact that political science exists, you wouldn't have any science at all behind the things you say.
Note that I don't write the above for you. Experience shows that you will barely be able to read an comprehend much of it. Rather, I have written it so that other people will have a clearer understanding that God exists, and that everything including our health and religion depends on Him through cause and effect.