
Topic: How to choose bounty? - page 140. (Read 10557 times)

Activity: 287
Merit: 10
March 27, 2018, 08:16:50 AM
We all know that there are a lot of bounty in the bounty section as we can see, but my question is how to choose good bounty campaign that we are able to  earn money? Many people mention, that the only way to determine whether the bounty is profitable or not  is by reading its white paper but may I ask to those expert here what is the other way to determine the profitable bounty?

In the deal of choosing best bounties campaigns rely on all kinds of evidence from the other users. This is the only way to make right decision. There are number of bounties campaigns but not all of them are effective.
full member
Activity: 1498
Merit: 129
March 26, 2018, 02:11:34 PM
There are many things you need to factor in before choosing a bounty. First and foremost you need to analyze the ICO itself and ask yourself some logical questions like. will the ICO be successful?. is it something that will globally be acceptable?. how popular is the ICO?. how likely is it for the ICO to reach hardcap?. secondly, you need to check the total amount of token allocated for the bounty. is it small or big?. if you will participate in some special campaign like translation, signature and blog campaign, you need to check how much percentage of the bounty is allocated for your favourite campaign for this. Thirdly you need to check the history of the bounty manager running the campaign. this is very important because there are some lazy bounty managers here on bitcointalk with a poor history of managing bounty campaign. well, my best bounty manager here on bitcointalk is yahoo62278. he is hardworking and most of the campaign he has managed are very successful with great reward. he is also a no-nonsense man so if you want to join his campaign you will have to stick with the rules. if you break the rule by mistake you may not be forgiven because he may not answer you. deadley and tactics are another Godamn good bounty manager. and lastly its better to join few but reliable bounty campaigns than participating in many campaigns that will turn out to be unproductive.
sr. member
Activity: 523
Merit: 300
March 26, 2018, 02:10:31 PM
Join their telegram, and interact with team and other members. See if the project has real value or not.
Activity: 20
Merit: 0
March 26, 2018, 02:09:09 PM
Apart from white paper what you can check about the bounty is the team involved in it and it's budget. If the team involved is real user and regular in interactions with others and budget is as per the pocket then you should go for that bounty.
full member
Activity: 882
Merit: 112
Your Data Belongs To You
March 26, 2018, 01:53:21 PM
The thing i check when joining a bounty is the budget allocated for the project, see if its right amount because too much budget is suspicious to me so i wont get blinded by Big rewards in bounty, also i'll check if the team, and the project is good, lastly check the bounty manager if the manager is reputable, because reputable managers don't choose low class bounties.

What % is considered big in your view?

Off-course statements like 3-5 million USD in bounties qualify as huge bounty and in 95% will be a fake - they will never raise enough money to have such a huge bounty,
copper member
Activity: 490
Merit: 2
March 26, 2018, 01:48:31 PM
you have to choose your bounty like a ICO because they pay you with that tokens.
Well said , investing time is much more valuable than investing money so think of it as a seed while joining the campaign and try to project the fruit that you will get when the seed gets in fruit.
I also agree what you said and also i would like to add one more thing to be taken care of while choosing bounty campaigns which is the manager of the project.If the manager is active you would be easily able to connect to them and can clear your queries ,if any.
Activity: 224
Merit: 17
March 26, 2018, 01:40:04 PM
In order to reduce the risk when choosing an ICO, I start my analysis by checking the availability of working offline or online business. Next, I study the idea of the project and the need for blockchain technology. After that, there are less significant indicators. IMHO.
Activity: 85
Merit: 0
March 26, 2018, 01:18:14 PM
for choosing a bounty you must check the rank of the bounty manager. also if it's paying you weekly for the work done it will be a good bounty program. you can consider other factors also cost of the coin, duration and rules.
Activity: 126
Merit: 0
March 26, 2018, 04:26:31 AM
I am more inclined to consult with an expert to know and choose which is profitable or unprofitable. so there is no disappointment when the results come out.
Activity: 1456
Merit: 1000
March 26, 2018, 04:24:58 AM
I chose my bounties almost the same way I'd chose an ICO for investment.

