Hmmm,looking at his answer he hasn't completely hammered you.Normally when he finds a weakness in someones argument or theory he literally shreds them to pieces so they have nowhere left to escape to but he has left you an exit and your pride intact.
He has been very civilised with yourself for some reason so there may be hope for you if you can provide better evidence but it looks like he was just passing through with his comment which is probably for the best.
The part he commented on though is correct.No point in trying to convince him otherwise or obfuscate with riddles and "convoluted" babble.
Hmmm, sounds like a tuff guy. Maybe he’s heard of me and fears my hacking skills.
The guy sounds really busy with real work so I won’t bug him. I figure if we’re right things will get out and he’ll take a closer look then. But Vlad still sad.
It's the time traveling and 'hacking skills' comments made by Vlad2Vlad coupled with the fact he appears to have put a fair amount of btc into I0C a number of years ago which leads me to believe this is indeed a pump and dump. If there really is something worth while happening to this coin, much of the information surrounding it at this time is detrimental and hard to understand or even believable.
Much of the information written about I0C and the disccusion in this thread appears to fit this (I0C talk) being a conspiracy theory. see