
Topic: 🎮 [IQeon] Decentralized gaming PvP platform 🎮 - page 9. (Read 37764 times)

copper member
Activity: 771
Merit: 12

A skirmish of wits: IQeon launches Quiz Battle!

Do you like quizzes as much as we love them? If your answer is yes, then we invite you to play Quiz game! Recently, our quiz has replenished with new interesting questions! Now you can test your knowledge in “Music”, “Customs, Traditions, Religion”, “Sports”, “Economics” and “Geography” categories. Now the quiz has about three thousand captivating questions!

On this pleasant occasion, we decided to launch a contest in which the most active, attentive, and for sure, the most erudite players can win up to 200 IQN! To do this, play Quiz game on platform from June 8 to 21.

How to take part in?

To become a participant of the contest, you must:

  • Log in to platform

Only authorized users can compete for the main prize, so players must log in to their account.

  • Get maximum points in Quiz game

We count points that user scores in blitz quizzes, as well as in games played in the mode against opponents during 14 competitive days.

You can track your progress and place in the overall ranking by clicking on the “star” at the main Quiz game screen.

  • Subscribe to IQeon in Telegram and Facebook and link social media to your profile

So that we can check whether the player has met this condition or not, users need to add links to their social media in the profile settings.

Winners determination

The results of the competition will be announced on June 23! The top five players who showed the best results in Quiz will receive prizes to their game accounts.

Players who take fifth and fourth places will receive 5 and 15 prize IQN respectively. The bronze winner of the competition will receive the coveted 25 IQN. The user who takes the second place will become the owner of 50 IQN. And the most erudite player who shows the best results in Quiz and scores the most points will get the biggest prize – 100 IQN!

In addition, 5 IQN will be received by the player who is the most active in sharing screenshots with interesting quiz questions on social media during the competition. Don’t forget to put the hashtag #iqeonquiz so that we can reward you!

Ready to compete for great prizes? Hurry up to play Quiz and show your erudition! Good luck!
copper member
Activity: 771
Merit: 12

IQeon Development Update – June 4

Dear friends! We would like to present our new report on the development of IQeon platform for the period from May 7 to June 3, 2020.

General platform changes:

  • A section with the tasks of the new reward system has been developed and optimized. Now, user can receive IQN asset reward for completing the steps of the manual. Progress on the passed stages and accruals is available under “My IQN” tab in the user's personal account;
  • The bug in WebSocket performance on the platform has been fixed. Now, notifications about replenishing a player’s balance and messages confirming participation in games for IQN are displayed correctly on all devices.

Games module:

  • The bug occured in draw games has been fixed. Now, when receiving the same number of points, the match is automatically counted in the player’s progress and added to the section with PvP matches of the new reward system;
  • The background music in games has been improved. In particular, the incidental tune in Bighead Run Run! game stops after the user exits the game;
  • The bug with user automatic kicking out from a personal account during the game has been eliminated. Now players can participate in matches without fail.

Stay up-to-date with all the project events – follow the news on our website and in the official Telegram-chat.

copper member
Activity: 771
Merit: 12

New opportunities to get IQN for achievements on the platform!

Кoмaндa IQeon пpeдлaгaeт пoльзoвaтeлям игpoвoй PvP-плaтфopмы дoпoлнитeльнyю вoзмoжнocть пoлyчить IQN нa игpoвoй cчeт! Для этoгo игpoкaм нeoбxoдимo выпoлнять нecлoжныe зaдaния нa caйтe

Oбщиe пpaвилa нoвoй cиcтeмы вoзнaгpaждeний

B paмкax нoвoй cиcтeмы бoнycoв мы пoдгoтoвили oтдeльный paздeл c зaдaниями, зa пpoxoждeниe кoтopыx пoльзoвaтeли cмoгyт пoлyчить вoзнaгpaждeниe в видe внyтpиигpoвoгo aктивa IQN.

Чтoбы пoлyчить бoнyc, игpoкaм нeoбxoдимo выпoлнить oднo из пpeдлoжeнныx в pyкoвoдcтвe зaдaний. Haпpимep, пpoйти oбyчeниe или зaпoлнить личный пpoфиль нa, пpocмoтpeть видeo-пpeзeнтaцию пpoeктa или cpaзитьcя c пpoтивникoм в cвoeм пepвoм мaтчe, пpoйти интeллeктyaльнyю виктopинy в oфициaльныx cooбщecтвax IQeon или пpинять yчacтиe в eжeнeдeльнoм кoнкypce Weekly Challenge и пocтaвить нoвый peкopд!

Пpи пpoxoждeнии бoльшeгo кoличecтвa шaгoв чиcлo бoнycныx IQN yвeличивaeтcя. Paздeл c зaдaниями бyдeт пoпoлнятьcя, пoэтoмy y игpoкoв ecть вoзмoжнocть нaкoпить eщe бoльшe бoнycoв!

Ha чтo мoжнo пoтpaтить нaкoплeния?

Haкoплeнныe IQN игpoк мoжeт иcпoльзoвaть для yчacтия в игpax нa плaтфopмe или oбмeнивaть нa кpиптoвaлюты чepeз пoпyляpныe тopгoвыe плoщaдки.

Пpoгpecc пo пpoйдeнным этaпaм и нaчиcлeниям вceгдa дocтyпeн вo вклaдкe “Moи IQN” в личнoм aккayнтe пoльзoвaтeля.

Haчнитe нaкaпливaть бoнycы yжe ceгoдня! Зaxoдитe нa игpoвyю плaтфopмy, выпoлняйтe кaк мoжнo бoльшe ycлoвий и пoлyчaйтe бoнycныe IQN нa cвoй игpoвoй cчeт!
copper member
Activity: 771
Merit: 12

IQeon is summing up the results of May!

IQeon sums up the results of May. What’s important happened during the month, read below.

