The worst what can happen is that you lose the 1000 USD.
The best what can happen is that you make possibly 350 x profit = 350 000 USD
So maybe worth the risk to invest in Bitcoin...
Naah, it's not like that, Bitcoin still has super potential but the 350 figure on the current market valuation is not likely possible and it might not be possible even in the coming years as well. Having such expectations ahh is not likely a wise action.
TBH, on the current level where the market is already mature to the $T market capital with the growth in the coming timeline and more maturity it will stabilize the fundamentals and volatility, it was reported many times that with more and more distribution of coins among the community it will make bitcoin more reliable and less volatile, because now the power is getting diversified so the centralized actions which were causing a volatility in market will come to an elimination now except for the Black Swan events and community fuds.