
Topic: Is a Madmax outcome coming before 2020? Thus do we need anonymity? - page 16. (Read 102789 times)

Activity: 42
Merit: 0
Secession, not succession.

Also, unless "the powers that be" told Ukraine's president to become a dictatorial dickhead, they had nothing to do with what happened there. I had friends in high places there, and no one was paid to protest, or to stay and keep protesting when they were told doing so is going to land them 15 years in jail.

Learn from the first person who ever communicated with Satoshi in a public forum.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0

Yes to What? – The Scottish Conundrum

This week the Scots will go to the polls to answer a deceptively simple question:

“Should Scotland be an independent country?”

The question’s simplicity belies the enormity of what is being asked. In centuries past, such a sovereignty proclamation would only have been delivered at the end of a sword after the spilling of much blood. Today the fates of nations are decided by referendum…sort of.

You see, the question is extremely simple, and, in the words of at least one Canadian commentator who finds its precision refreshing after the convoluted tangle of Quebec’s sovereignty referendum questions, “crystal clear.” But is it really? After all, what does it mean to be an “independent country?” Does that mean passport sharing with the UK? Military association? An independent currency? EU membership? NATO membership? Will Scotland keep an allegiance to the crown? Will it become a commonwealth nation? There are no answers to these questions because none of those details have been worked out yet. For now, nationalist politicians are content to leave voters to fill in the blanks.

But these are not trivial questions to be asking. In fact, they go to the very heart of what is meant by “sovereignty” and “independence.” What’s more, Scotland, insofar as it is fast becoming the envy (and the role model) for independence movements around the globe, could potentially be setting precedents for future events in Catalonia or Veneto or elsewhere. In effect, they are setting down the definition of freedom for others to strive toward, so their answer to this string of questions might make the difference between true independence and what could very easily be just another form of dependence.

To see how this is the case, let’s examine some of these questions.

Military Matters

The question of what would happen to Scotland’s military facilities in the event of independence is not an idle one. HMNB Clyde is the Royal Navy service base in Scotland and is home to Britain’s nuclear weapon capability. This capability comes in the form of Trident missiles on the base’s nuclear armed submarines. Currently, Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond plans to remove all of the nuclear weapons from Scotland in the event of a “Yes” victory. This does not sit well with the usual chickenhawks in the corridors of power, who are hyperventilating over what such a “destabilizing” event would mean for the UK’s nuclear deterrant capabilities. Evidently we are meant to believe that if the submarines had to be moved to another base Putin and his band of marauding Russians would use the opportunity to launch a nuclear strike on England.

That specific concern plays into a larger question: would an independent Scotland be part of NATO? David Cameron used the opportunity of the recent NATO summit in Wales to announce that “a number of people” at the summit “raised their concerns about the referendum.” But could it maintain a spot at the NATO table? Salmond and the “Yes” campaign have made it clear they are interested in applying to NATO as a non-nuclear member. A spanner was recently thrown into the works, however, when NATO announced last week that the Scottish government would have to increase military spending by 500 milllion pounds (up from its proposed 2.5 billion pound budget) in order to be admitted into the alliance. Unnamed NATO officials have also been quoted in the media as noting that “you need every single NATO member to say Yes for you to join and even if one doesn’t, you’re stuck,” implying that a scorned UK could actually block an independent Scotland’s attempts to join the alliance.

Regardless of the back-and-forth wrangling over these details, though, the real underlying question is: should a free and independent Scotland seek to join NATO at all? Given its record in recent years in Yugoslavia, in Afghanistan, in Libya and in its continual push toward encirclement of Russia and China, it can no longer be doubted that NATO is one of the greatest threats to peace and stability on the planet at this point. Its mutual self-defence clause obligates member nations to become involved in the affairs of other nations. As we saw with last year, high-ranking Turkish officials have discussed staging a false flag event to blame on the Syrian government in order to go to war with the Assad government. In such an event, Turkey would almost certainly invoke the NATO mutual self-defence clause forcing Scotland to commit resources to a strike on Syria. A similar situation could take place if NATO-member Poland similarly feels itself “threatened” by Russia.

Why would a free and independent nation, finally un-yoking itself from centuries of subjugation to a foreign crown, immediately take on the yoke of a military alliance which would put its military at the beck-and-call of a proven pack of murderers and war criminals? It wouldn’t, of course, and the Scottish people should be worried that Salmond and the SNP have expressed their eagerness to join NATO as soon as they achieve “independence.”