Participation in online conference Consensus: Distributed

In May the world-famous Consensus conference from CoinDesk media portal took place. This year it was held online due to COVID-19 pandemic. IQeon project was represented by CISO of the company Denys Havrylenko at the event. All relevant topics of concern to the fintech community were touched upon at the conference.

The end of the large-scale competition IQeon Marathon

Our big competition IQeon Marathon with a prize fund of 900 IQN had been finished! Smart marathon helped erudites to show their abilities and broaden horizons – for 28 days participants had to answer logical questions and solve puzzles. The task was quite challenging, and only ten most active and wisest contestants received valuable prizes.

Participation in AMA session from the community of crypto enthusiasts Gains

Vadim Dovguchits, the founder and CEO of IQeon project, took part in “Ask Me Anything” format session from the crypto community Gains Associates, which was held on May 22. The authors of the best questions asked during the AMA received pleasant prizes! In addition, a fascinating quiz with questions about the project was up for answering, where the most inquisitive users were able to show their knowledge about gaming platform.

PvP gaming platform changes:

IQeon blog: talking about five blockchain trends and effective services for organizing remote work

In May two issues were published in the analytical blog. IQeon experts spoke about the main trends that have been formed around blockchain technology over the past ten years as well as about the most popular services that will help to ensure efficient completion of tasks and successful interaction of specialists during quarantine.

Articles about IQeon team

We continue to acquaint IQeon community with people who are improving the gaming platform of the project! In May we introduced our copywriter Alexandra Dolbun.

Competition for the best player of the week

IQeon team continues to encourage the best platform players! In May users competed for 5 IQN in Starship, Jumpy Jelly, Branches and Crashy Racing.
The results of the last game of May will be published on our social media on the first Monday of June.

Keep abreast of the main events in the life of the project – follow the news on the website and in official Telegram chat.
copper member
Activity: 771
Merit: 12

Blockchain: five key trends of the decade

Having analyzed the history of blockchain, it’s impossible to deny the visible progress that it has achieved. The development is evolving at a tremendous speed: today, companies in many business sectors see tangible benefits of distributed registry technology and intend to implement it. For example, there is a wide usage of blockchain in logistics, while technology giants implement it to provide increased security for their devices.

From obscure technology available only to computer geeks, blockchain is turning into a real solution for global corporations. Today we want to talk about the main trends that have formed around this technology over the past decade.

Blockchain is actively used by world giants

Despite the relative youth of the technology, companies are trying to introduce it into real life, taking into account its capabilities and potential. Today, blockchain is indispensable in supply chain management, because the technology helps to eliminate the problem of inefficiency that is so spread in traditional models. Thus, the largest manufacturers Volvo and Ford, the wholesale and retail network Walmart and even Russian railway exploit the opportunities of blockchain! Nestle traces the origin of coffee, Amazon controls the supply of tea, and Lamborghini checks the authenticity of cars with the help of blockchain.

Blockchain is also used in the energy industry. Thus, Iberdrola, a well-known producer and supplier of electricity in Spain, monitors energy sources using a distributed registry in order to give consumers a guarantee that their product is “green”. And International Chamber of Commerce uses blockchain to reduce carbon emissions in commercial aviation.

One of the most discussed ideas for the technology application is its use in voting. Negotiations on implementation are still underway, but perhaps the use of blockchain will make political elections more honest and transparent.

National economies soften policies towards blockchain

One of the most important trends that came in 2020 is the adoption of blockchain by states. While some conservative regulators are actively struggling against any hints of digital transformation, large state-owned companies launch pilot projects and massively enter into partnerships with blockchain solution providers.

Today, for example, central banks in almost fifty countries pay great attention to the blockchain implementation, and many of them seek to launch national cryptocurrencies in the near future. So, the People's Republic of China takes this issue more than seriously: the active use of blockchain technology is indicated even in the country's five-year development plan.

Largest banks force the massive adoption of blockchain

In an attempt to keep up with technological progress and competitor nations, central banks are testing blockchain for selling securities, making automatic margin payments, and many other operations. Banks also enter into partnerships and even buy edgy fintech startups in order to be the first to integrate distributed registry technology and patent payment systems based on smart contracts.

Chinese Central Bank intends to integrate blockchain not only to fasten cross-border payments, but also to completely “digitize” the economy. This applies both to the development of the blockchain network for the sphere of trade financing, and the launch of the digital renminbi. Analysts continue to make predictions about how a national cryptocurrency can change the financial world, but so far one thing is clear – it will change it dramatically.

Consortiums are set up to find common business solutions

Over the past decade, many blockchain associations and ecosystems have been formed. Technology giants create their own consortia to develop blockchain solutions. For example, Samsung, SK Telecom, LG UPlus and Koscom have united into an alliance to develop a distributed identification system in smartphones. At the same time carriers and software providers work together to create a supply chain management system. So did the representatives of Tesla, CargoSmart and Cosco, who use the blockchain to track freight traffic and exchange data in real time.

The number of such associations will only grow, because each company is trying not only to succeed among competitors, but also to facilitate its efforts with the help of advanced tool.

Blockchain development backing is provided by large funds

Over the past decade, we observed a trend towards an investment decrease in the blockchain solutions development sector. After ICO boom in 2017, the interest of individual venture investors is slowly creeping down. So, in 2019, the volume of investments fell by 56% compared to the previous year. However, it doesn’t mean that the technology itself is becoming less popular – only the funding sources are changing.

There are organizations which willingly help the development of blockchain companies appearing on the market. In the spring of 2019, Pantera Venture Fund III was launched which provided $160 million and Proof of Capital which doled out $50 million. Later, the European Investment Fund decided to support blockchain projects by allocating 100 million euros.

