
Topic: Is a Madmax outcome coming before 2020? Thus do we need anonymity? - page 13. (Read 102830 times)

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Activity: 154
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Armstrong has the problem of writing incoherently at times because he is moving too fast. When he slows down, his intellect becomes clear, e.g. he nailed the mistake the West has made in Ukraine.
full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100
The real plot is to maintain control with rationing when the $227 trillion global total debt comes crashing down. This is precisely what happened to Nazi Germany with their Universal Health Care system which they could no longer afford so they reduced costs and generated revenue put the population in work camps (financed by President Bush Sr's father Prescott Bush's Union Bank) and killed them when they got too skeleton-ized from not being fed (no need to spend money on food on this dispensable human resource).

Final Goal of the Surveillance State


What happens when all nations are blanketed from stem to stern with surveillance?

Public utilities, acting on government orders, will be able to allot electricity in amounts and at times it wishes to. This is leading to an overarching plan for energy distribution to the entire population.

Claiming shortages and limited options, governments will essentially be redistributing wealth, in the form of energy, under a collectivist model.

National health insurance plans (such as Obamacare) offer another clue. Such plans have no logistical chance of operating unless every citizen is assigned a medical ID package, which is a de facto identity card. In the medical arena, this means cradle-to-grave tracking.

Surveillance inevitably leads to: placing every individual under systems of control. It isn’t just “we’re watching you” or “we’re stamping out dissent.” It’s “we’re directing your participation in life.”

As a security analyst in the private sector once told me, “When you can see what every employee is doing, when you have it all at your fingertips, you naturally move on to thinking about how you can control those patterns and flows of movement and activity. It’s irresistible. You look at your employees as pieces on a board. The only question is, what game do you want to play with them?”

Every such apparatus is ruled, from the top, by Central Planners. When it’s an entire nation, upper-echelon technocrats revel in the idea of blueprinting, mapping, charting, and regulating the flows of all goods and services and people, “for the common good.”

Water, food, medicine, land use, transportation—they all become items of a networked system that chooses who gets what and when, and who can travel where, and under what conditions.

This is the wet dream of technocrats. They believe they are saving the world, while playing a fascinating game of multidimensional chess.

As new technologies are discovered and come on line, the planners decide how they will be utilized and for whose benefit.

In order to implement such a far-reaching objective, with minimal resistance from the global population, manufactured crises are unleashed which persuade the masses that the planet is under threat and needs “the wise ones” to rescue it and us.

We watch (and fight in) wars and more wars, each one exacerbated and even invented. We are presented with phony epidemics that are falsely promoted as scourges.

The only response, we are led to believe, is more humane control over the population.

On top of that, we are fed an unending stream of propaganda aimed at convincing us that “the great good for the greatest number” is the only humane and acceptable principle of existence. All prior systems of belief are outmoded. We know better now. We must be good and kind and generous to everyone at all times.

Under this quasi-religious banner, which has great emotional appeal, appears The Plan. Our leaders allocate and withhold on the basis of their greater knowledge. We comply. We willingly comply, because we are enlisted in a universal army of altruistic concern.

This is a classic bait and switch. We are taught to believe that service for the greater good is an unchallengeable goal and credo. And then, later, we find out it has been hijacked to institute more power over us, in every way.

The coordinated and networked surveillance of Earth and its people is fed into algorithms that spit out solutions. This much food will go here; that much water will go there; here there will be medical care; there medical care will be severely rationed. These people will be permitted to travel. Those people will be confined to their cities and towns.

Every essential of life—managed with on-off switches, and the consequences will play out.

An incredibly complex system of interlocking decisions will be hailed as messianic.

Surveillance; planning; control.

full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100

Quote from: me
Quote from: Suvy

There is no way out for Japan. Japan will default, the Yen will crash, and expenses will skyrocket for Japanese citizens.


The reality is that Japan has entered a stagflationary phase. The country is seeing higher inflation from rising input costs while growth has been dropping. They can use monetary policy to increase growth by a little bit in the short term, but every single use will become less effective than the last. The only solution for Japan is default, which will happen after (and while) the Yen goes to 0.

