People not only gave you half a million USD but also gave you shitloads of trust.
Trust in you, your team, your company, your product.
Can you not understand that that trust becomes a bit fragile when you fail to meet expections set by yourself?
- You said IOTA was close to being lauched, now you ask how basic things should be implemented.
- repeatedly postponing release dates.
Can you not understand that that trust becomes a bit fragile considering that the general management of this project is unprofessional?
- I signed up for the email newsletter, never got an email
- TO THIS DAY shows outdated information, you said you were going to change that multiple times.
- I said this before - no streamlined way of communication - where can i find updates and information? here? ryver? twitter? email? outdated collect.iotatoken website? not even once updated iotatoken website?
- David once said this is because it is better to have people seek information themselfes, I agree, but if you continue running this project this way people will just stop giving a shit.
How can you look at how the IOTA community is loosing trust and faith In you and not think "Well, thats a little bit our fault"
And then you dare to say things like
right now the level of involvement is pretty upsetting.
Try to take a wild guess as to why.
You should be happy the community has been so patient with you.
But hey, whatever, its not like you actually care about the community and IOTA beeing a great product
I'm just a hired coder in a company that created Iota.
If thats truly all you are then what happens after IOTA is released?
Will your poisition change from "lead dev" to "senior i dont give a shit anymore developer" ?
Thanks, tangleNinja, really, really well said.
As for balance vs. inputs I think inputs/outputs approach is more suitable for Internet-of-Things, and more robust in the sense of a bad woven tangle's threads.