Perhaps funds launch, growing interest of IT giants, banks and states to the possibilities of blockchain, as well as successful practical application will ensure the attraction of new investors to the industry. And 2020 will become the starting point when blockchain technology will be associated with the word “potential” ...
copper member
Activity: 771
Merit: 12
Let's make small talk? IQeon will attend Gains AMA session!

We carry on a great tradition of live interaction with users. We are pleased to announce the participation in AMA session from community of crypto enthusiasts – Gains!

On Friday, May 22, IQeon project founder and CEO Vadim Dovguchits will join “Ask Me Anything” session, which will be held in the official Gains Telegram chat at 12:00 UTC.

Everyone interested will be able to ask questions about IQeon blockchain project and the development of gaming PvP platform in the real time mode. In addition, you can leave your question in advance in the comments under the announcement of AMA session in GAINS Associates Twitter community until 15:00 on May 21. Vadim will answer 3 the most interesting of them at the beginning of the event.

In addition, participants will have an engaging quiz with questions about the project during AMA session. Therefore, we advise you to take a closer look at the gaming platform and learn more about the history of the project, because the most active and attentive users will receive pleasant prizes!

The prize 180 IQN will be shared among 12 curious participants of AMA session! Users who have asked the best questions (3 on Twitter and 9 on Telegram) will receive 15 IQN to their game accounts! We expect quick wit and creative questions from you!

Important! To receive a prize, you must add links to your social media accounts in your personal profile on the gaming platform.

At the end of the interactive session, the script of AMA will be published on Gains Medium blog.

We hope the upcoming AMA session will be amusing and lively! Join and ask about anything!

Gains is one of the largest crypto communities bringing together more than 10 thousand enthusiasts from around the world. The company often organizes various events in order to introduce more members of the community to the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain. On their blog, they cover the latest news of popular crypto projects, publish information about ICO, conduct AMA sessions and crypto quizzes. The team has been working with such projects as NEM, FTX Exchange, Ravencoin, Quant Network, STP, TomoChain, Kava, COTI.

Disclaimer: employees are not representatives of organizations mentioned in this and other materials as well as in publications in other information channels. Before further interaction with the mentioned services we strongly recommend you to read Terms&Conditions.
copper member
Activity: 771
Merit: 12

The future of blockchain: IQeon joined Consensus online conference

Last week, one of the largest and most significant events in the blockchain industry took place – Consensus: Distributed conference, which is annually organized by the famous media portal CoinDesk. Influential crypto community players, representatives of fintech and banking industries and many others became part of the event.

Due to COVID-19 pandemic raging in the world, organizers decided to adjourn the conference to online. Nevertheless, the unusual format didn’t prevent more than 10 thousand participants and 300 speakers from gathering.

During the event, from May 11 to 15, speakers discussed the possibilities and prospects of national cryptocurrencies, future development scenario for virtual money and their influence on domestic economies, the situation around miners after halving, the impact of coronavirus pandemic on the digital asset industry and much more.

IQeon project was represented by Denys Havrylenko, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). The expert notes that all the most relevant topics that are of concern to fintech community were touched upon during the event. In addition, he managed to communicate with partners of the project and discuss prospects for further cooperation.

The attention of enthusiasts was grabbed by the presentation of our partners – Flipside Crypto company, which provides accurate and relevant business analytics of cryptocurrency projects. They presented a new product – Economic Suite, a set of dashboards that allows real-time tracking of the blockchain network metrics and asset ecosystem health. Using this tool, users will be able to identify factors affecting digital currency rate, analyze market demand, mining efficiency and much more. Thanks to the Economic Suite metric, blockchain projects teams will be able to adjust their development plan in order to effectively achieve their goals.

Disclaimer: employees are not representatives of organizations mentioned in this and other materials as well as in publications in other information channels. Before further interaction with the mentioned services we strongly recommend you to read Terms&Conditions.
copper member
Activity: 771
Merit: 12

Copywriter Alexandra Dolbun: “Relying on talent for writing is not enough”

We continue to introduce people who are developing and improving IQeon. We are glad to introduce Alexandra Dolbun, our copywriter!

Alexandra graduated from Minsk State Linguistic University, after which her professional engagement was closely related to languages. She has an experience in working as a translator, content manager, and specialist on creating advertising and presentation texts. She also had a good fortune of working in a fintech startup that operates blockchain technology.

Alexandra joined IQeon in 2019. At the company, she is engaged in the preparation of text content published on the corporate website, in the official communities of the project and on industry-specific portals. According to the specialist, a good copywriter should not only solve commercial problems and effectively process information, but, first of all, understand the audience of the project. To do this, she needs a well-developed empathy, knowledge of marketing and psychology.

“It couldn’t be denied that a copywriter should be a competent specialist not lost on the style and rhythm of the text. However, focusing only on language patterns and grammar rules will end in nothing. First of all, it is necessary to lay the foundation for the text to make it work. A good copywriter in the present-day market is, first of all, a content marketing specialist rather than a linguist.”

Content useful for organization and interesting to readers, according to Alexandra, can solve many problems, but the primary goal of any modern company is to win the trust and loyalty of its target audience.

“Having worked out a specific content marketing strategy, we at IQeon try to make sure that potential users already trust us in advance when having met our brand on the Internet. My task is to show our expertise, to convince users that we can help solve problems, teach something, or just entertain. So, we are actively completing our blog with useful articles where we talk about blockchain technology that is complex at first glance using plain language, dispel myths and fears associated with the digital asset industry, and push relevant topics that concern crypto players. All this allows to create an emotional connection with users.”

Most of all, Alexandra likes the opportunity to expand her horizons on a daily basis, because the deeper the expertise of the author, the more interesting the text will be and the more people it will be able to attract. Here both natural curiosity and a passion to understand the topic you are writing about at 100% help. According to the expert, in order to write articles well, you need to constantly practice and read a lot, as well as follow the latest trends in the field you are writing about. Relying on talent for writing only is the wrong way.

