Food shortages have being a big problems in the global world today where tremedious things are happening people finds it difficult to buy food especially,rice products,climate change has devastated the whole global world where crops can no longer do well in the farming system,believe with this new information about the crypto space can our climate change system be put together where there will be high rate of food shortages in the global world as a new beginner I want to know we can fix this things I mentioned.
Personally, according to my own observations, food shortage isn't particularly as a result of climate change, but has more to do with people leaving their farms.
It seems that the more the world is advancing in technology, the more business opportunities are opening up and so are several people leaving their farms for better jobs or businesses.
So to really cub the menace called food shortage, majority of us must endeavor to return to our farms, this a the only solution I can think of right now.