
Topic: How about Vanilla coin - page 2. (Read 10206 times)

Activity: 1750
Merit: 1036
Facts are more efficient than fud
February 21, 2016, 07:07:52 AM

You're an imbecile if you read sputz interpretation and believe it. David Latapie was conned out of money when he was starting a company and sputz attempted to turn David's apology for being scammed into some admittance of fraud. The man was embarrassed and BCT's resident troll turned it into a dumb-down version of spin city, but I'm sure if you would have read through the posts, you could have figured that out for yourself. I hope you don't have this lackadaisical attitude when it comes to researching your investments..
hero member
Activity: 829
Merit: 1000
February 21, 2016, 06:06:21 AM
Just to conclude my last post, cause when I wrote it, it was really late, so late that it was really to early to write anything more, I'll add this.
As usually I really don't care what others think cause I have brain and with 45 years on my shoulders I know how to do my researches I know that people are looking for advices from someone who they trust and while it's not really important who I am, cause in Crypto I'm no one but average Joe, I think that all who are in crypto and were mining some coin know ocminer / the guy who runs pools, the fixer, guy who deals with all kinds of shit that can happen during the mining day.
So, here is what he say about john-connor

I've been coding the RPC side of the coin with John "on-the-fly" in IRC .. I was coding the pools side, while he integrated the calls into the daemon.

We did that over several hours/days and also latter anti-ddos mechanisms and other stuff were/was integrated while "talking" in IRC to each other, he's certainly no "copy&paste" coder like many, many others, I can vouch for his skills, I've worked with him together several times already, he knows what he's doing.

Also for all those who are in doubts regarding xmr shills and why they attack Vanilla so much here is some interesting reading, IDK if anything from that thread is right, but as I said it's interesting to read.
Activity: 1183
Merit: 1018
February 21, 2016, 03:00:05 AM

which parts exactly are the stolen parts?


s''$a=[];$  b=[];$c={}  ;$d={};$e=                              
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                                ,$G);#8@$g              ,[$x0,$y0,
                                $T];}$m=$M              ;my$Q=$d->
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                                >"gray")}v              alues%$x}&
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  +or$l=$X;m  y$T=B($c->  {$M},0);#8                              
  @$b,[$X,$Y  ,$T];J($T,  $X,$Y);$a#                              
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  6X]=0;}for              (@$b){++$_                              
  ->[1];my($              X,$Y,$T)=@                              
  $_;J($T,$X  ,$Y);$a#6Y  ]#6X]=1}#1                              
  ;N:$j=0;wh  ile(@$b){m  y$w=shift@                              
  $b;my($X,$  Y,$T)=@$w;  $a#6Y]#6X]                              
  =2;$f->{$Y  }->{$X}=$T  }$b=[];&N;                              
  });$W->bin  d(""=>sub               {exit});$W      
  ->bind(""=  >sub{my$E=               shift;my$F      
  vent->K);(                                       $F`eq"n")#      
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  J`159`8456                                       `a951`2654      
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  ]],[qw[O`4              589`4589`4               589`4589`y      
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  510`green]              ],[qw[T`14                              
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  p@$P;map{m              y$Q=[];my$               V=hex($_);      
  for(1..4){              my$Y=$V&0x               03;$V>>=2;      
  my$X=$V&0x              03;$V>>=2;                              
  unshift@$Q  ,[$X,$Y]}#  8@$O,$Q}@$                              
  P}map{B("b  lack",$_)}  ([128,648,        280,8],[12  0,620,8,36
  ],[408,620  ,8,36]);Tk  ::MainLoop        ;^A{#9Y=0;  $Y<22;$Y++
              ){map{$a#6                    Y]#6_]=0}(  0..9)}}^B{
  my($B,$G)=  @_;my$T=$W  ->Toplevel        ;$T->overr  ideredirec
  t(1);$T->c  onfigure(-  highlightt        =>1,-highl  ightb=>"bl
  ack",-back              ground=>$B        );#1$G?K($  T,@$G):$T}
  ^C{my($X,$              Y)=@_;#1($                              
  X<0or$X>9o              r$Y<0or$Y>        21)?0:1}^D  {my$t=pop;
  while(my$P              =shift@$t)        {$P->[2]#4  }^E{&A;D($
                                            b);D($g);$  b=[];for(k
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  keys%$S}&F              ;$i=$j=$h=        0}^F{map{$  _->[0]#4@$
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              ,$V);L($X,        $Y-1,$U,$V  );L($X,$Y+  1,$U,$V)}}
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                                ;my$G=[$X,  664,28,14]            
                                ;my$T=B("p  urple",$G)            
                                ;push@$e,[  $T,$G]}}';            