Do your research thoroughly, check out the Whitepaper, the team and so on.

It also depends on the bounties allocations between bounties and ranks.
Activity: 154
Merit: 0
March 26, 2018, 04:09:09 AM
Projects are looked at. the projects are examined in detail. ads are followed. Forum comments are also very decisive in this regard. Smiley
full member
Activity: 518
Merit: 100
March 26, 2018, 04:05:28 AM
Choosing a bounty requires careful review of the bounty program, check if if the project is offering a good product with potential value addition to the market, competent management team and the campaigns ability to reward its participant
jr. member
Activity: 189
Merit: 1
March 26, 2018, 03:53:47 AM

1.Smotrim skol'ko vydeleno na baunti i kak opredelyayetsya pul.
Dumayu, zdes' vso ponyatno. Rech' idot o vydelyayemykh na kompaniyu sredstvakh. Eto libo opredelonnyy protsent ot sobrannykh sredstv. Chashche vsego dannaya tsifra var'iruyetsya ot 3% do 5%. Libo zhe chotkaya summa, propisannaya v usloviyakh, naprimer v 300 000 – 500 000, 1 000 000 $ i td. Tak zhe ne zabyvayte obrashchat' vnimaniya na to, kak pul delitsya mezhdu sotsialkami, podpis'yu i t.d. Zachastuyu novichki propuskayut etot punkt, a potom udivlyayutsya, pochemu lyudi postavivshiye podpis' poluchili v 20 raz bol'she chem oni, kotoryye repostili i retvitili bez ostanovki. Sovetuyu brat' proyekty, gde pul nachinayetsya ot 300 000 – 400 000$, i ne sovetuyu brat' kompanii, gde razrabotchiki obeshchayut vydelit' na baunti chut'-li ne 25%-30% ot sobrannykh sredstv. Eto v bol'shinstve sluchayev okazyvayetsya skamom.

2. Daleye smotrim na Soft kapu i Hard kapu kompanii.

Dlya tekh, kto ne v kurse. Soft kapa eto minimal'nyy porog denezhnykh sredstv, kotoryy sami razrabotchiki schitayut neobkhodimym dlya starta proyekta. Khard kapa eto maksimal'nyy porog. Moyo mneniye, yesli i vstupat' v kompanii s ustanovlennoy soft kapoy to zhelatel'no chtoby ona byla ne meneye 8 000 000$, tak kak togda vy kak bauntisty garantiruyete sebe boleye meneye priyemlemyy zarabotok. Yesli zhe summa namnogo men'she, stanovitsya ponyatnym chto i protsent na baunti vsledstviye etogo budet nizhe vashikh ozhidaniy. Zhelatel'no izbegat' proyektov s sil'nym razbrosom. Naprimer, soft kapa 10 000 000$ a khard kapa 90 000 000$. Srazu zhe zakradyvayutsya opredelonnyye somneniya, chto razrabotchiki sami ne znayut chego khotyat ot proyekta, davaya takoy sil'nyy razbros po summam. Yesli zhe soft kapa i khard kapa ne ustanovleny, to luchshe brat' takiye proyekty, gde vyplaty budut v protsentnom sootnoshenii, a ne chotko ustanovleny. Inache budet ne vazhno, i samoye glavnoye obidno, yesli proyekt soberot 500 000 000$, a vy poluchite kopeyki.

