You can read the Bible and see the vast differences between OT and NT, between the gospels and the teaching of Paul, etc; you can also read the book "Misquoting Jesus" and determine for yourself that NOT ALL of these men were DIRECTLY inspired by GOD. Therefore, how could the Bible be a DIRECT TEACHING FROM GOD???
The teachings are not different. They are simply said in different ways. Also, they are said to different groups of people, and to people with different outlooks and understandings in life. This is why they are said differently.
For example. If I were to try to explain proof for the existence of God to a tribe of Australian Aborigines, people who had not had any modern science schooling at all, it wouldn't make sense to talk to them about cause and effect and Newton's 3rd Law. I would have to go about it a different way.
You mention the Dead Sea Scrolls, but fail to mention the writings made by early Christians found at Nag Hammadi which are in opposition to the now-popular teachings of Paul. Actually, the history of the Bible is far more tangled than you have been led to believe; maybe you would be better off STUDYING THE WRITINGS OF BIBLE SCHOLARS WITH EXPERTISE? It seems like you are trusting in Paul's teaching but paying no heed to that of the Gnostics or even that of Deepak Chopra as in his book "The Third Jesus". In these Gnostic texts Jesus actually says "I am not your master"! Now where is that in the Bible!? Regarding the Dead Sea Scrolls,
they only prove that there was more important information left out of the Bible, like the process for making MANNA:
The excavation of Qumran, Judea revealed a complex system of conduits, channels and numerous water cisterns, some of which led directly from the Dead Sea. This salt-laden water was not suitable for drinking, but its high mineral content has been found to be a source of high quality m-state material for the processing of white gold powder.
Each blade of grass is important in the universe. The universe would be radically different if even one blade of grass that had been cause-and-effected to exist, simply did not exist.
If the Bible held all the important information in it, it might be bigger than the universe. That which is written is there for the saving of souls. That which is not written will add little towards the saving goal, and might even detract from it if added.
Getting back to the main point: it seems kind of absurd to have such an important project (the WORD) for mankind in the hands of so many fallible men; GOD certainly works in mysterious ways but men are prone to corruption and certainly the Bible has the mark of man upon it. Can the same be said about the Phoenix Journals? These volumes are more lucid and go into every detail, and were written by just ONE scribe.
Hatonn is: Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn-Aton. I write through a “Translator”; communications through pulsed short-wave transmission. This is not “psychic channeling nor hocus-pocus”. This is purely “physics” of frequency transmission, receiver termination of transmission and translation of the signal into the English language.
I am Commander of the “Phoenix Project”, serving the Command of that ONE whom you refer to as “The Messenger, Christos, God, etc.” The “Command Fleet” is from the sector Pleiades from which originated your ancestral lineage. My mission is in preparation for the return of the “God” to reclaim His property. He went forth and has prepared safe passage and “a place” for each of you who would come within His shelter. The choice is individual for force is not of God and you have free-will for all choices.
This is why God allows the Dead Sea Scrolls to exist... so that we can see which writings are infallible, by comparing the ancient to the new. Whatever is copied accurately by hand over thousands of years is something that has power. Since the Phoenix Project writings have only been around for a short while, and since they contradict the Bible in some places, they are probably demonic writings.
At the time of the judgment in the last day, all prophetic writings will become unimportant. They will be destroyed in the Lake of Fire following the judgment. The only book that will remain is the Word of God, Jesus, and those who follow Jesus.
Some of the other prophetic writings might help people live good lives here in this life, for the tiny hundred years that they live. Other writings might have Jesus salvation mentioned. But all the Jesus salvation writing comes first from the Bible. So, since we have the Bible with us, let's go directly to the source for salvation... the Bible.
It is truly absurd to think that the Bible is inerrant; I will prove it very simply and let's see if BADecker wants to reason with me...
There is absolutely no proof that the source of salvation is the Bible, nor is it obvious that Jesus taught "Jesus salvation" or "Bible salvation" or "Christ paid for your sins" or any of this Pauline nonsense. It is quite a stretch to imagine a prophet teaching "salvation by faith IN ME ALONE". Really? I think the arguments against "SAVIORS" in the Phoenix Journals are
more convincing than your repetitive demand that I seek out the Bible as the SOLE SOURCE OF WISDOM (?). I certainly feel that you should read these arguments along with Chopra's "The Third Jesus", and the writings of various experts to determine the role that Paul and his teachings had to play in early Christian history. Why not learn about things that JESUS ACTUALLY SAID?
Indeed, Jesus did say "I am not your master", and this is a far different claim than Paul's teaching (i.e. BADecker's dogma). It is obviously not "just a different way of saying things"! You would like to make that claim and avoid making a clear THESIS STATEMENT, but I already know that your thesis is PAUL'S TEACHINGS (i.e. "Jesus is the master"). BADecker, I have educated myself on this subject. Why not you?
Had this Bible been accurately copied over generations then I suppose you would have a decent argument about historical preservation of cultural and theological information via this Bible (IN FACT this argument is made about Vedic history in the film "Krishna: History or Myth?"). IN FACT; HOWEVER, THERE ARE MORE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE VERSIONS OF THE NT THAN THERE ARE WORDS IN THE NT! How is that for "accuracy"?! This book has been re-written
to suit an agenda and provably it happened thousands of times! It is little wonder that the phrase "I am not your master" was left out of the Bible! How can I trust your true facts about the Bible, BADecker? Your "good book" has been re-written by MAN!
Go ahead and say that I am promoting "demonic writings"! THAT does nothing more than ATTRACT people to this material and prove that you are not able to accept TRUTH when you find it, even when it agrees with what you already believe!!