Giving your money to your near & dear ones and even your wife isn't a nice idea. I would bet with my money rather than giving control of my money in anyone's hand. There are number of examples where people give loan to others or keep their money save with other people and when they need it, those people refuse to give back and make excuses.
The best way for the gambler is to become strong emotionally and mentally that you can stop yourself from spending more funds in gambling and should know how to safe guard your money while gambling. This will only be possible if you know the risk involved in gambling and how to control minimize them.
But only such a method will lead to scandals in the family and perhaps even a fight with loved ones. And this is a very bad scenario for how to cure gambling addiction. In short, you should never give anyone your money that is intended for gambling. This way you will always be calmer playing and not add stress from asking for such money from your wife or relatives.
Of course, I do not mean the case when the player stole money from the family budget or from a friend.