s+\s*++g;$o=0;for$l(' and return ',' return ',' or next;',###########
' for(my$','->destroy}','delete$','->[$','exists','push',# by golux #
'for(my$'){s&#$o&$l&g&&++$o}eval if s&\^&sub &g&&s&`&$"&g#2015-10-12#

hero member
Activity: 829
Merit: 1000
February 20, 2016, 07:28:06 PM
Retards can't spell... retards think ...
The only hope in hell you have that I won't wipe your faces on my ass, is that I have some sort of cancer or serious issue in my gut which is making it very difficult for me to work.
 I am 50 and suffering pain in my gut yet I can still kick ass in athletics.
 I suffer from a lot of pain in my gut which also causes pain in my head, but this is due to the illness. In spite of that I still have had days where I got nuts in the gym same as I did throughout my entire life. Watch my video, I don't look old. I am worn down in my eyes from the illness.

Just 4 years ago, I was still able to go full blast on any athletics. I am athlete. I ran sub-35 minutes 10Ks, etc.. I play American football.
I messed up my shoulder recently shooting the basketball too much and boxing. I bought a hand dumbell for the house this week and I am rehabilitating the shoulder.
Hey even sick and not able to train effectively I still have a 26" vertical leap. It is far down from my 36 - 38" in my 20s but if I could just train regularly I am confident it would climb back up to 30".
I don't feel old except for this damn fucking shit in my gut, which is really holding me back from everything in my life. Arggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You guys are trolling me.

I posted facts in this thread and the retards don't like facts. So they attack me personally. That is what losers do.

Readers are wise to your tactics.

Yeah I wish enough of this. But your cohorts retards will never stop lying and trolling.






Dude why don't you come off your high horse. I have researched LN intensively. I read the white paper. I watched a very long video where the creators explained the issues.

That you equate Zerotime to LN shows you don't have a fucking clue about the technology.

Do you guys even have a fucking clue whom you are talking toHuhHuhHuhHuhHuh Do you think your ignorance can match someone who has been coding and doing computer science research for 30 years. You guys are just pathetic.

Everything you write is wrong. Wrong, Wrong Wrong.

You idiots enjoy fist fucking each other because you are going to be selling VNL bags to street children in exchange for used bottle caps.

Well dude,
 please stop calling people bad names and just to sum it up for you, we, as you call us, the 'idiots/retards/losers/scammers' trolling you and your project???!?
Who do you think you are?
As I marked in your last few posts, you constantly talk about yourself, about your superiority, about your project, your lifestyle, you living as expat,...
 your terminal illness for which I still feel sorry for you,…
 but as I said and marked it's you who constantly talks about yourself.

Newsflash for you, there is more than one car producer, computer producer, mobile phone, milk, bread, clothes,... producer.
There is more than one currency in existence in the world so why do you think that there should be only one fast anonymous decentralized crypto currency like Vanilla is.

I just spent nice afternoon and evening with my son, we were at handball game after which we discussed strategy for his handball game he’ll have tomorrow …
... but guess what, who cares.

If you want I could talk/write you for hours about my life, family, company, skills, houses I have, my war path, connection with bankers and politicians…
... but probably you don’t care just as I/we here don’t care who you are.

You could be gold Olympic medalist and Nobel prize winner in one person, you could even be Bill Gates or president of US/Russia but ...
... that doesn’t change the fact that in the same time while highly educated you are dumb as rock.
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1001
180 BPM
February 20, 2016, 01:37:33 PM
from old/grumpy/bitter phillipinos on forum boards

Retards can't spell filipino, and don't know the different between an expat US citizen and a filipino.

