
Topic: [IPVO] [Multiple Exchanges] Neo & Bee - LMB Holdings - page 117. (Read 658768 times)

sr. member
Activity: 686
Merit: 250
Is there an Andreas Andreou affiliated with Neo & Bee?
Who is supposed to be? He celebrates his name today in Greece lol

I know it is, it is just a generic name that was used.
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1000
Is there an Andreas Andreou affiliated with Neo & Bee?
Who is supposed to be? He celebrates his name today in Greece lol
sr. member
Activity: 686
Merit: 250
Is there an Andreas Andreou affiliated with Neo & Bee?

That is the "John Smith" of Greek names
Activity: 1918
Merit: 1570
Bitcoin: An Idea Worth Spending
Is there an Andreas Andreou affiliated with Neo & Bee?
sr. member
Activity: 686
Merit: 250
Our target audience is not the existing community

Yeah, it seemed from the video your were pandering to the pro-government Occupy Wall Street types :-/

No our target market is the general public of Cyprus. Our TV adverts are extremely different to this video.
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
Our target audience is not the existing community

Yeah, it seemed from the video your were pandering to the pro-government Occupy Wall Street types :-/
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
[dense idiocy]

LOL, this exactly but it shows how forums work...people don't just write before they think, thye don't check their facts either and live in a bubble of infallibility.  There's a good reason crumbs' ignore button is glowing.

^^^Joiner fail^^^
Look before you lol Cheesy
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
Apple Records and Apple Computer, for instance, existed side by side.

Good God man where did you grow up? They were litigating each other through the 1970's, 80's, 90's and 2000's! Anyone who knows their Beatles or their Apple Inc knows that don't they?

Are you a complete imbecile or just very very young crumbs? By that I mean under 8 because that's how recently these Goliaths faced off against each other in court - 28 years after the first court battle!

Some of the nonsense you come out with is pretty hard to believe.

Dear Stuartuk.  If i know the story behind System 7's sosumi, i probably know about the litigation (sosumi.  so su mi. So SUE ME).
Lord, you're like god-level of stupid, over 9000. Cheesy
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
Lazy, cynical and insolent since 1968
Apple Records and Apple Computer, for instance, existed side by side.

Good God man where did you grow up? They were litigating each other through the 1970's, 80's, 90's and 2000's! Anyone who knows their Beatles or their Apple Inc knows that don't they?

Are you a complete imbecile or just very very young crumbs? By that I mean under 8 because that's how recently these Goliaths faced off against each other in court - 28 years after the first court battle!

Some of the nonsense you come out with is pretty hard to believe.

LOL, this exactly but it shows how forums work...people don't just write before they think, thye don't check their facts either and live in a bubble of infallibility.  There's a good reason crumbs' ignore button is glowing.
sr. member
Activity: 266
Merit: 250
Apple Records and Apple Computer, for instance, existed side by side.

Good God man where did you grow up? They were litigating each other through the 1970's, 80's, 90's and 2000's! Anyone who knows their Beatles or their Apple Inc knows that don't they?

Are you a complete imbecile or just very very young crumbs? By that I mean under 8 because that's how recently these Goliaths faced off against each other in court - 28 years after the first court battle!

Some of the nonsense you come out with is pretty hard to believe.
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
Apple Records and Apple Computer, for instance, existed side by side

This is stretching it a wee bit crumbs. Apple Records used Apple Computer as a cash cow for many years until it was finally settled and Jobs was allowed to rename his company  'Apple, Inc'.

If Neo conclude they must ask Nio to cease and desist, I doubt that would be the end of it if the later refused.
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100

Neo is a Greek word, which translates as new. I will have to have an in depth look into what they are offering.

Before anyone speculates bluenio is nothing to do with me!  Grin

What I meant, is this branding/copyright infringement or something to that effect? I bet i couldn't start a credit card company called "MastahCard".

Trade names are not copyrightable in US.  Trademarks are a different deal, but a different law applies, the trademark must be registered, the companies must be competitors, etc., etc.  Apple Records and Apple Computer, for instance, existed side by side.  Then Apple named its System 7 startup sound "Sosumi" (say it out loud), and the rest is history.

There are tons of companies that exploit lookalike and soundalike names (think 80s-90s cheap Taiwanese consumer electronics brands).
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
I bet i couldn't start a credit card company called "MastahCard".

Nor VIZA  Shocked
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250

Neo is a Greek word, which translates as new. I will have to have an in depth look into what they are offering.

Before anyone speculates bluenio is nothing to do with me!  Grin

What I meant was, is this branding/copyright infringement or something to that effect? I bet that I couldn't start a credit card company called "MastahCard".
sr. member
Activity: 686
Merit: 250

Neo is a Greek word, which translates as new. I will have to have an in depth look into what they are offering.

Before anyone speculates bluenio is nothing to do with me!  Grin
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
Enabling the comments would spark the usual debates that dominate all Bitcoin videos on there and wanted to avoid that with this video.

That's the right decision in my opinion. Great job Danny. We're all rooting for you.
sr. member
Activity: 686
Merit: 250

Our new corporate video

Nice, well done!

May I ask why you disabled comments and ratings? This is what I usually think, when I stumble upon such action: "when a company disables the rating and comments, they surely must have been downvoted like hell and don't want anyone to see all the (negative) comments".. creates a very bitter first impression, in my opinion. There is no need to fear, if this is the reason, the video is already trending on /r/bitcoin and it appears that people like it. Wink

I assume you are going to add some contact/website info in the description, when the website is online.

Our target audience is not the existing community, I just wanted to share it with the world Telia & Pavla did a great job imo. Enabling the comments would spark the usual debates that dominate all Bitcoin videos on there and wanted to avoid that with this video.
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
I assume you are going to add some contact/website info in the description, when the website is online.

IIRC according to earlier information, the websiteS should be active before the IPVO ends, and IPVO ends tomorrow.
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