According to Alexandra, good copywriting for a blockchain project is important at every stage of its development, because the chosen style of storytelling about the life of the team and product changes forms the first impression of the company for new users, and also fuels the interest of the existing audience of the project.

“Many people form an opinion about a project based on the content they see on the official website, blog or community. Content often helps to distinguish a reliable project from a fraudulent one, whose team dissolves action in speech. Or vice versa, rarely reveals the details of its work to the audience. We at IQeon try to regularly publish news about our achievements and the progress of product development. And exactly a good copywriter can help to get out the right message about a project idea to users.”

The following material about IQeon team is coming very soon! Check out our news on the platform and in official community on Facebook.
copper member
Activity: 771
Merit: 12

A list of services for organizing remote work during quarantine

A streamlined work of any project team depends not only on the expertise and responsibility of its participants, but also on tools that ensure the effective completion of tasks and successful interaction of specialists. We have prepared a list of services that will help you to organize a remote work during quarantine, as well as to relax after completing tasks and maintain mental health.

Work organization

Task managers are used to plan tasks, both short-term and long-term. Here you can assign projects to team members, tasks for them, and specify a deadline. Thanks to such services, not a single small task will be lost. By the way, you can evaluate the speed and quality of their implementation using time trackers.

Jira. An online platform that helps to create tasks and appoint a performer, group them into common projects, make notes and attach files to tasks. There are some popular analogous such as Asana and Trello, which are powerful tools in organizing a truly virtual office.

Rescuetime or Toggl. These time tracking services help to evaluate the effectiveness of task completion, or rather, how many hours you spent on a particular task.


For the success of a virtual office, it is important to always stay in touch. Here corporate messengers, applications for online conferences, integrated chats in task managers come to the forefront, where you can quickly solve all sorts of issues.

GoToMeeting. A convenient tool for holding online meetings with your team. Here you can demonstrate the screen, make notes on images and record conversations.

Slack. One of the most popular instant messengers for corporate communication. It allows to create several channels with different topics so that the common news feed doesn’t become spammed.

Zoom. One of the most popular platforms during quarantine. The application for holding online conferences allows you to organize meetings for up to 100 participants for free.

Work with files

Cloud storage will greatly facilitate workflow for teams that are actively involved in working with files and text documents. So, it’s much easier to share the link with colleagues than to upload a file for downloading and editing each and every time.

Google Drive. A service that includes tools for creating text documents, tables, presentations and storing files. The main advantage is the ability to work with documents by the whole team simultaneously.

Monosnap. An application that allows to take screenshots, upload them to the server and share the link with other people. It is very useful when you need to point out a bug or discuss a particular interface element.


The transition to remote work greatly affects health, because it leads to the lack of frequent walking and human communication. In the absence of rest and sport, workers soon have back pain, sleep deprivation and the first signs of depression.

Stretchly. A great app with built-in reminders of long and short breaks. With an audible signal, the application alerts you to take mind off things, drink water, stretch your legs or arms, take a break for lunch.

Calm. A popular service for meditation, which is known for audio recordings created by famous people. So, you can take a break from work and regain your breath by listening to Matthew McConaughey's voice or soothing music from Lindsay Stirling.

Nike Training Club. An application from the giant Nike, which offers training programs running from 15 to 45 minutes. A great way to stretch your tired body.

Self development

Don’t forget to devote time to self-improvement!

MasterClass. The website offers online classes on a wide range of subjects taught by leaders in their fields. Gordon Ramsay reveals the basics of cooking, Martin Scorsese shares the secrets of filmmaking, and Penn and Teller teach real magic. More services for self-education can be found in our previous article. You can take a break from a hard working day by visiting gaming PvP platform with games that develop mindfulness, reaction speed, memory and general erudition. And after setting a new record in your favorite game you can get a digital asset on the account for outstanding achievements!

Spending this tough time for the whole world can be useful. Effectively plan your working day and don’t forget to free up a little extra time for yourself and your nearest and dearest.

Disclaimer: employees are not representatives of organizations mentioned in this and other materials as well as in publications in other information channels. Before further interaction with the mentioned services we strongly recommend you to read Terms&Conditions.
copper member
Activity: 771
Merit: 12

IQeon Development Update – May 7

Dear friends! We would like to present our new report on the development of IQeon platform for the period from April 2 to May 6, 2020.

General platform changes:

  • The list of social networks available for adding to the gaming account has been expanded. Now users can link Instagram and Telegram accounts to their personal profiles;
  • The user chat on the platform and the display of the block with the best month players have been optimized;
  • The design of the gaming platform has been improved, in particular, the display of a dark theme has been changed;

Games module:

  • The balance display in the paid mode of user matches has been optimized. At the moment, when a bet is made by opponents and bonuses are received, the balance changes in real time;
  • The bug with pop-up notifications about the invitation to take part in the match has been fixed. Now the notification window is displayed correctly;
  • The bug that occurred when a player tried to cancel the match has been fixed. Now any user at his wish can refuse to participate in the competition before the start of the search for opponent.

Stay up-to-date with all the project events – follow the news on our website and in the official Telegram-chat.
copper member
Activity: 771
Merit: 12

Summing up the results of intellectual contest IQeon Marathon!

About a hundred of contestants took part in the large-scale draw of 900 IQN!
The intellectual marathon has become an excellent opportunity for erudites to show their knowledge in various fields, as well as to expand their horizons. So, within the competition, the participants learned which game’s name is translated from Japanese as “an egg requiring love”, the name of the device that opens the doors in the series “Doctor Who”, as well as how many Oscars received the film “Titanic” and much more.