And apparently retards think a man is "old" when he looks to be in his early 40s or late 30s (and 4 years ago before I got sick with some sort of cancer or problem in my gut, I was consistently told I look not older than 35).

The only hope in hell you have that I won't wipe your faces on my ass, is that I have some sort of cancer or serious issue in my gut which is making it very difficult for me to work.

Enough of this.   Go make a thread discussing the project you are working on, there is no reason for you to constantly discuss it in other threads.  Get it working in test net, publish your papers, and be scrutinized.

Constant TROLLING, will do nothing for your project but turn off potential investors.

You guys are trolling me. I responded. You go make another thread if you want (don't you ever tell me what to do, you are not the owner of this thread!). I have every right to respond to attacks.

I posted facts in this thread and the retards don't like facts. So they attack me personally. That is what losers do.

Readers are wise to your tactics.

Yeah I wish enough of this. But your cohorts retards will never stop lying and trolling.






I especially love the part where you write "NONE OF YOU CAN REFUTE ANY OF THE FACTS ABOUT VANILLACOIN".

It's time to take your meds mate.

Activity: 1582
Merit: 1001
February 20, 2016, 12:58:10 PM
Dude read what I wrote.  I didn't say LN and Zerotime are the same thing.

It was an answer to the previous posters queries on how instant transactions effect the total tps due to max blocksize.

Also I never said pruning effects blocksize, but it does effect the nodes requirements to run the network.

As for the TROLLING.  I use that in direct relation to your constant eluding towards a better project.  And how you need to move that conversation to another thread.

So far any topics you have brought up about VNL I have no problems with and have discussed them very civilly with you.  You need to stop thinking of everyone on here being a collective persona, and direct conversations with each person individually.

I'm done chatting with you.  You obviously have a very distinct conflict of interest regarding VNL, and your lack of civility shows an abhor ant absence of ability towards working with others. 
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
February 20, 2016, 12:23:29 PM
I'm not really sure how to
value Vanillacoin at the
moment.  If the insta send
method doesn't have any
security holes (if), then that
would provide some increased utility, but transactions still
need to be included in a block.
 So I guess you get faster
speeds only while the network
is low traffic and if applied to
Bitcoin, wouldn't give any gains if blocks are perma full
since you would want to wait
until the transaction is actually
inside a block?

You should read up on lightning networks and Zerotime.

Dude why don't you come off your high horse. I have researched LN intensively. I read the white paper. I watched a very long video where the creators explained the issues.

That you equate Zerotime to LN shows you don't have a fucking clue about the technology.

Do you guys even have a fucking clue whom you are talking to?HuhHuhHuhHuh?? Do you think your ignorance can match someone who has been coding and doing computer science research for 30 years. You guys are just pathetic.

LN is totally different technological concept from Zerotime.

Limitations of blocksize  does not directly related this way. VNL can do 100's of tps  and Zerotime can add 100x's more tps without filling the blocksize as it is right now.  Along with this VNL is set to have pruning and scaling of the block chain in place.  Blocksize is never going to be an issue with vnl.

Pruning has nothing to do with scaling the tx/sec rate. And you don't even comprehend why I said Zerotime won't scale. It is just n00b garbage that you are slobbering.

blah blah blah nonsense

Everything you write is wrong. Wrong, Wrong Wrong.

You idiots enjoy fist fucking each other because you are going to be selling VNL bags to street children in exchange for used bottle caps.
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
February 20, 2016, 12:12:26 PM
from old/grumpy/bitter phillipinos on forum boards

Retards can't spell filipino, and don't know the different between an expat US citizen and a filipino.

And apparently retards think a man is "old" when he looks to be in his early 40s or late 30s (and 4 years ago before I got sick with some sort of cancer or problem in my gut, I was consistently told I look not older than 35).

The only hope in hell you have that I won't wipe your faces on my ass, is that I have some sort of cancer or serious issue in my gut which is making it very difficult for me to work.

Enough of this.   Go make a thread discussing the project you are working on, there is no reason for you to constantly discuss it in other threads.  Get it working in test net, publish your papers, and be scrutinized.

Constant TROLLING, will do nothing for your project but turn off potential investors.

