I've introduced people to Bitcoin who were far from technically skilled and usually start out by showing them Instawallet, giving them a few coins, and having them e-mail the URL to themselves. Also a stern warning about it being a solution only for chump-change and that more secure ones exist and work like x and y.
As long as they're aware of the fact that it's rather unsafe, I guess you're right and it provides for a very convenient way of accessing your funds. Judging by the accounts with over 50 BTC on them, though, this awareness wasn't as widespread.
At the risk of venturing off-topic: a while ago I was pointed to PwdHash, and have liked it ever since. It creates unique passwords per site by hashing your master password with the website's domain as a salt Especially convenient for services you only access on your own machine(s), so that you can use the Firefox addon - I do still have a few unique passphrases I use for stuff like my e-mail, since it's convenient to be able to access that from other systems.