3. Daleye smotrim, yest' li otchoty po baunti?

V bol'shinstve kompaniy baunti menedzhery trebuyut yezhenedel'nyye otchoty. Yest' koncheno kompanii i bez nikh. Uchastvovat' v tekh ili inykh reshat' tol'ko vam. Tut vso zavisit ot zhelaniya i usidchivosti kazhdogo v otdel'nosti. Kto-to normal'no otnositsya k monotonnoy i rutinnoy rabote v vide postoyannogo zapolneniya i propisyvaniya ssylok na tvity, retvity, posty i reposty. Komu-to eto ne nuzhno i on prosto ne zhelayet tratit' na eto svoyo vremya. Odnako yesli yest' otchoty i svodnaya tablitsa, to vy spokoyno mozhete posmotret' na chislo uchastnikov, nachisleniye stakov i t.d. Yesli zhe otchotov net, a v proyekte naprimer yest' lichnyye kabinety, eto s odnoy storony mozhet byt' i khorosho, tak kak podschot proizvoditsya avtomaticheski, a s drugoy storony ne ochen', tak kak ne dayot vam polnogo predstavleniya o kolichestve uchastnikov i raspredelenii pula. Minus i v tom, chto menedzhery pri ispol'zovanii lichnogo kabineta mogut(nadeyus' chto eto byvayet redko) zhul'nichat', pripisyvaya k proyektu lishniye feykovyye akkaunty, chto chastichno zabirayet pribyl' u nastoyashchikh khanterov. No ya rekomenduyu, dazhe yesli kompanii idut bez nalichiya otchotov, vso ravno ikh vesti, khotya by dlya sebya. Inache byvayut sluchai kogda pri podschote stakov, u vas ikh mozhet byt', k primeru 74, a u menedzhera 38, i dlya togo chtoby yemu chto-to dokazat', vam pridotsya iskat' vse svoi reposty i retvity. A tak vso budet pod rukoy.

4. Obyazatel'no proveryayem limity na kolichestvo uchastnikov.

Smotrim yest' li kakoy-libo limit na kolichestvo uchastnikov naprimer v tvitere, feysbuke i t.d. Eto vazhnyy punkt, tak kak ot nego napryamuyu zavisit na skol'kikh uchastnikov budet podelen vydelyayemyy pul. Ponyatno, chto yesli yest' kakoy-to porog, skazhem tak v 100 uchastnikov, to summa budet podelena imenno mezhdu nimi. Vo mnogom eto luchshe, tak kak podelit' 10 000$ na 100 chelovek priyatneye, chem yesli by eta summa delilas' na 1000.

5. Kolichestvo uchastnikov.

Kolichestvo uchastnikov ochen' vazhno kak ya uzhe neodnokratno upominal vyshe. Tak kak ono pryamo proportsional'no vliyayet na dal'neysheye raspredeleniye pula. Inogda v moyey praktike byli sluchai, kogda v odnoy kompanii, naprimer v tvittere uchastvovalo po neskol'ku tysyach chelovek srazu. Eto ne ochen' khorosho ibo na vykhode chashche vsego poluchayetsya zarabotat' kopeyki. Tut u kazhdogo dumayu budet svoyo mneniye na sey schot. YA zhe sovetuyu vkhodit' v proyekty, gde v nuzhnom nam punkte, bud' to podpisnaya, tvitter, feysbuk ili chto-to yeshcho rabotayet maksimum 300-400 chelovek.

6. Bylo li PRE-ICO, kak prokhodilo, kakovy rezul'taty.

Dlya tekh kto ne znayet chto takoye PRE-ICO, eto chto-to vrode pred prodazhi svoikh tokenov(monet) . V takoy moment v proyekt chashche vsego zakhodyat investory, kotoryye vkladyvayut v nego den'gi, vidya v nom perspektivu. V eto vremya v bol'shinstve sluchayev na tokeny idot prilichnaya skidka. V osnovnom eta tsifra var'iruyetsya ot 3% do 30%. Neobkhodimo postoyanno sledit' za tem kak prokhodit PRE-ICO, ibo vash dal'neyshiy zarabotok vo mnogom budet zaviset' ot yego libo zhe ikh uspekha. Svyazanno eto, prezhde vsego s tem, chto yesli proyekt ne soberot minimal'no neobkhodimuyu summu na svoy start, vlozhennyye den'gi budut vozvrashcheny investoram, a vy po faktu prodelayete svoyu rabotu
1. Look at how much is allocated to the bounty and how the pool is determined.
I think everything is clear here. It is about the funds allocated to the company. This is either a certain percentage of the collected funds. Most often this figure varies from 3% to 5%. Or else a clear amount, prescribed in the conditions, for example in 300 000 - 500 000, 1 000 000 $ and so on. Also do not forget to pay attention to how the pool is divided between social networks, signature, etc. Often, newcomers skip this point, and then wonder why people who signed it got 20 times more than they did, which reposted and retweet without stopping. I advise you to take projects where the pool starts from $ 300,000 - $ 400,000, and I do not advise you to take companies where developers promise to allocate at least 25% -30% of the collected funds to the bounty. This in most cases is a scum.