The European Union

“An independent Scotland will be an enthusiastic member of the EU,” says Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond. You might want to read that sentence again to make sure you understood it correctly. To repeat: the leader of the Scottish independence battle wishes to maintain membership in the European Union, one of the most draconian and tyrannical governmental institutions in the world today.

This is the same European Union that made Ireland vote on the Lisbon Treaty a second time because it didn’t like the results of the first vote. The same EU that has spearheaded the disastrous Eurozone and the subsequent meltdown of the Eurozone economy. The same EU that is run by bureaucrats through an unelected an unaccountable European Commission. The same EU that ruled through its “Court of Justice” [sic] in 1999 that it is illegal to criticize the EU, a ruling that they actually used to formally reprimand UKIP MEP Nigel Farage in 2009 for calling the EU an unaccountable tyranny.

Why anyone claiming to be in favor of Scottish independence would be interested in immediately signing away their sovereignty is beyond my comprehension. But even for those “independence” advocates who are so inclined, it is doubtful they will find a cheerful ally in the European Union. The members of many of the EU nations will be concerned about the potential genie that Scotland is letting out of the bottle with this referendum. Spain will worry about Catalonia, Italy about Veneto, Belgium about Flanders.

Ironically, though, as long as these “independence” movements all follow the Scotland “Yes” campaign in clamoring for EU membership, it is the EU that will be the big winner of this trend. Brussels will have even more power over Europe when small, isolated local governments are gathering at the table. It is only by rejecting Brussels altogether that Scotland can have any hope of maintaining its sovereignty or achieving true independence.

Free Scotland and the Monarchy

Would a free and independent Scotland still recognize the Queen as its monarch? According to Alex Salmond, yes it would. In fact, he even went so far as to say that the Queen “will be proud” to be the monarch of an “independent” Scotland, and Scotland “would be proud to have her as monarch of this land.” The Queen, for her part, “is firmly of the view that this is a matter for the people of Scotland,” according to a royal spokesman.

The idea, presumably, is that Scotland would take its place in the Commonwealth alongside Canada, Australia and other former British colonies that have achieved independence from England but still recognize the Queen as head of state. In the case of Scotland, the bond between the crown and the country is more substantial; the 1603 “Union of the Crowns” united Scotland, England and Ireland under a single monarch. The Crown of Scotland remains distinct and separate, meaning that Queen Elizabeth is also formally “Queen of Scots,” a role that Salmond sees no problem with her maintaining after independence.

This is not such a popular position, however. Polls show that 46% of independence supporters also support the idea of Scotland breaking its ties to the crown. Yes Scotland campaign chair Dennis Canavan is on record saying that he is in favor of a referendum on the subject if the country wins its independence. An independent country would also have the ability to write the monarchy out of the picture politically by removing the Queen as “head of state” even if they did decide to keep some formal tie to the crown.

The anti-royalists face an uphill battle, however. The Queen spends a week each year at her official residence in Scotland, Holyrood Palace, and even more time at Balmoral Castle in Aberdeen; Prince Charles is the Duke of Rothesay; the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are also the Earl and Countess of Strathearn. The royal roots in Scotland are deep, and a majority of the country is in favor of keeping the ties.

But why is this? What is “independence” if not the notion that a nation is sovereign; that is, not subject to any outside authority? Why would a free and independent Scotland want to bow down to any crown, rather than take their place amongst the nations of the world that recognize no special line of rulers who are granted their title, crown and ornate riches for no other reason than they were born into the right family?

If the independence movement wants to live up to their name, they will take Canavan’s suggestion, hold a referendum on the royal issue, and roundly reject the notion that any family has the right to rule over Scotland by virtue of their “blue blood.”

Scotland’s Own Currency?

By far the most important question facing an independent Scotland would be how to handle its monetary policy.

It may be surprising to anyone who has never shopped in Scotland, but the country already has its own currency, issued as banknotes by three of the country’s biggest banks: the Bank of Scotland, the Royal Bank of Scotland, and Clydesdale Bank. According to The Association of Commercial Banknote Issuers, these Scottish banknotes are “fully backed at all times by ring-fenced backing assets partly held in Bank of England notes and UK coin and partly as balances on accounts maintained by the issuing banks at the Bank of England.” Interestingly, some of this issuance is backed somewhere in the bowels of the Bank of England’s vaults by special 1 million pound notes called “Giants” and 100 million pound notes known as “Titans.”