In order to become a winner of the intellectual race, participants had to be uncompromising and answer interesting questions on logic and solve difficult puzzles during 28 days. We remind you that a subscription to official IQeon communities, registration on platform and completing a personal user profile were obligatory conditions for victory. Those marathon runners who have fulfilled all the conditions of the competition and, most importantly, correctly answered the majority of questions of the stages, will receive valuable prizes to their game accounts.

Since some questions of IQeon Marathon turned out to be really difficult, we decided not to leave the most active participants without encouragement and sum up the results based on the sum of all correct answers given by the contestants.

So, the winners of the competition are:

  • oleh133,
  • Niks_Edward,
  • rafael3,
  • Victorious101,
  • Dyorysme,
  • Cryptowatch21,
  • Zub_vtb,
  • TheHamsterofDeath,
  • tachy0n,
  • 2290172357957640.

We thank all the participants of IQeon Marathon for their activity and congratulate the winners on the successfully covering the distance!
Subscribe to the official IQeon community to follow the updates: there are many interesting contests ahead!
copper member
Activity: 771
Merit: 12

IQeon sums up the results of April!

IQeon sums up the results of April. What’s important happened during the month, read below.

Intellectual competition IQeon Marathon

In April, the large-scale IQeon Marathon contest with a prize pool of 900 IQN was launched! Every day, from April 6 to May 3, interesting questions on logic and puzzles are published in the official IQeon communities. To become a participant in the main prize draw, users must answer questions of the intellectual race by leaving a comment under the corresponding post. The final stage of the competition will be held on Twitter. Winners will be announced on May 5th.

Introducing a new partner

In April, IQeon entered into a partnership with Flipside Crypto! The company is engaged in the study of the cryptocurrency market and presents a fundamental business analysis of blockchain projects. Thanks to the partnership, our team will be able to respond to market changes more quickly and adjust the chosen direction of the project development based on the analysis of existing metrics. Also, thanks to an analysis of digital assets conducted by Flipside Crypto experts, the in-game currency IQN received an FCAS rating, which is publicly available on the CoinMarketCap website.

PvP gaming platform changes:

IQeon blog: talking about IT project management methodologies and the success of blockchain projects in the Asian market

In April, two issues of the analytical = were published, in which IQeon experts talked about the most popular and effective methods and tools for managing an IT project, as well as the success of blockchain projects that focus on the eastern segment of the market.

Articles about IQeon team

We continue to acquaint IQeon community with people who are improving the gaming platform of the project! In April, we introduced Chief Marketing Officer Hanna Lemiasheuskaya and DevOps engineer Anton Akhramovich.

Competition for the best player of the week

IQeon team continues to encourage the best platform players! In April, users competed for a prize 5 IQN in Dashy Cube, Circle Pong, Twin Fall and Spin Tunnel games.
The results of the last game of April will be published on our social networks on the first Monday of May.

The project team wishes everyone good health in this difficult period. Stay with us and develop your intelligence with IQeon!
copper member
Activity: 771
Merit: 12

CMO Hanna Lemiasheuskaya: “A leader is someone who can pull together a team of professionals and trust them”

We continue to introduce people who are developing and improving IQeon. We are glad to introduce Hanna Lemiasheuskaya, Chief Marketing Officer!
Hanna has considerable experience in the field of Internet marketing and e-Commerce, where she managed to work with the promotion of products in B2B and B2C segments.
As a project manager, Hanna used to develop the direction of traditional marketing on the Internet and delved into the web analytics and studying of key performance indicators of advertising campaigns.

At IQeon, Hanna holds the position of Chief Marketing Officer. Here she came across the concept of blockchain for the first time. According to the expert, in order to effectively help in project management, she had to conduct a deep analysis of this area, in particular, of the blockchain gaming industry. However, it is developing at such a great speed that the expert has to constantly monitor trends that appear on the market.

“Our project, like the entire blockchain gaming industry, is developing at an incredible speed. Market and consumer demands are changing, expecting the same from projects. Therefore, the most flexible business, which has noticed and adapted to the changes of interests on time and has been able to retain users, will win the competition.”

Hanna also considers that a thorough analysis of the audience, evaluation of prospective partners, and following the activities of competitors are important in her work. According to CMO, it is crucial not only to understand what users pay more attention to, but also to know how other projects react to the changing of their favours.

“One of the essential points in the work of my team is the analysis of competitors and their actions in response to market changes. Most successful projects don’t follow the crowd. They have their own uniqueness, which sets them apart from similar companies in their niche. However, observing competitors can often help to adopt proven experience or not to slip up. It’s important not to blend with competitors, because it will benefit them, and not your own company.”

Hanna’s daily responsibilities include evaluating the department’s performance, exploring promising areas for project development, and optimizing the budget for advertising campaigns. The marketing director often has to work in multitasking mode because the expert has a lot of areas of responsibility.

“Marketing is the work which combines a number of very different areas. On the one hand, it is extremely important to be able to logically analyze large amounts of data, to be able to draw up causal relationships, to understand all aspects of the product. The logical approach helps to more clearly manage the team and all the promotion processes. On the other hand, for a successful CMO it is important to remain self-organized and stick to time management, be stress-resistant and objective. It is essential for the manager as a team player to be able to admit her own mistakes because no one is perfect at everything. First of all, a leader is someone who can pull together a team of professionals and trust them.”

Hanna is sure that the promotion of the blockchain project has similar principles to the promotion of other projects. Specialist always needs to focus on the interested audience and keep its attention. For this, the marketing director constantly analyses user behavior, explores the potential of existing trends, monitors the emergence of innovative promotion tools which can be suitable for the blockchain project.

“The majority of users is switching to online space where they are relaxing and having fun now and will continue to do it. And blockchain is the future for projects and the economy as a whole. Innovative technology brings convenience and fairness, especially to the online gaming industry. Blockchain games are a kind of symbiosis of the future. Therefore, the potential of the project is enormous.”