Japan is unique not only for having the highest sovereign debt-to-GDP ratio of any major nation, but also for that debt to be nearly entirely financed domestically. So in theory they could default on the debt (and/or increase taxes and decrease government services if politically palatable) without defaulting internationally on the Yen. The Yen might eventually rise in value because what would be remaining after implosion is a higher ratio of exports to imports, as well capital might rush in to invest in the much more competitively priced wages as labor supply would increase. In any case, I agree the burden is going to fall on the Japanese citizens in terms a greatly reduced standard-of-living.

Quote from: Suvy
Who are they gonna be open to? The Chinese? The Koreans? They hate both of them.

Japan, China, and Korea are  likely to resort (with the Senkaku a.k.a. Diaoyu islands  as one pretext) to the old pattern of mutual war to make the unavoidable economic implosion to politically palatable.

The global implications of a collapsing periphery (i.e. all nations except the reserve currency USA) is that all capital is being  driven into the dollar, and this dollar hegemony means the USA laws will effectively govern the world, because for example if your country doesn't cooperate with FATCA and fledgling plans for internet licensing then the USA will blacklist your country or company. Essentially the same outcome of rising protectionism that worsened the Great Depression and lead to WW2 is repeating.

We are headed into the typical scorched earth paradigm (e.g. World War 2) that always throughout recorded human history exhibits at the times of peaking [global] socialism [and total global debt]. If we make it through to the other side, the balance of power will have shifted from West to East[1] and from multi-national corporations to individuals (by 2032), but the hell we have to go through before we get there is daunting.


P.S. I see this thread is the top performing thread in terms of Views per Replies for threads with more than 25,000 Views, and it is in the Top 10 for that metric amongst all threads with more than 10,000 Views (amongst which my [Anonymint's] Dark Enlightenment thread is another Top 10 member):
full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100
full member
Activity: 154
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Activity: 50
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so you all are telling me to buy maxcoin now?  hah.  ok, very cool insight from some of you on assets and what the future may hold for gold.. interesting.
full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100
To all those fools who doubt whether repeating cycles can predict the future, I hereby predict the sun will rise tomorrow at dawn and set at dusk.

Why should the cycles of nature on earth be non-repeating?

Of course no two events are ever exactly the same. Thus the sun is never exactly the same state as it was in the past. Yet the general (similar) shape of the cycle repeats.

Armstrong's computer found those repeating patterns and has successfully predicted them into the future since the early 1980s at least. You doubt his computer's predictions at your peril.

Comparing Armstrong's Socrates to IBM's Watson:

so you all are telling me to buy maxcoin now?  hah.

You are joking. Is that Max Keiser's scamcoin?

In terms of crypto-currency, my opinion is I would look for something that is widely used as a currency by n00bs and where they don't use centralized websites which bastardize the whole thing (e.g. Coinbase, Bitpay, etc). Something with that quality might actually be able to snowball into what we wanted Bitcoin to be (i.e. fully decentralized, virally spreading popularity, hopefully anonymous, mineable by all, fast transaction times for micropayments, etc).
full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100

Quote from: Armstrong
Of course, that G5 manipulation created total havoc in the world economy. Its goal was rather stupid. They assumed that is they could lower the value of the dollar, they would create export jobs. I went public about this and warned they would increase volatility that would culminate in a market crash as capital fled the USA. That happened precisely to the day of the ECM on October 19th, 1987.

In 1997, the memories grew short. Here we had the Asian Currency Crisis and at that time it was Robert Rubin trying to talk the dollar down once again for trade. I had to write once more to warn them what they were doing was insane.

This time, Timothy Geithner had to respond saying of course they would not do that sort of thing. Indeed, they seemed to back off and listened for once. I was then summoned by Beijing. I flew to meet with the central bank of China to assist in the Asian Currency crisis. They stated bluntly that they believe in our analysis and that we were correct in showing that capital was starting to shift away from Asia because the birth of the Euro was coming on board in 1998. China has publicly announced that they are now using the analysis we pioneered – Capital Flow Analysis.

full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100

You are probably right. Or at least it will be much easier for the government to seize domains in the future. From what I have read in news reports, the legal justification that the onion sites were seized were dubious at best

It is already trivial for them to seize domains.  It requires little more than them simply ordering the registrar to hand it over.  Clearly, this is legally wrong and unconstitutional, since domains are a form of intangible property, but in actual practice, they're doing it on an almost daily basis.

