Hmm lets use the actual trading mechanism built into Stellar. I will fire up Stellar and put a bunch of I0C tokens for sale for Stellar Lumens (XLM) if I have not done so already. I have been meaning to for so long that I don't remember whether I ever actually found time to do it. So I guess if it is not already done the time to do it has come. Hopefully I'll also find time to do the same for IXCoin, DeVCoin and so on through the list of all the coins I have implemented, and what the heck I'll also check each one as I come to it to make sure I did post an info page about it on the site stating its symbol and issuing account and issued-to account.
So you should be able to look at the page and see there that the symbol is I0C, the issuing account is GBHAQ252S4Z4AQOM4BWIRC3UHAOJIKCZQBUJGD336YH2O7W2NKRXMHA5 and the issued-to account is GATCAX6Q2TGGGU4Y7NJOSJCQ3SXZUWBTLJOKHKOK7LXZODXDJQCWXGX6
The page also attempts to explain that part of the purpose of having an issued-to account is so that folks don't send the tokens back to the issuing account, which would un-issue the tokens. I know a lot of exchanges do like to issue and un-issue tokens dynamically as people deposit and withdraw, but I prefer to issue in advance a number of tokens representing real coins I really have on hand on their own blockchain in my own wallet and in effect buy and sell those tokens rather than risking any kind of "live" ("hot") creation and destruction of tokens as coins come and go from a "hot" wallet.
The issued-to account also helps me keep track of how many I actually issued of each token since I set the trust line of the issued-to account to the number I issue.
I got the above info by looking at the page so yes I did already get around to making I0Coin-on-Stellar's page.
Now I just need to fire up my Stellar wallet and see about placing some I0C tokens for sale for Lumens if I haven't done that already.
When the time comes that you want to "bail out" I0C tokens for real I0Coins on I0Coin's own blockchain you will be sending the I0C tokens to the issued-to address so that the tokens still exist (because, afterall, the real coins they stand for still exist), and I will send you I0Coin on the I0Coin blockchain. I have more than twice as many I0Coins as the number I have issued tokens for so basically I will be buying the tokens using other I0Coins not un-issuing the tokens. (The tokens remain, to represent other coins I still have securely in a wallet even after buying the tokens from you with real coins.)
Don't just blindly send tokens to their issued-to address without warning though; we will need to co-ordinate so I know they are coming and to what real-coin-blockchain address to send you the real coins.
OK I am off to fire up my Stellar wallet now...
...OK I put a whole pile of buy and sell offers I0C/XLM. Too many buy offers actually, ran out of lumens oops.
Have started to put sell offers of other coins too but I guess I won't be able to put in buy offers for them until I get some lumens by folks taking up my sell offers.