2. Then we look at Soft Kapu and Hard Kapu companies.

For those who do not know. Soft cap is the minimum threshold for cash, which the developers themselves consider necessary to start the project. Hard cap is the maximum threshold. My opinion, if you join companies with installed software, then it is desirable that it be at least $ 8,000,000, because then you, like bounties, guarantee yourself a less acceptable salary. If the amount is much less, it becomes clear that the percentage of bounty due to this will be below your expectations. It is advisable to avoid projects with a wide spread. For example, soft kapa $ 10,000,000 and hard cap $ 90,000,000. Immediately creep certain doubts that the developers themselves do not know what they want from the project, giving such a strong spread on the amounts. If soft and hard cap are not installed, then it's better to take such projects, where payments will be in percentage, rather than clearly set. Otherwise it will not matter, and the most important thing is offensive if the project collects $ 500,000,000, and you get a penny.

3. Next, see if there are reports on the bounty?

In most companies, bounty managers require weekly reports. There is no end to the company without them. Participate in those or other to solve only you. It all depends on the desires and perseverance of each individually. Someone normally refers to monotonous and routine work in the form of constant filling and prescribing links to tweets, retweets, posts and reposts. Someone does not need it and he just does not want to spend time on it. However, if there are reports and a summary table, you can easily look at the number of participants, the accrual of stacks, etc. If there are no reports, and in the project for example there are personal offices, this can be good on the one hand, since the calculation is automatic, and on the other hand is not very, since it does not give you a complete idea of ​​the number of participants and the pool allocation. The downside is that when using a personal cabinet managers can (I hope it's rare) cheat, attributing extra fake accounts to the project, which partially takes profits from real hunters. But I recommend that, even if companies go without reports, they still have to lead them, even for themselves. Otherwise, there are cases when counting stacks, you can have them, for example 74, and the manager 38, and in order to prove something to him, you will have to look for all your reposts and retweets. And so everything will be at hand.

4. Be sure to check the limits for the number of participants.

We are looking at whether there is any limit on the number of participants, for example, tweeter, facebook, etc. This is an important point, since it directly depends on how many participants will be divided into the allocated pool. It is clear that if there is a threshold, let's say 100 participants, the sum will be divided between them. In many respects this is better, since it is more pleasant to divide $ 10,000 into 100 people than if this amount were divided by 1000.

5. Number of participants.

The number of participants is very important, as I have repeatedly mentioned above. Since it directly affects the further distribution of the pool. Sometimes in my practice there were cases when in one company, for example, twitter was attended by several thousand people at once. This is not very good because at the output most often it turns out to earn a penny. Then I think everyone will have an opinion on this matter. I advise you to go into projects where at the right point, be it subscription, twitter, facebook or something else, a maximum of 300-400 people work.

6. Whether there was PRE-ICO, how it passed, what are the results.

For those who do not know what a PRE-ICO is, it's something like pre-selling their tokens (coins). At such a time, investors usually come to the project, who invest money in it, seeing in it the prospect. At this time, in most cases, a decent discount for tokens. Basically this figure varies from 3% to 30%. It is necessary to constantly monitor the progress of PRE-ICO, because your further earnings will largely depend on his or her success. This is connected, first of all, with the fact that if the project does not collect the minimum amount necessary for its start, the invested money will be returned to investors, and you will actually do your work

7. When payments are made.

Usually write here in the description. But if it is not now, they will write closer to the end of the bounty.