(Seizing .onion pseudo-domains requires actually compromising the system, though.)

This has literally next to nothing to do with net neutrality, though.

Blocking a domain does not block a P2P application such as Bitcoin.

It has everything to do with this proposed plan to regulate the internet as a utility, because as you admitted that in order to actually enforce it they need to be able to identify at the protocol layer, which means they can then technically block stuff like Bitcoin and more specifically they can technically put actual content filters on the internet to block certain speech.

The reason they are attempting to implement this now, is because they want to be able to control what the public can see as they ramp up the GLOBAL POLICE STATE to Orwellian ideals (think Obama's czars).

Ministry of Peace

The Ministry of Peace supports Oceania's perpetual war.

Ministry of Plenty

The Ministry of Plenty rations and controls food, goods, and domestic production; every fiscal quarter, the Miniplenty publishes false claims of having raised the standard of living, when it has, in fact, reduced rations, availability, and production. The Minitrue substantiates the Miniplenty claims by revising historical records to report numbers supporting the current, "increased rations".

Ministry of Truth

The Ministry of Truth controls information: news, entertainment, education, and the arts. Winston Smith works in the Minitrue RecDep (Records Department), "rectifying" historical records to concord with Big Brother's current pronouncements, thus everything the Party says is true.

Ministry of Love

The Ministry of Love identifies, monitors, arrests, and converts real and imagined dissidents. In Winston's experience, the dissident is beaten and tortured, then, when near-broken, is sent to Room 101 to face "the worst thing in the world" — until love for Big Brother and the Party replaces dissension.

You aren't the sharpest tool in the shed.
full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100
Again I repeat, the deadcat bounce in Private assets was anticipated by Armstrong’s model:

Thus, as I advised before, you should sell the rallies until the turning point on 2015.75 (Oct. 2015).

Armstrong has pointed out that the powers-that-be which put him in Supermax prison illegally for 7 years on a bogus contempt-of-court charge:

Have used it as an example to other USA politicians as a warning to not try to stand up to the corruption that is dragging the world towards the coming abyss.

Quote from: Martin Armstrong
I agreed to allow a documentary film the FORECASTER to be made following me around since 2011 that is more of a movie when you see it for two reasons. To expose the legal system to the world and to expose the truth behind the shenanigans behind the curtain the rigging of the financial markets. I was not interested in a poor me film since I have moved on. I do not need the sympathy thank you. It has contributed to the expansion of my knowledge.

Yet I respect that if government could do this to me, who was very high-profile internationally, they could do it to anyone. They plastered pictures of me with Margaret Thatcher in the press as a warning to other US politicians to stay back.

Are you sure you want to be the USA as this coming police state horrifies?

Compare to most humane prisons in Nordic Europe that have to be shut down because they are working so well at reforming criminals.

full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100
Megadeath coming...

The Chinese have been able to compromise the US defense systems.

Meanwhile, in the Black Sea, Russia sent a Su-24 jet which then simulated a missile attack against the USS Donald Cook. It carried a new device that rendered the ship literally deaf, dumb, and blind. The Russian aircraft repeated the same maneuver 12 times before flying away.

Obama better wake up. This is not some video game. The world is on the brink of war and governments need this war because they are dead in the water economically. The government in Ukraine has told its people it cannot reform now, it is in war. So be patient. We will see this same excuse migrate to Europe and the USA. Government NEED such a diversion. It also does not hurt to kill off those anticipating being taken care of by the state.
full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100
full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100
Bitcoin is rallying similar to how gold and silver did before they again moved down to lower lows. All "private assets" will continue to make lower highs and lower lows until the turn in the ECM on 2015.75. The prior bounce in Bitcoin was to $666. It won't make it that high this time before turning down again to make lower lows and eventually bottom at or below $200. These are sucker's rallies for those who don't understand the trend in place until 2015.75.

Maybe, but check out the current premium on gold that you can hold (and silver too).
Your forecast could well be right, but trading in this environment is crazy (for who's not a cabal insider), so imho better sit tight and be right holding to quality, PM and BTC included.

