It is quite unfair that gamblers get addicted, and use their addiction to disturb the peace and welfare of their families and relatives, even with their friends, by taking loans and debt without being able to pay them and leave the responsibility for their loved ones to carter. Most times the family members will have no option than to help them pay these debts, but the worst of it is when the gambler is bring shame to the family and dragging the family name on the mud.
Some spouse might not be able to tolerate such attitude from the partner, and they will seek for divorce due to the frustration that the addicted gambler is putting them through. While some will take it as their responsibility to handle whatever ugly situation that the gambler attracts to himself. It is good that as a gambler, we try to caution ourselves on how will go about our gambling activities, and how much that we are using to gamble, so that we don't end up becoming an addict, and become a problem to our friends and families. Gamble responsible.
- It's a big problem when the gambling you use comes from debt, and when it reaches your relatives or family, it's a big headache for them. It would be okay if we were the only ones affected the most; we still have loved ones.
This is really not a good idea, as long as we can be responsible gamblers, and being good gamblers guarantees that they will not let their family or loved ones be affected.
One of the indirect victims is work or the company, it is hard to be productive if your mind wanders on gambling, and the company will suffer because of low productivity brought by people who cannot handle their gambling activity, just imagine if there are 5 gambling addicts within a company, the company will breakdown and they will have to fire these people and train new people to replace these people especially if the affected workers are those from upper rank.
These are indirect parties that will suffer from people who are addicted to gambling.
They will be fired from their jobs when their superiors catch them, it is not right to play gambling via online at the same time because it will affect their work in the company, and the company will be angry with them.