This criterion is more for those who want to earn here now, and not for fans of the Hold and big X's. Because there are companies that can pay in 3 months and in six months. Therefore, if the profit from companies is important to you, at some specific time, then carefully read the terms of the bounty, where most often payments on terms and time are negotiated at once.

8. Dates of the ICO.

Do not forget to pay attention to the timing of the company's bounty in relation to the time of the ICO itself. That is, you should understand if the company bounty is launched today, and the ICO itself in six months, then the payments from them are likely to be minimal in relation to the time you spent. Just imagine, you write tweets for six months, do reposts from day to day, and to the ICO's exit for such a significant period, the project was packed with 3000-4000 participants. As a result, you got to a minimum. And I gave my strength decently. Therefore I do not advise.

9. The idea of ​​the project.

It is necessary to clearly understand looking at the idea of ​​the project, whether it is necessary in general by itself to someone or not. Here the main thing to analyze what the developers suggest, read the WHITEPAPER, think about whether the project has a chance to shoot, or vice versa, the idea seems delusional to you. I, unfortunately, take a superficial attitude to this point, not because I consider it unimportant, but because it takes a lot of time to thoroughly study each project, which I do not have. If you have more of it and have a desire to study each idea thoroughly, this will be a big plus, and will help in choosing the right company.

10. The team.

These are the people on whom the project itself rests. A lot depends on them. The first step is to see who is behind the company. Very often there are people with rich experience and a long track record that you can trust. It is also necessary to look at how active the lower-level managers are. This refers to people engaged in advertising and promotion in social networks, monitoring branches on the same bitcointelka, etc. Often this indicates good control over the project, and therefore that the business models are scrupulous and smart.

11. Where the remains of tokens go.

A very interesting and tricky question for many. For example, the project put on sale 20,000,000 tokens, sold 14,000,000 of them. What will happen to the remaining 6,000,000? In the right projects, they will have to be burned, having mentioned this in the company's bounty beforehand. Otherwise, the remnants will go to the developers and they will already have for example not 10% of tokens and 25-30%. This is not very good, because in this case they will be able to strongly influence the market and the coin itself, that is, lower it in price, re-buy, etc. So I strongly recommend choosing projects in which the bounty conditions will keep the remains of tokens burning or freezing.

12. What is the activity.

If the project is already started, but the bounty has not yet begun, I advise you to look at it in social networks. How much he is interesting to people, how active, how many likes, reposts, comments, etc. Perhaps a criterion for someone superficial, but sometimes helps to distinguish a dead project, from where life boils, which is actively developing and attracts the attention of both ordinary users and investors. Look closely at how long his communities exist in social networks. Especially look at the number of subscribers in Telegram. If for a long time, it means that they have a product either at the final stage of development or in general already a worker. If the community was created only under the ICO, then it is not so good, and here it is better to take a closer look at the project more closely. If the bounty is already in full swing, then you should pay attention to their activity on the bitcoin branch. Whether there is work there, answer questions, publish news, etc.

13. Which exchanges will be issued and when the token is flooded.

This information can be found in the managers in the Telegram chat or found on the company's website if it is there.

It is advisable to specify on which exchanges the coin of the project will be issued. If these are top exchanges of the type BITTREX, Poloniex, etc. then even if the coin gives a drawdown, sooner or later it will be possible to expect pampas, that is, it will certainly be able to grow in price and will be pumped. Perhaps, it will be a long-term prospect, maybe short-term, but still. To our sorrow with you, very often the developers do not open such information. If the information is given, and there are top exchanges there, then you can try to enter this project.

14. What is the blockade of the company.

Also all the information on the site, or in the branch of BTT.