Sorry but I have to tell you that you are delusional. There is no cabal that has the entire game rigged where analysis no longer works. Read Armstrong so you stop losing your shirt and learn how the trends of international capital flows work. He apparently read my recent summaries of his writing and realized that he doesn't summarize his model well for novices, because he wrote this today:

Also see what I wrote before about the elite don't control everything:

Armstrong correctly explains that the elite are not suppressing the precious metals. I had posted upthread a long explanation that the elite are not powerful enough to control the chaos in nature, rather what they do is to align themselves with creative destruction and experiment to find ways to achieve their goals of more globalized economies-of-scale for their multi-national corporations and political capture.

Armstrong is correct about the money center banks being very short-term fraud oriented. The elite who sit above the money center banks (Armstrong doesn't agree) could not further their aims for creative destruction symbiosis by trying to entirely suppress the precious metal prices. Fiat and futures markets on precious metals have sustained because the broad populace doesn't then want to use physical metal, but that is not really a manipulation rather it is what society has chosen.

The way the elite plan to obtain their goals for a global fiat is by pumping the world full of debt as they have done and then IMF will rush in with a new monetary system solution after 2024. The chaos from 2016 to 2024 will burn the confidence in the nation-states to the ground. This I argue was by-design of the long-term thinking elite such as Rothschild et al. They have aligned themselves with this natural cycle of chaos and the natural tendency of society towards socialism failure and debt.

Armstrong has apparently unlocked the math of the natural cycles. Apparently Pi is the basis.

There is no great premium on bullion if you know where to buy. I was buying 1000oz bars near to spot when silver was $9 and minting generic 1oz rounds (which were in short supply at that time):

The following company can help you facilitate delivery from Fidelitrade (even if you are not located in the USA):

Be very careful with gold dealers and never send them too large of a trade:

You should be accumulating some bullion but it should not be more than about 10% of your net worth. As Armstrong says, even bullion won't help you if we go into a severe Mad Max scenario then ONLY food becomes money. Unless you are short-term trader (buying the dips and selling the rallies), the bulk of your money between now and 2015.75 (assuming you don't have another investment) should be invested in the DJIA or S&P500 (perhaps waiting for a near-term correction first), because other private assets are trending to lower highs and lower lows until then. For those who are too heavily invested in bullion or Bitcoin, sell the rallies to lighten up and move the proceeds into the USA stock market until 2015.75.

As for crypto-currency, sell Bitcoin into rallies and buy it again on extreme dips, wash and repeat until 2015.75.

Also keep your eye out for a crypto-currency that changes every thing and challenges Bitcoin in terms of being actually widely mined and widely used by regular folks. If you see such a crypto-currency buy it regardless of the trend to 2015.75, because this would be a counter-trend phenomenon if it happens.
Activity: 2352
Merit: 1064
Bitcoin is antisemitic
Bitcoin is rallying similar to how gold and silver did before they again moved down to lower lows. All "private assets" will continue to make lower highs and lower lows until the turn in the ECM on 2015.75. The prior bounce in Bitcoin was to $666. It won't make it that high this time before turning down again to make lower lows and eventually bottom at or below $200. These are sucker's rallies for those who don't understand the trend in place until 2015.75.

Maybe, but check out the current premium on gold that you can hold (and silver too).
Your forecast could well be right, but trading in this environment is crazy (for who's not a cabal insider), so imho better sit tight and be right holding to quality, PM and BTC included.
full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100

Bitcoin still has another 11 months to hit a low of $150 if we look at Armstrongs ECM model (publc vs private waves)

AnonyMint (aka UnunoctiumTesticles and many other names) claimed $150 by the end of this year, not Armstrong. I don't even know what Armstrong's position on bitcoin is.

You are a fucking liar. Try to quote me in full context. I never claimed $150 by the end of the year, rather I am claiming a low in all Private assets before 2015.75 (i.e. Oct. 2015), which is Armstrong's ECM model.

I know Anonymint thinks it's a POS, because of some ideas he came up with on how to attack and destroy it. Ideas that bitcoin devs and many others explained would not work,  even show a lack of understanding of how bitcoin actually works, but which Anonymint stuck to as the absolute truth no matter what.

I will not waste my time correcting your (loser ass) lies and imbecile level of reading comprehension.

Quote from: anonymous
Am I understanding it correctly that according to the ECM the dollar will continue to rally until at least a couple of years after 2015.75? Also in accordance with the coming bull market in equity?