The following material about IQeon team is coming very soon! Check out our news on the platform and in official community on Facebook.
copper member
Activity: 771
Merit: 12

Management: methodologies and tools that are important while developing an IT project

In the entire history of IT sphere, a huge number of projects have been successfully rolled out on the market. But the implementation of even the most challenging idea supposes the coordinated work of a large number of people and a well-developed project management system.
But all projects are different, and it is difficult to find a universal system that would suit any leader and all team members. In this regard, many effective approaches and techniques for managing an IT project have been developed. We will talk about the most popular of them.

Classic method

The most proven way to establish project management is to divide the process of tasks fulfillment into several stages following each other: initiation, planning, development, testing, monitoring and completion of the project. This approach recalls a strategic game where you need to complete the previous level before proceeding to the next one..
And although some experts believe that the classical approach is out-of-date, it is still very effective: its biggest advantage is that it helps all project participants to define a clear goal at the initial planning stage. This ensures the stability of the team and streamlines the implementation of the project.


Perhaps the most popular project management method. In one word, Agile is a general approach to development, and its essence is that people and interaction are always more important than processes and tools, and the product is more important than documentation. According to Agile methodology, you shouldn’t focus on pre-prepared plans. It is crucial to focus on constantly changing conditions within the project workflow and beyond it, as well as on feedback from users. This, first of all, allows developers to embody different ideas and look for new problem solutions keeping their options open.


Kanban methodology is a separate Agile framework. Its main goal is to balance the work of specialists and evenly distribute the task load within the team.
There is no obvious sprints – short periods from a week to a month to complete tasks with a designated deadline. Instead, the project development process is divided into specific tasks: “Planning”, “Development”, “Testing”, “Task completion”, etc. After finishing the task it is analyzed for effectiveness: if the task quickly went through all the stages, the team worked productively, if visa versa, managers should identify the cause of the delay and the specialist whose work must be optimized.


According to Scrum methodology, two specific specialists join the team working on the product: its direct owner and Scrum Master. The first acts as a kind of converging point between the team and the customer. And the Scrum Master helps in organizing the business process: carries out team meetings, motivates employees and sets the tone for work.
The workflow within this approach is divided into sprints. At the beginning of each sprint, managers give urgent tasks and discuss ways for solving them, and at the end, the results should be obligatory discussed.


The method with the most strict distribution of roles and a clear team structure. This approach is suitable for large projects with a vast number of employees. Here a separate project management team is created, which consists of a project manager, a committee that controls all stages of the management process, and a team manager. Of course, such a clear distribution of responsibilities definitely reduces the need for frequent team meetings, however, each manager chooses the most convenient methodology for running his department, which can lead to inefficient tasks fulfillment or delay.


PMBoK standard stands for “Project Management Body Of Knowledge”. Many people mistakenly consider PMBoK a separate methodology, while this is a guide that describes universal approaches to organization and project management concepts. It supposes that the company itself must develop a convenient methodology in accordance with PMBoK instructions.

Project management is highly significant in remote mode. Absolutely any of the above mentioned methodologies is applicable to the remote work. However, working with SCRUM with a fixed set of sprints is considered to be the most effective one. According to this model, the team is effectively working on assigned tasks under the condition of daily communication, collective calls and recording the process of task fulfillment on the task board.

One way or another, there is no universal solution in project management for everyone. In any situation, you can find a method that is ideal for a particular organization. It remains only to establish the structure and not to forget about the main goal of the project.
copper member
Activity: 771
Merit: 12

Why are blockchain projects successful in the Asian market?

Technologies are one of the main driving forces of globalization, and blockchain is almost the most discussed know-how of the last decade. For many, a “distributed registry” is not just buzzwords, but the future of the real estate, copyright, the Internet of things industries, and many other areas. Cryptocurrencies, often associated with the blockchain, radically change the financial sector and easily cross borders, unlike traditional currencies. However, borders still have a huge impact, and doing business in a particular country is interwoven with its technical, legal and cultural characteristics.

Many analysts predict the success of blockchain projects that enter the Asian market. IQeon figured out what such forecasts are based on.

  • Authorities of Asian countries are really interested in technology

Onchain Custodian CEO Alexandre Kech once said: “Asia loves blockchain because this technology is considered as a unique way to solve the problems of financial affordability and cross-border money transfers. Countries using this technology can make a significant step forward, which means achieving success much faster than many developed countries that do not use blockchain.”

And that is true. China, for example, is actively competing for leadership in implementing blockchain initiatives. Chinese President Xi Jinping made a statement that blockchain should become a key innovative technology, and the government will strongly support its development and integration into the real economy. In addition, a large number of mining farms and some of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges are based in China.

  • Chinese banks take progressive steps regarding blockchain technology

The scale of China’s actions in the application of blockchain is huge today. In December 2020, one of the largest commercial banks in China – Bank of China issued blockchain bonds worthing $2.8 billion with an interest rate of 3.25% per annum. The proceeds will be used to support small and medium-sized businesses. Entrepreneurs will be able to take out loans at lower rates, since the blockchain system allows bank to reduce the cost of issuing and circulating debt instruments.
In addition, the Central Bank of China is pursuing an initiative to introduce a digital national currency – the renminbi. The authorities are already preparing a package of regulating documents that will become the legal basis for launching the digital renminbi.

  • Innovation is more than welcomed by the state and regulators at the legislative level

Asian markets were among the first to take active steps in recognizing and regulating cryptocurrencies at the legislative level. The laws of Singapore and Japan that regulate cryptocurrencies are still far from ideal, but remain more or less balanced and favorable for companies operating in the field of virtual assets. Thus, Monetary Authority of Singapore has developed a separate regulatory “sandbox”, which allows financial institutions to experiment with the use of cryptocurrency in the real sector. Depending on the project, the regulator may provide support by weakening regulatory requirements on the individual base.

