If we accept research done by the LGBT lobbying groups, then we should also accept the same done by anti-LGBT groups such as various Christian organizations and conservative groups. This is like using the "research" done by Joseph Goebbels in the 1930s to claim that the Jews are an inferior race. LGBT lobbying groups are the new Nazis.
Conservative groups yes, but Christian organizations, well, no.
Bronze age nonsense is where you have to draw the line.
Well I say you should accept all and study them.
A good study isn't a study made by an independant organization (there is no such thing) but a study that can be easily criticized, giving precisely the used methodology and the percentage of error.
I think it might be waste of time to analyze Christian studies. I might be wrong, but I feel whatever they come up with would require you to put bronze age glasses to understand any of it. These people believe in invisible guy in the sky, crackers that turn into human flesh, wine that turns into blood, and don't get me started on their moral code. I'm sorry, I'd not listen to studies done by delusional people.
Objective studies, sure. But studies driven by religious groups by definition are not scientific.