The network issues 12.5 BTC per block.All this nonsense is non sequitur hyperbole.Even Vlad's notorious friend would agree deliberate sensationalist narrative created out of an insignificant event.
The softfork on 528750 block was shitcoin 2x hybrid consensus.Another insignificant bump under the wheels of a freight train.
The silence will be deafening once these two copypaste coins i0/IX retract back into tumbleweed town after its pathetic attempt to pump on the back of this urban myth.
Just after this fork a character named "BitPico" start a massive ddos and (blocks overload?) to the bcash network...
Lot of fud and talkings about Bitmain 51% hspower...
I read someone asking how he (BitPico) have such ammount of (block tx?)...
I admit to have not enought knowledge to have a clear plot of the situation
but something is moving, something of this things are incredibly related with my personal past and last but not least, this is the kind of things that really open your eyes on how much is deep the real world and the stories that everyday humankind is able to make.
That's I think sure worth a try
ps: IXC and I0C seems to be often negative correlated, so it's easy swap and increase your stack
It definitely all seems to intertwine in one way or the other.
The Huobi 10 Index HB10 launches July 1. Index coins deserve their credit in forming these types of possibilities for crypto.
I0C will have its day. Soon. Has to be.
NLX forks this month - expect Zerocoin protocol to make the news.
hey Dan, really, is far for me the truely understand of how this things pops in real life just from shadow, but the Story is full of shadows, this is a World of possibilities as I believe this World is, so yes they can be index token of new products.
Some days ago I read about riches investors want more coins, 21 milions is a number that psycologically doesn't fit well with human behaviours.
People prefer milions of nothing instead of units of everything, moreover old rich people.
But about Houbi...they have a BitcoinX listed (bcx)...return of fork block say IsBitcoinX()...idk if it means nothing but for 93 sat each
ps: yesterday I was reading a ML paper talking about reservoir computing and... Euler's identity was used to integrate something in input