China has become the most stringent regulator in the Asian market compared to its neighbors. In 2017, the government approved a ban on activities with cryptocurrency attracted through crowdfunding. Projects that violate these rules are criminally liable.
But taking this into account, the Chinese market has not ceased to be one of the largest for the circulation and mining of cryptocurrencies. Beijing, Hangzhou, Shanghai, and Shenzhen are the cities where the most popular projects and exchanges are registered. Such giants as Huobi, Bitmain, MakerDao, ImToken and other large blockchain-related companies are based there.

  • People willingly support new technologies

Asian countries have noted the strategic potential of the blockchain and its branches, including cryptocurrencies. This applies not only to large companies, but also to the general population. Chinese citizens, for example, are very progressive and willingly take advantage of new technology. Therefore, the Asian community is the main moving force of the cryptocurrency market.

The Asian market is a new America for startups. While people are only adopting a blockchain strategy in the West, in the East they are already actively using it. But introducing a distributed registry in the Asian market is more about the social benefits of decentralization, not financial. Therefore, the strategy for promoting the blockchain project in the markets of China, Japan, Singapore and Korea should be carefully thought out and their  cultural characteristics should be taken into account.

Experts believe that blockchain technology has broad prospects for development in the Eastern market, in particular in public administration and finance, as well as for solving problems associated with improving the level and quality of life of the population. And the level of interest and blockchain literacy of the population will only increase.
copper member
Activity: 771
Merit: 12

IQeon introduces a new partner – Flipside Crypto! The company studies the cryptocurrency market and provides a fundamental business analysis of blockchain projects.

The technology used by Flipside Crypto team automatically integrates with any blockchain, quickly and efficiently analyzes it, and standardizes the received data. After that, the engineers, programmers and analysts of the team examine the information and assign the project FCAS rating based on the activity of the developers, user involvement and market factors such as digital assets’ risks and liquidity.

The main part of IQeon repositories is currently private. All code updates and improvements introduced to the gaming platform are covered in development reports and other news that we regularly publish on our official website and social media.

To objectively evaluate the improvements made to our product, Flipside Crypto analytics team integrated with IQeon repositories and gained access to detailed statistics. In turn, we got access to the metrics based on the collected data via special control panel. It will help our team to choose the right direction for the development of the project based on the analysis of the acquired metrics.

Also, thanks to the data provided to Flipside Crypto, IQN digital asset has received FCAS rating, which is publicly available on CoinMarketCap website. We are looking forward for fruitful cooperation and a qualitative increase in FCAS rating for IQN in future thanks to the opportunities provided by Flipside Crypto.

Flipside Crypto is a unique service that provides accurate and up-to-date business analysis of cryptocurrency projects. The company was founded in 2017 in Boston, Massachusetts.

Disclaimer: employees are not representatives of organizations mentioned in this and other materials as well as in publications in other information channels. Before further interaction with the mentioned services we strongly recommend you to read Terms&Conditions.
copper member
Activity: 771
Merit: 12

IQeon launches intellectual contest – IQeon Marathon!

Friends, we are launching intellectual contest IQeon Marathon with a prize fund of 900 IQN!

Every day, from April 6 to May 4, interesting logic questions, trickish mathematical problems and puzzles are waiting for participants of the intellectual race in the official IQeon communities.  We invite everyone to check their erudition!

How to participate:

1. Every day answer questions published in the communities

IQeon Marathon will be held in 4 stages, with each lasting for a week. The first stage of intellectual marathon will take place in Telegram, in the second stage participants will compete for a prize in Facebook and Vkontakte simultaneously, then intellectual race will move on in Instagram, and the final straight will be crossed by marathoners in Twitter.

Questions will be published in IQeon communities on a daily basis. Participants have 24 hours after publication to write an answer in comments. Thus, only the most active ones could participate in top award draw – 900 IQN!

2. Be subscribed to official IQeon communities

Subscribe to the official IQeon communities on Telegram, Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram to follow up on new questions and not miss a single day of the marathon.

3. Register on platform and complete your profile

To participate in the draw, marathon runners must complete their personal profile on gaming platform. In particular, add links to your social networks in your account. Above all, this is necessary to thoroughly check the results of the marathon and determine the winners. We want to make sure that the account belongs to you and no one else.

You can complete the profile in the settings that become available after you hover over the username in the top panel on platform. In the window that appears, you can add a link to your page on a social network and click “Submit”.

Winners determination

Upon the contest completing, on May 5, we will sum up the results of IQeon Marathon and choose 50 winners!

Remember, that only the most resilient and active participants can become winners. So, here we mean marathoners who have passed at least one out of 7-day distances and correctly answered all questions of the stage.  

Those who stay with us during 7 marathon days, will receive 5 prize IQN to gaming account. Those, who go through the second and the third stages, will get even more – 10 и 20 IQN respectively. And the largest prize of 50 IQN will be caught by those who daily give the right answers during 28 days!
* In case the number of participants claiming victory is greater than the above mentioned, ten winners will be randomly selected in each category.

Get ready, marathon runners! Join IQeon communities, answer intellectual questions and win desired prizes!

copper member
Activity: 771
Merit: 12

IQeon Development Update – April 2

Dear friends! We would like to present our new report on the development of IQeon platform for the period from March 5 to April 1, 2020.

General platform changes:

  • Work on the improvement of the platform’s performance is underway. In particular, the download speed of games has been optimized;
  • The reliability of data storage on the platform has been improved;
  • The work of IQN Tip Bot in the official Telegram communities of the project has been optimized;
  • The bug with incorrect display of links to the platform games on social media has been fixed. Now when adding links to the game on Facebook and Vkontakte snippets are displayed correctly;
  • The bug that occurred when registering a new user has been eliminated. As a result, the process of creating a personal account on the platform occurs without failures;
  • The bug, emerging when adding the link to social media of a user to a personal account on the platform has been fixed. Thanks to that, the process of completing a personal account comes in a proper way.

