Probably because there's so many people and the production in the agricultural sector is just too low to meet the growing demands of the growing population, got to remember that just because you're renowned on something, doesn't mean that you're going to be able to deliver that thing that you specialize the most especially in a country, it happens a lot especially if the department that's supposed to manage the agriculture in the country doesn't know what they're doing and they have a hard time doing the right thing that they need to do, food shortage is definitely bound to happen, there's also the factor of the crops being damaged by pests, diseases, and natural disasters, the yield will never get to the perfect point with that, there's also the factor that poverty exists in a country, if there's impoverished people, there's definitely people out there that won't be able to afford food on their table thus increasing the hunger index in a country.
The money can also be used for other things like having a tools for irrigation and vehicles that will be used in the field but all of them are still for the sake of having a good and fertile soil. Country leaders are truly influential. We are lucky if we fell on a good and responsible leader. But if not, I think we must not be afraid to take a personal step.
We can also ask the help of other normal individuals. That way, we can increase our power and possibly defeat them, or they will now listen to our request. They don't know that if the production is less, it will also affect the economy of the country negatively, which can mean lesser income for them.