SO what is happing for the iCOB coin?
No one knows, Pioneer is now missing in action again. Last Active: September 15, 2018, 05:32:39 AM and last update on telegram group was this:
Pioneer 2016, [15.09.18 13:37]
For enrolment phase, we just collect about 200.000 ICOT from 1 joiners. Then we can say enrolment phase has failed. Crowdfunding second round will not be executed. More plan will release soon. 200.000 ICOT will be refunded to contributers + 20.000 ICOT bonus for joining.
I think lack of marketing is one of the reasons why the investment program failed. This thread has been silent for a long time and people already forgot or intentionally forget about the project. It became active again recently but it hasn't been advertised for people to know that it's still alive.
For sure several ICOB-W holders missed even the swap.