Games module:

  • An English version of Quiz game has been added to the platform. Now the intellectual quiz is available in two languages: English and Russian.

Stay up-to-date with all the project events – follow the news on our website and in the official Telegram-chat.
copper member
Activity: 771
Merit: 12

IQeon sums up the results of March!

IQeon sums up the results of March. What’s important happened during the month, read below.

Final update of White Paper

IQeon team made the final changes to White Paper. In the current version of the document, users can familiarize themselves with an in-depth analysis of the mobile app industry and the problems of the intellectual games market. The document also provides information on the advantages of the gaming platform for all its participants and the mechanics of matches in which user can monetize his achievements. Learn more about the project team, platform architecture, areas of IQN application, as well as ecosystem development plans, you can in  the updated version of White Paper.

Bonus launch for active community users

To reward users who support the gaming platform, we created IQN Tip Bot, which tips bonus IQN for the activity shown in the official Telegram chat of the project. Subscribers can receive a bonus for answers to intellectual questions that we regularly publish in chats in the form of posters and polls, as well as for constructive advice to other users. IQeon team analyzes and rewards the activity of chat participants, crediting 0.05 IQN to their account in IQN Tip Bot.

Introducing a new partner

In March, IQeon entered into a partnership with a German developer of customer identification solutions Fractal. The partnership will help to effectively implement KYC/AML procedures to prevent illegal manipulations carried by unscrupulous users, and the use of Fractal ID technology will ensure compliance with international legal standards, while at the same time making it easier for users to verify their identity.

Participation in Career Today conference

On March 14, Yuriy Navadvorski, CTO of the company, became a speaker at Career Today conference in Minsk. The expert delivered a speech on the topic  “Why is it useful for IT professionals to learn blockchain technology”. He spoke about the main trends and technologies of the IT sphere in 2020, the possibilities of using blockchain in various fields, especially in online gaming, and also answered audience questions about the demand for programmers with an understanding of blockchain principles and the necessary knowledge to work with distributed registry technology.

Gaming PvP platform changes:

  • Continuation of work on optimizing the platform;
  • Advancement of transactions quality;
  • Improvements in the language versions of the platform;
  • Changes in displaying of full-screen mode in games;
  • Compilation of new questions for the intellectual Quiz game in English.

IQeon blog: talking about the benefits of Ethereum blockchain

We published March issue of the analytical blog, in which IQeon experts talked about the advantages of Ethereum blockchain for gaming platforms, including its convenience, flexibility, security and constant development of a distributed registry.

Articles about IQeon team

We continue to introduce people who are improving gaming platform of IQeon project! In March, we introduced Yuriy Navadvorski, IQeon CTO and Vitali Bibik, CFO of the project.

Competition for the best player of the week

IQeon team continues to encourage the best platform players! In March, users competed for 5 IQN in Bighead Run Run, Temple Escape, Survival Shooter, Spin Breakout, and Curvy Path games.

The results of the last game of March will be published on our social media on the first Monday of April.


The project team wishes everyone good health and optimism during this difficult time. Stay with us and develop your intelligence with IQeon!
copper member
Activity: 771
Merit: 12

CFO Vitali Bibik: “Multitasking is a middle name of financial officer”

We continue to introduce people who are developing and improving IQeon. We are glad to introduce Vitali Bibik, Chief Financial Officer (CFO)!

Vitali has extensive marketing experience. He gained managerial skills while working on an executive position at the largest Belarusian dealer of building and finishing materials. During the work, he was involved in the preparation of a business plan for the company, distribution and control of a financial flow, while constantly studying new areas. Vitali is sure that such an all-round development helps to improve himself as an individual and a professional and successfully solve all the tasks.

Vitali joined IQeon in 2017, when the ideas of the gaming platform were just emerging. At the company CFO is involved in the formation and strategic planning of financial policies, ensurance of economic security of the project and efficient use of company resources, and controls the financial flows of the business.

“As my practice shows, operational decision making plays a very important role in improving the quality of the business. It’s important not only to find an ultimate solution for the current situation, but also to quickly conduct in-depth analysis in order to lay the groundwork for the future.”

According to Vitali, blockchain direction of the gaming platform imposes certain features on the work of the financial director, because the market for games that use distributed registry technology is quite specific. At the same time, mobile gaming industry is developing very actively, therefore CFO must constantly monitor trends and innovations in its niche in order to stay one step ahead.

“A business in the field of blockchain projects, in my opinion, is just starting to develop, but not all startups understand how to establish effective work in this area. A vivid proof lies in the fact that more than 1000 projects were closed within a year after ICO.

The environment of blockchain projects is constantly transforming. To remain effective in the current circumstances, it is necessary to be a true strategist who helps realize the potential of the company and can lead it to long-term success.”

Vitali often presents IQeon project at international conferences, where representatives of the blockchain industry get acquainted with each other and negotiate further cooperation. The presence of a financial director at such meetings allows to immediately build streamlined work schemes in terms of jurisdiction and financial deals.

“For a CFO, working in a multitasking mode is very important. In a way, multitasking is a middle name for a financial director. In order to competently and clearly do work, an expert, in addition to high competence in the financial, economic and accounting fields, often should have basic knowledge in the legal, managerial and psychological areas. It is very important to be purposeful, to have flexible thinking and good intuition.”

Despite the fact that the technology of distributed registry appeared relatively recently, the expert is optimistic about its further development.

“In my opinion, in the coming years, blockchain will continue to develop and increase its technological effectiveness and popularity among ordinary users. IQeon team, for its part, will continue to respond promptly to all market changes and remain flexible in deciding on the further development of the project.”

The following material about IQeon team is coming very soon! Check out our news on the platform and in official community on Facebook.
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