I ask, because if you set up a bunch of block chain addresses with files, then they are perpetuated on the chain and no need for a storage server and all that goes into keeping it running.
Just thinking about the uses that are coming and why they will be practical.
I think this is bigger than many realize at this point.
Doing it interactively autonomously would require wallet to be online which is less than desired. Offline design leads to either turing complete design or escrow.
So why would an open wallet be any different than a server with access to it? If you had a wallet that only kept addresses assigned to unique files the worst that could happen is someone get access to all files in that wallet. Nice thing about the block chain is that if someone were to do that and you keyed the files to those unique addresses, I do not see where there couldn't be a check system in place to invalidate stolen files in that instance. You would effectively burn those tokens. No different than licenses on software now that needs the key to use it.
And, if files were stored on the block chain, why would you have to run an open wallet? Open the wallet to transfer the alias and close it. If it can be done manually, it can certainly be done automatically with software. That is the point of computers......
(Certainly if it was really easy to do, it would already be done!)