Hi, I just wanna ask how to overcome depression? I have a friend and she keeps telling me that she don't to live anymore and that it is better to die, she has lot of problems but she just keep it on her own, she is so depress and i can't find the right words to make her feel better. And also can't a person overcome depression on his/her own?
Firstly to overcome a depression you need to find out the root of the cause for depression. Like money, relationship or family problem
After that try to solve the problem one by one
Secondly engage in the activities/ hobbies or something that can make you happy and forget the worries.
I think those suffer from depression need assurance from people around them and someone to talk to when they are free so will not have the free time to think about unhappy things.
Depression cant be overcome by yourself but it is not easy if your mindset keep drifting to the negative side it will only contribute to more and more depression... Most important thing is your mindset only if you help yourself out of the depression then people will be able to help you.