But as viewers of “Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve” will know, the paper money in circulation in the US only makes up a tiny sliver of the total money supply, and similarly in Scotland these Scottish banknotes only make up a fraction of the money supply there. Most of the money in Scotland (like almost every other country) is credit created by the private banks as accounting entries in their ledgers when customers took out loans.

But what would happen in the event of a “Yes” vote? Would the Scottish pound continue to be backed by Bank of England notes? Would it continue to trade at par with the English pound? Would the Bank of England continue to act as a lender of last resort and set monetary policy for Scotland? It is by no means clear, and depends on whether “independence” involves: Scotland entering into a formal currency union with the UK; Scotland continuing to use the sterling as its unit of account; Scotland creating its own, completely separate currency; or Scotland adopting the Euro.

In order to enter into a currency union with the UK, Scotland would have to negotiate an agreement with the Bank of England to set the terms of that relationship. Perhaps the Bank of England would remain Scotland’s central bank, or set monetary policy, or act as the lender of last resort. If so, there would be very little change to the status quo, although it would likely mean that the cost of borrowing for the newly-independent Scottish government would go up, depending on the terms it could reach with the BoE.

If Scotland adopted the Euro, it would need to set up its own central bank. As Ollie Rehn, the former EU commissioner for monetary union, noted earlier this month, any attempt to join the Eurozone would require “a monetary authority of its own” which he referred to as one of the “necessary instruments of the Economic and Monetary Union.” This central bank would presumably work something like the Bank of England does today; as a nominally “nationalized” bank that sets interest rates and purchases treasuries.

If an independent Scotland went the route of using the sterling without a formal agreement with the Bank of England, it could get by without a central bank. As many observers have noted, Hong Kong similarly relies on three private banks for the issuance of its banknotes and it does not have a central bank. Instead the Hong Kong Monetary Authority maintains the Hong Kong Dollar’s peg to the US Dollar by selling or buying US dollars as needed to balance supply and demand of the local currency. Similarly, a Scottish Monetary Authority could maintain a peg to the pound sterling by buying and selling Bank of England notes, all without the need for a central bank.

Perhaps the most exciting prospect of all, however, is for Scotland to become an example of some of the truly revolutionary (but historically proven) methods of securing national credit. The Scottish treasury could issue credit instruments directly. The inflationary pressures of this issuance could be controlled by offering a discount for use of these instruments in the payment of taxes. When the issuance is returned to the Exchequer the debt is cancelled out and extinguished or recirculated as required. As Chris Cook lays in a convincing article for Pieria, “Credit Scotland,” such a system could completely eliminate the need for banks to act as the middlemen of credit in the economy. As Cook argues, this would not only be possible, but has already been attempted in the past; in Alberta in the 1930s, for example.

Clearly, the “problem” of how an independent Scotland would secure its national credit presents a very serious challenge to the potential independence of the nation itself. A free Scotland could opt to immediately put itself back in the debt chains of the bankers-either by negotiating a deal with the Bank of England or the European Central Bank or creating its own system of central bank while keeping the currency-as-debt model-or it can truly strive to achieve “independence” in the deeper sense of the word, by throwing off the bankers’ debt chains and finding an alternative system.


Of course now that the polls are showing that the momentum is on the “Yes” side of the ledger, the powers that shouldn’t be are pushing every panic button they can find on their bought-and-paid for media wurlitzer. According to the propaganda pushers, a “Yes” vote for independence would mean: a possible Russian invasion (Business Insider), the abandonment of the country by the nation’s biggest banks (NY Times), higher prices for consumer goods (Herald Scotland), higher roaming charges for cell phone use in the rest of the UK (Sky News), soaring mortgage costs (Financial Times), a deep recession (The Daily Mail) and a litany of other doom-and-gloom scenarios. If the “Yes” momentum continues watch for these same media mouthpieces to bring out even more bombastic claims: the cancellation of Christmas! A rise in dental cavities! The opening of an interdimensional portal and releasing of the kraken!

No, the hyperventilation of the mockingbird media can be safely dismissed for what it is: transparent fearmongering. But there are serious pitfalls that the independence movement might sleepwalk into if they do not think through their actions carefully. After all, “independence” and “freedom” are not just words on paper; they are lived experiences of free and independent people. If that freedom and independence is not expressed – by the rejection of royal families and regional governments and banking oligarchies and military alliances – then they do not really exist. In a very real sense, even if Scotland does vote “Yes” this coming week, that will be only the first step in their journey toward independence.