I'm quite fine with lower lows, as that can give some time to accumulate a bit.

plural noun: millennia

    a period of a thousand years, especially when calculated from the traditional date of the birth of Christ.

The global ECM turns down every 8.6 years (1 millennia or 1000 days x Pi) so it last peaked in 2007.15, which is when the pin event pricked the sub-prime real estate crisis (early stage of the Sovereign Debt Bubble). We are in a Private Wave cycle (alternates every 51.6 years, i.e. 6 cycles x 8.6) so every peak can be another major step towards moving towards maximum move to Private assets by 2032. So in 2015.75 we can expect the pin to be pricked on the next wave of massive Public (Sovereign nation) bonds contaion. Thus from 2011.45 until 2015.75, we've had a reprieve from the move to Private assets while the pressure cooker has been building on the Sovereign bond collapse coming, e.g. Mario Gaghi ECB head took many actions to buy time and load that pressure cooker to the maximum.

The dollar has been strengthening a bit since we turned the corner mid-way though this 8.6 cycle in 2011.45, and should continue to increase as rest of the world is collapsing and capital is flowing back (egressing) from the periphery markets back to the reserve currency market (dollar). As the move to Private assets accelerates anew after 2015.75 when the Sovereign Debt Big Bang pin is pricked, the likely beneficiary is also the dollar based stock market, because the Private companies will be seen as a mainstream Private asset (alternative to collapsing Public bonds). Thus the dollar may strengthen along with other Private assets, such as gold, real estate, collectibles, tangible assets, and crypto-currencies.

------------------------------------------------------ is down, so I will post this there later...

Those who want Obama's 'net neutrality' bullshit, will end up with this:

The mining stocks have broken down through support, thus we are probably moving lower:

Bitcoin is rallying similar to how gold and silver did before they again moved down to lower lows. All "private assets" will continue to make lower highs and lower lows until the turn in the ECM on 2015.75. The prior bounce in Bitcoin was to $666. It won't make it that high this time before turning down again to make lower lows and eventually bottom at or below $200. These are sucker's rallies for those who don't understand the trend in place until 2015.75.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1035

Bitcoin still has another 11 months to hit a low of $150 if we look at Armstrongs ECM model (publc vs private waves)

AnonyMint (aka UnunoctiumTesticles and many other names) claimed $150 by the end of this year, not Armstrong. I don't even know what Armstrong's position on bitcoin is. I know Anonymint thinks it's a POS, because of some ideas he came up with on how to attack and destroy it. Ideas that bitcoin devs and many others explained would not work,  even show a lack of understanding of how bitcoin actually works, but which Anonymint stuck to as the absolute truth no matter what.
Activity: 2156
Merit: 1072
Crypto is the separation of Power and State.

You don't need a computer program capable of quibbling about the (lack of) difference between self-awareness and sentience to know that "Europe is going to crash and burn."

I'd rather know who you were watching down there in Mindanao, and who was paying you to watch them.   Wink
full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100
Europe is going to crash and burn (Armstrong sees it in a major topping formation):

Armstrong is contemplating that the high on the DJIA won't come until 2017 or 2018 with the greater slingshot move to come after 2015.75 with a mad rush out of the sovereign bond bubble:

The Armstrong doubters can read this:
hero member
Activity: 665
Merit: 500
Then we have Bitcoin which I (Anonymint) predicted (in this forum numerous times reiterated) would decline from $1000 to $150, based on the fact that adoption was declining due to take over by Coinbase, Bitpay, etc (losing network effects) and because all Private assets will align and move down for a bottom in 2015.

But, despite the decline in price, adoption has actually been increasing drastically, compared to previous years, and possibly thanks to things like BitPay and Coinbase, which are reinforcing network effects. Many believe that the decline in price is actually precisely due to increased adoption and increased use of bitcoin that used to be hoarded, but is now spent more easily and frequently, with the end result of more of it being dumped on the market. It doesn't seem like it will be hitting $150, either, though we still have two more months to go.

So, it looks as if your adoption prediction was wrong, and price prediction is in the right trend, but may still be missed exactly, but with the reason behind the price decline being wrong too.

Bitcoin still has another 11 months to hit a low of $150 if we look at Armstrongs ECM model (publc vs private waves)
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