That is, on which platform the project is launched, let ETH, Waves, maybe even its own. My experience suggests that it is best to work with the most common and at the same time reliable platform ETH. Of course, this is not a panacea. However, according to my observations, projects that run on other platforms often turn out to be a scam.

15. Significance and media.

Mostly this refers to the situation when you enter the company already at the stage of its providence. In this case, you should pay attention to how much the project is popular in the communities, on the same bitcoinlot, how many people are wearing it, how often you see the advertisement of this project in social networks. Often it is mentioned on all ICO trackers. Maybe even in contextual advertising he meets or in the directorate. In other words, how much the project is popular, and how in its promotion and advertising are invested by developers. If all of these factors are present, then we can assume that with due respect the project will be successful.

16. Where are the developers.

I would not like to write a lot about this. One could simply say a banal phrase, to the type that every nation has its own people, both good and bad. So in national projects there are both good and bad. However, the sad experience tells me a little bit the opposite. Our domestic projects in percentage terms are often a scaffold. Sometimes, do not pay anything at all, or change the pool and pay less, or something else. Although I am very well aware of the fact that people in our land aspire to develop something. However, I would like to wish them in the future just a more responsible approach to the implementation of their ideas. I will not say that I do not advise. Just say, be careful.
Activity: 182
Merit: 0
March 26, 2018, 03:26:06 AM
We all know that there are a lot of bounty in the bounty section as we can see, but my question is how to choose good bounty campaign that we are able to  earn money? Many people mention, that the only way to determine whether the bounty is profitable or not  is by reading its white paper but may I ask to those expert here what is the other way to determine the profitable bounty?
a good campaign is a campaign that has good future goals and prospects. so this is able to invite investor appeal. if the investor exceeds the target, then the results given are more than we expected.
full member
Activity: 1386
Merit: 101
March 26, 2018, 03:24:12 AM
We all know that there are a lot of bounty in the bounty section as we can see, but my question is how to choose good bounty campaign that we are able to  earn money? Many people mention, that the only way to determine whether the bounty is profitable or not  is by reading its white paper but may I ask to those expert here what is the other way to determine the profitable bounty?

you should read and examine it first before you follow the campaign.
I think this applies to investing as well. all you have to do and check overall, from white paper, team and product. if you have confidence ico will succeed of course you will get salary
jr. member
Activity: 196
Merit: 1
March 26, 2018, 03:17:10 AM
I myself only see the maneger to see good gifts and make a lot of money, the maneger of my choice is sylon, I've made a lot of money from the sylon gift project,Then you can also see from the whitepaper

your style seems to be what i am doing now haha.. but may i know do you have  a link to sylon's stuff?
full member
Activity: 392
Merit: 100
March 25, 2018, 12:55:11 PM
it is worth starting with the study of the forum bitcointalk, the more you read the more experience will be in choosing an ICO. as well  is carefully to study the entire project. look it up on sites for rating of ICO and listen to the opinions of more experienced users
Activity: 89
Merit: 10
The Standard Protocol - Solving Inflation
March 25, 2018, 12:41:29 PM
We all know that there are a lot of bounty in the bounty section as we can see, but my question is how to choose good bounty campaign that we are able to  earn money? Many people mention, that the only way to determine whether the bounty is profitable or not  is by reading its white paper but may I ask to those expert here what is the other way to determine the profitable bounty?

Your right, reading whitepaper of the ICO will determine if the bounty campaign is profitable and worth it to promote. Also check the team background and the developer who are running the ICO, check their profile if they have past experience in running an ICO. Also you can consider a good bounty campaign manager
hero member
Activity: 1050
Merit: 844
March 25, 2018, 12:41:09 PM
I myself only see the maneger to see good gifts and make a lot of money, the maneger of my choice is sylon, I've made a lot of money from the sylon gift project,Then you can also see from the whitepaper
Activity: 45
Merit: 0
March 25, 2018, 12:35:16 PM
many ways to choose a reward depends on the ability to do so.
it's better to use big rewards like joining a bounty
signature campaigns because that part is paying a great token.
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