I claimed something not sure what it was because I now have an "Unknown" NFT in MEW and no freakin idea how to correct fix - combine all these damn ether wallets. the Ethereum portion, I get - all these NFTs/Tokens, I do not get.
For crypto stamp 1.0 it's correct and you can use any ETH wallet to get access to the NFT.
But for crypto stamp 2.0, it does not have a cold wallet and the NFT is not pre-minted. So you have to use the crypto.post.at site to mint the NFT and add it to a collection. In the past it was free for the first stamp and collection. Some people were egoistic and created many collections for the raffle that way and exhausted the budget. So now you have to pay to mint the NFT and create a collection at crypto.post.at site.
well to pay $15 a stamp is not worth doing, by the time I am done, I could have just bought the golden unicorn lol