You guys are trolling me. I responded. You go make another thread if you want (don't you ever tell me what to do, you are not the owner of this thread!). I have every right to respond to attacks.

I posted facts in this thread and the retards don't like facts. So they attack me personally. That is what losers do.

Readers are wise to your tactics.

Yeah I wish enough of this. But your cohorts retards will never stop lying and trolling.





Activity: 1582
Merit: 1001
February 20, 2016, 12:07:28 PM
from old/grumpy/bitter phillipinos on forum boards

Retards can't spell filipino, and don't know the different between an expat US citizen and a filipino.

And apparently retards think a man is "old" when he looks to be in his early 40s or late 30s (and 4 years ago before I got sick with some sort of cancer or problem in my gut, I was consistently told I look not older than 35).

The only hope in hell you have that I won't wipe your faces on my ass, is that I have some sort of cancer or serious issue in my gut which is making it very difficult for me to work.

Enough of this.   Go make a thread discussing the project you are working on, there is no reason for you to constantly discuss it in other threads.  Get it working in test net, publish your papers, and be scrutinized.

Constant TROLLING, will do nothing for your project but turn off potential investors.
Activity: 1582
Merit: 1001
February 20, 2016, 12:02:22 PM
I'm not really sure how to
value Vanillacoin at the
moment.  If the insta send
method doesn't have any
security holes (if), then that
would provide some increased utility, but transactions still
need to be included in a block.
 So I guess you get faster
speeds only while the network
is low traffic and if applied to
Bitcoin, wouldn't give any gains if blocks are perma full
since you would want to wait
until the transaction is actually
inside a block?

You should read up on lightning networks and Zerotime.   Limitations of blocksize  does not directly related this way. VNL can do 100's of tps  and Zerotime can add 100x's more tps without filling the blocksize as it is right now.  Along with this VNL is set to have pruning and scaling of the block chain in place.  Blocksize is never going to be an issue with vnl.

The security holes are inherent in all crypto.  In bitcoin a 0 confirm transaction is very very risky.  This is why companies that allow 0 confirm  (coinbase) require your info to make all transactions trusted.

Zerotime adds security on top of that by having nearly instant locking mechanism that runs through a group of incentivesed nodes.  As far as I know there is no 100% way to do 0 conf transfers, but the money and energy it would take to double spend in a lightning network such as Zerotime makes the  chances of it happening almost zero.

Think of Zerotime as a massive security wall made to allow you to make instant transfers in a trusted situation with zero risk, and in a trustless situation with massive protection.

sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
February 20, 2016, 12:00:59 PM
from old/grumpy/bitter phillipinos on forum boards

Retards can't spell filipino, and don't know the difference between an expat US citizen and a filipino.

And apparently retards think a man is "old" when he looks to be in his early 40s or late 30s (and 4 years ago before I got sick with some sort of cancer or problem in my gut, I was consistently told I look not older than 35).

The only hope in hell you have that I won't wipe your faces on my ass, is that I have some sort of cancer or serious issue in my gut which is making it very difficult for me to work.

I am 50 and have some of my own physical and mental challenges.  After about 40, things just start falling apart. Knee and back pain, insomnia, anxiety, high cholesterol, etc. etc.  The only thing I find that helps (other than doctors and the right pills) is you must take 5-10 minutes a day to stretch as your body becomes very rigid. Also do NOT try to do sports or activities like when you were 30. When I go to the gym I lift half the weight I did 20 years ago. If I try to push it, instead of just being sore for a few days, I get sore/injured and it is severe and lasts months to years. It is not worth it. As you age you just need to try and stay a little flexible and a little stronger with easy weight lifting. I do NO sports at all. If you really wanted to do a sport, swimming is probably the only safe one.  Also us coders and computer geeks spend 18 hours/day sitting, which isn't good at all. Get up, walk around every hour, put your feet up on the desk, change positions, do anything other than sit like a statue all day and night.  Best of luck.

Look I was hesitant to respond to this before, because frankly I am 50 and suffering pain in my gut yet I can still kick ass in athletics. I suffer from a lot of pain in my gut which also causes pain in my head, but this is due to the illness. In spite of that I still have had days where I got nuts in the gym same as I did throughout my entire life. Watch my video, I don't look old. I am worn down in my eyes from the illness.

