I'm not sure why you just didn't buy an OCS stamp or two here:
https://crypto.post.at/onchainshop/more info:
https://crypto.post.at/how-it-works/#what_is_onchainI think taciturn is saying you need an OCS stamp in your collection. Not sure about imported physicals. I do it in reverse. Buy onchain, then have the physicals sent to me via metamask. I don't recall it being super expensive, but maybe it was. The ETH network is really shitty lately, so many shit-tokens/contracts lol.
to be honest - I have zero experience with ethereum or the onchain store and did not understand the difference when purchasing - someone had posted the link to where I could pre-purchase them and I did - it just so happened it was physicals - I looked at buying the on chain ones now - and its nearly the same price as xferring the physicals nearly $12 euros each
tell me this if I buy on-chain ones, do they automatically send me the physical ones? do I have to request them? And is there a cost associated to getting the physical ones after buying on-chain ones?
edit - after reading the response right before mine - I think I will just hold onto the physicals - periodically checking gas prices and eventually redeem them when its reasonable. Sadly, this will remove any chance of winning one of the golden unicorns - though I assume that chance is slim anyways. And I wasted $15 to create the empty collection lol
you already created a collection, so try to transfer or buy at least one crypto stamp into the collection for qualifying for the onchain raffle. The chance to win a golden unicorn is about 15% each week. 3 weeks left. ;-)
The difference between onchain crypto stamp (OCS) and the normal physical CS is, that for the onchain you will have the NFT first and can request any time the physical counterpart (unfortunately you need to pay gas for every steps). Whereas the physical CS, you will have the physical stamp first but the NFT is not minted yet. Minting the NFT into a collection or wallet of course would cost gas again.
In the beginning it was free using the physical CS to create the first collection and mint the first CS. But the budget has been exhausted by few egoistic people because they created many free collections and NFTs for the onchain raffle.