My clarification is in red.
I get it now. a ginter x case is like seeing a unicorn on leap year day. Quite rare.
Correct, and the no # is not available from the ginter X
I disagree (which is what I meant to clarify in the red comments above). I've pulled more than one NNO from a Ginter X box.
EDIT: FYI, Ginter X also has the Brooklyn Back minis. I know, because I've pulled more than one of those too.
Yes. Those X boxes are not limited (except for gold border, right?) The "X" boxes have the silver, red and black minis which will not be found in non-X boxes. I wish i had known that BEFORE i spent funds on two non-X cases looking for those 3 unicorns.
One cool think that i noticed with the X box pulls is that when you see an otherwise normal looking mini, it is actually a glow-in-the-dark.
Dolphriends (or some helpful member) has since said that it is cheaper just to buy the cards you want than to go on wild goose chases. I totally agree now.