Just 4 years ago, I was still able to go full blast on any athletics. I am athlete. I ran sub-35 minutes 10Ks, etc.. I play American football.

I messed up my shoulder recently shooting the basketball too much and boxing. I bought a hand dumbell for the house this week and I am rehabilitating the shoulder.

Hey even sick and not able to train effectively I still have a 26" vertical leap. It is far down from my 36 - 38" in my 20s but if I could just train regularly I am confident it would climb back up to 30".

I don't feel old except for this damn fucking shit in my gut, which is really holding me back from everything in my life. Arggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hero member
Activity: 829
Merit: 1000
February 20, 2016, 11:40:12 AM

Proverbs 9:8:

Making jokes? This way!? Really? In your condition?

If you remember I said I feel sorry for you, but then you continued with your shit.


 - 9:9, 9:10, 9:11, 9:12

Matthew 23:12
Activity: 41
Merit: 0
February 20, 2016, 10:54:37 AM

This is maybe going to be a surprise for you but i think it's pretty much etablished that wise men don't take advice from old/grumpy/bitter phillipinos on forum boards.  Roll Eyes
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
Handsome Man
February 20, 2016, 10:04:09 AM
I'm not really sure how to
value Vanillacoin at the
moment.  If the insta send
method doesn't have any
security holes (if), then that
would provide some increased utility, but transactions still
need to be included in a block.
 So I guess you get faster
speeds only while the network
is low traffic and if applied to
Bitcoin, wouldn't give any gains if blocks are perma full
since you would want to wait
until the transaction is actually
inside a block?
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
February 20, 2016, 09:26:24 AM

Proverbs 9:8:

hero member
Activity: 829
Merit: 1000
February 20, 2016, 08:49:03 AM
you can't argue without insulting people

Why don't you check upthread who insulted whom first.

Being retarded is a problem. You might want to work on that. But it seems to be a disease that prevents its cure.

...or you should check through all your posts.
I agree being retarded and inconsistent is problem, but I can't help you with that disease.
hero member
Activity: 613
Merit: 501
February 20, 2016, 08:30:42 AM
No one whose opportunity costs is $200,000 - $500,000 yearly wastes their time on your nonsense tiny bounty in a coin that doesn't have sufficient liquidity to short and in which the mining (i.e. Zerotime network) is controlled by the flock of delusion shrills.

Yet for some reason they keep wasting their precious time...  Cool
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
February 20, 2016, 08:26:52 AM
you can't argue without insulting people

Why don't you check upthread who insulted whom first.

Being retarded is a problem. You might want to work on that. But it seems to be a disease that prevents its cure.
hero member
Activity: 829
Merit: 1000
February 20, 2016, 08:17:19 AM
I remember in the summer the community gave you the chance to perform a double spend based on your accusations then that ZT was flawed. There was a bounty. You never accepted the offer

Blah blah blah. No one whose opportunity costs is $200,000 - $500,000 yearly wastes their time on your nonsense tiny bounty in a coin that doesn't have sufficient liquidity to short and in which the mining (i.e. Zerotime network) is controlled by the flock of delusion shrills. (additionally the bounty is in VNL and I had explained before what is the point of finding a flaw then the bounty value will decline as well)

We focus on the technical analysis and how it will perform in the wild.

Your rebuttal is entirely nonsense (as it was in the past), but of course you retarded shrills will continue on with your delusion.

Readers are smart enough to see who is the fool in this debate. Delude yourself as you wish. Piss into the wind and troll your shadow in your tiny circle-jerk with your cohort bag holding shrills.

Here you come again TPTB_need_war, you can't argue without insulting people.
Didn't you said that you'll ignore us?
What is it? TheFascistMind in you can't let you out?
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1001
180 BPM
February 20, 2016, 08:03:00 AM
Proof within proof on various claims

Oh nice, another link where you call people retards and shills while offering no proof on any of your claims.

You keep the audience thrilled and amazed with the insight you give into the mind of a hideous internet troll.

This is almost as exciting as when you announced your vapor project for the first time a few years ago.

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