Erzähl mal was zum Silk, mag mich nicht durch den ganzen Tread wühlen. Ich kaufe ganz gerne unterbewertete Coin da sind schnell mal mehrere 100% drin.
Haben die wieder einen anständigen Dev Support und sind das garantiert auch nicht nur Luftnummern?
Geht Mintpal langsam den Bach runter? Außer beim DRK haben die nirgends mehr ein anständiges Volumen.
PoSA funktioniert der Betatest vom Cloak verläuft bisher gut.
Arteleis can you give me a short update on the 1.1 Update which is currently in developing as you say on page 1.
I think at the moment you more fixing the old stuff and thanks for that great work!
Back to the Update I dont think you want to release all together and I cannot believe that you work on everything at the same time. So can you give me a small insight which of these features will be first priority and what do you think is the time frame? 1 week? 1 month?
Thank you very much.
@Arteleis if you wanna learn how to restore a coin with great success I think Honorcoin is a good example atm. But yeah they had it a bit more easy because they made it 2.0 and we stick to 1.0
Keep your good work going! Major Client Upgrade - so close to completion its ridiculous
MacOS and Linux Compiles - will come follwing release - linux first and mac following
Voting Platform - complete and ready to be integrated in update following client release
Exchange API Integration - Complete, will be in this version
Games Center - In process of hiring devs - please apply
App Center - in process of hiring devs - please apply
p2p Exchange - system in testing
Decentralized Marketplace - system in testing
In-Wallet Trading - to be worked on after poloniex is added
and more... - I won't talk about that right now.. lol
To be noted that the games centre/app centre is merged - Is called The SilkStream. Planned to be released a decentralized umbrella asset.
p2pexchange/marketplace - is merged - currently in security testing, branding, and user testing - name undetermined.
Wow! This is a whole lot further than I expected from a "coming out" party of the new improved Silkcoin release! Amazing!