Ed25519 DSA to verify and sign messages.
5 minute block time depending on the network activity.
Retargeting every 10 blocks.
Deterministic and Password protected wallets that can be recovered/generated from seeds.
New Proof-of-Stake algorithm.
A REST API to directly communicate with the client.
Naming Service: allows the user to register a key-value pair which can be used for various purposes (URLS, addresses, …).
This Naming Service will also include an exchange where users can buy and sell keys.
Voting System: Allows voting inside the client to make community decisions such as which feature will be implemented next.
Arbitrary Transactions: a simple feature which allows users to send any payload they want over the network.
This can be used by third-parties to build additional features on top of Qora (chat, ...).
Assets: assets with asset/asset trading pairs.
Encrypted Messenger: messages are encrypted standard AES256.
Dezentralized Web: decentralized Web.
Social Network: decentralized Social Network.
Automated Transactions: http://ciyam.org/at/
Was ich zudem besonders hervorheben kann ist die enorm schnelle Transaktionsgeschwindkeit und das man jederzeit nur mit dem Seed auf jedem Rechner sein Wallet hochladen kann. Egal auf welchem Rechner, hast du den Seed, kannst du gleich loslegen.
Edit: Danke WorldCoiner, zwar habe ich im Sinne "natürlich" nicht immer recht, aber ich bin mir in diesem Falle recht sicher, dass Qora wirklich eine gute Alternative zu allen anderen 2.0 Projekten ist. Qora hat zum jetztigen Zeitpunkt enorm viel Potential, selbst wenn es mit den Jahren nur noch als Insider Plattform verwendet werden sollte.
Verweise ebenfalls auf: Qora:https://altcoinspekulant.wordpress.com/2015/11/11/2-0-waehrung-qora-mit-mini-comeback/
Es geht voran:
The v0.25.0 release includes the following updates:
- A Hard Fork is scheduled for February 25. In this regard:
- To increase the security of Qora.
- Improved network portion. Wallet selects the best nodes. Permission to use the same IP.
- Allowed messages with zero amount. Now you can send the assets with message.
- Optional multiple payments in ArbitraryTransaction. - Improved section Peers. After Hard Fork, there will be a visible version of each of the connected node.
- Added TestNet mode. command line key "-testnet".
- If there is no connection, it will load the list of trusted peers from the Internet.
- Added commenting in the blogs. There is a delete function.
- Added visual editor for websites.
- The dialogue prompt for password to unlock the wallet when performing actions in the Web.
- Improved Asset Exchange section.
- Added voting within assets.
- Auto update Asset Favorites for non-zero balances.
- Added to the menu item to unlock the wallet.
- Added hotkeys for all menu items.
- Added Closing dialog.
- Display the synchronization status in tooltip in systray. Also added wallet synchronization status.
- Added new API commands.
- Minor optimizations and bug fixes.
A Hard Fork is scheduled for February 25 so, make sure that you will update your wallet to the latest version ( 0.25.0 )before the fork takes place.
P.S.: The Windows installer will be tomorrow.