Nope I don't agree with this.. I want to be part of something that not only benefits me but also others around us... we have all this mess in the first place because of unequal distribution of wealth.... I will invest more in IOTA. They are doing more than being a selfish group of a-holes.
Wealth is never distributed, it is either made (mined gold for example), traded voluntarily or stolen. What you refer to as the "unequal distribution of wealth" is when wealth is re-appropriated by force and only by, and through, governments -- since individuals do not have the power to steal large sums of wealth without the strong arm of government. Fractional reserve banking -- government policy. Printing money out of thin air, government policy. Joe the robber can never hope to steal as much as a bank, which creates fiat dollars out of thin air, as allowed by government -- as encouraged in America, by the Fed. Any company or person amassing wealth, should not have their wealth stolen, if they did not first steal it. Working hard or inheriting a fortune is not theft. Anyone wishing to confiscate from the honest, is a thief and ought to treated like one.
Spare me the platitudes. And remember wealth is not fiat dollars.
Invest in something because it is worth something or try Stellar Lumens (a Ripple clone) which gives your lumens away to the poor and hopes to bank the world. It's your "selfish" choice.
And look deeper into what it means to be selfish. That word has no place in the same sentence as "unequal distribution of wealth." To retain one's wealth, is not "selfish," it is your right -- if you did not steal it first. It is not an act against the world to want have a bit of jack. And remember, everyone acts in their own interest. Acts for "self." Even if you want to benefit others, as do I, it is, ultimately, a personal decision for you.
And when you benefit others -- not just give them a hand out -- you enrich yourself. Why? Because human cooperation gets things done.
Iota is a tool, just like bitcoin is a tool.