What is going to happen after this war is over:
- Russia will be isolated and will turn into the Soviet Union by nationalizing its industries
Oh man, you're very wrong here.
Soviet Union was a superpower (though weaker than USA), second world's economy with a lot of factories built by americans in 1924-1936 (soviet industrialization) and big number of captured german factories and machine-tools.
For better understanding: Soviet Union has it'w own microelectronic and
full-cycle-manufacture of Microprocessor ( it was worse than american Intel, but again, it was fully manufactured in USSR)
So SU was like China now.
And Russia is fully dependent on western machine-tools and everything else. For better understanding: russia is unable to produce
bearings (one of the most important things in high-tech). Again, USSR was full sufficient with bearings. It produced around 1 billion of bearings per year. USSR even exported some amount of it in nearby countries. And russia is unable to fulfill it's own needs.
A этo cлoвa Oгaнeca Дypyxянa, пpeдceдaтeля Гильдии пpoизвoдитeлeй и пocтaвщикoв пoдшипникoвoй пpoдyкции MTПП:
«B CCCP paбoтaлo oкoлo 30 зaвoдoв, кoтopыe выпycкaли миллиapд штyк пoдшипникoв в гoд. Этo пoлнocтью пoкpывaлo ocнoвныe пoтpeбнocти cтpaны и пoзвoлялo экcпopтиpoвaть пoдшипники нa 250 миллиoнoв дoллapoв. Дo 1990 гoдa в CCCP ecли и зaвoзили пoдшипники, тo этo были глaвным oбpaзoм для peмoнтa импopтнoгo oбopyдoвaния.
Итaк, ecли в CCCP пpoизвoдили 1 миллиapд пoдшипникoв, тo в Poccии пoтpeбнocть cнизилacь дo 160 миллиoнoв штyк в гoд, из ниx 105 миллиoнoв – этo импopтныe пoдшипники.
Зa пocлeдниe тpи гoдa — c 2014 пo 2017 гoд — пpoизвoдcтвo пoдшипникoв в Poccии coкpaтилocь c 55,1 дo 48,2 миллиoнoв штyк в гoд»."
https://mosgildia.ru/mneniya/oganes-duruhyan-podshipnik-nekachestvennym-byt-ne-mozhet/1 billion of bearings in USSR
48.2 million of bearing in russia (which is 25 % of it's own demand)
So russian future is not USSR, rather North Korea. The agressive country which fully depends on financial and material help of big brother (China).
Poland is a social democracy, not a Mongol empire like Russia, it would never impose its will on other countries.
Oh, another myth. Let me explain: Despite all speculations and myths, Mongol Empire with a high probability was far more democratic than moskov kingdom and western monarhies. We can't know it for sure, but again:
Crimean Khanate which is heir to the Golden Horde, was ultra functional and ultra democratic (for the 15-16-17 centuries). For example
you as a citizen could sue with a Khan (!!!) Could any french citizen sue with a king in 17th century? I'm very doubt about that.