And there is an added burden on the Scottish people. They are not just acting for themselves, but setting an example that will doubtless be aped by independence movements around the world.

Choose your actions carefully, Scotland. The world is watching.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1035
Secession, not succession.

Also, unless "the powers that be" told Ukraine's president to become a dictatorial dickhead, they had nothing to do with what happened there. I had friends in high places there, and no one was paid to protest, or to stay and keep protesting when they were told doing so is going to land them 15 years in jail.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Scotland & Philippines will both beg for international law to protect their oil assets
From:    AnonyMint
To:      "Armstrong Economics"

See I believe the powers-that-be are cooperating. I think Obama would love to blame martial law on "rogue terrorists". You see USA is going to be at war with everyone, Russia, ISIS, China, etc.. The blame doesn't have to be pinpointed to Russia.

This was all depicted already on those murals at the Denver airport. The powers-that-be planned this outcome a long time ago.

This is how they bring the world to its knees in order to implement their one-world currency and governance.

Note there will be succession movements such as Scotland, and they will later join the one-world regime at the end-game. It is pretty easy to destroy Scotland, just drop a nuke on them if they get too far out-of-line of what the powers-that-be want. Rather I think the powers-that-be will use Scotland as tool of their plans as Scotland will support a global order in which they are a large beneficiary. Specifically the powers-that-be already have the Philippines begging to the UN for territorial  protection over the Spratly islands oil fields (which China is threatening). Scotland will need also international protection of its claim to the North Sea oil asset.

All large scale human movements are funded by the powers-that-be. This is why Scotland suddenly had a big move toward sovereignty. Ditto the revolution in Ukraine. Of course there was grassroots desire, but the organization and funding is always infiltrated and accelerated by the powers-that-be. They have serious brain power tucked away in think tanks to plan out these strategies and read the tea leaves winds of public opinion.

Quote from: anonymous
I can't believe the US, Russia or China want to go to war.  There maybe sabre rattling but I cannot believe there will be a nuclear war.
Sounds like more fear mongering to me.  Makes me suspicious of Armstrong motives.

Quote from: AnonyMint

Does anyone have any reaction to the above? I realize he didn't say that must happen, rather it is just a possibility. That is really a horrific possibility for the USA.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Armstrong please comment on "futures markets are the manipulation"?
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Thu, September 4, 2014 2:04 am
To:      Armstrong Economics

Hugo Salinas Price: How the dollar will die
Submitted by cpowell on Thu, 2014-09-04 01:20. Section: Daily Dispatches

9:20p ET Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

The U.S. dollar -- and, presumably, all government-issued currencies, which are derivatives of the dollar, the dollar being the world reserve currency -- will die, Hugo Salinas Price writes this week, when the gold futures market fails, when gold goes into "permanent backwardation," when gold for delivery now always costs more than gold for delivery in the future. Salinas Price's observation indicates that futures markets are the mechanism of gold price suppression. As the saying goes, "The futures markets aren't manipulated. The futures markets are the manipulation." Salinas Price, president the Mexican Civic Association for Silver, has headlined his commentary "How the Dollar Will Die" and it's posted at the association's Internet site,, here:

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Gold's role?
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Mon, September 1, 2014 5:57 am
To:      Armstrong Economics

1.I agree entirely with everything Martin Armstrong wrote at the above linked blog post. Also add the following about gold for the next year or so:

The dollar will come stronger because that is the most liquid, safest market (e.g. dollar denominated real estate and stocks) to park capital as Europe and Japan are near the Minsky moment flash crashes, or at least slow motion crashes underway:

(I HAVE WRITTEN MORE BELOW THIS LONG LIST OF LINKED POSTS) (socialism is egregiously out-of-control) (Armstrong explains how he discovered his model's power) (acceleration coming in November)

2.And the above ongoing and forthcoming rush into the dollar markets is why the USA is not worried about the ramifications of bullying the entire world on any thing that involves a dollar or USA supra-sovereign jurisprudence:

3.Other than the "ancient relic" epochs in which gold was used as currency (which won't work any more because commerce is predominantly electronic, even at gas stations), the role of gold is a hedge against breakdown in civilization to the point that normal investments don't function reasonably as a store-of-value. But note that if the severity of Mad max is too great, then even gold does not function as reasonable store-of-value over the near-term because food and survival-mode becomes the currency, e.g. rice in Japan during its 600 year Dark Age and the abandoned hordes of gold still being dug up from the Dark Age that followed the Western Roman empire.

(Physical) Gold is a tiny $40 billion market (thus it can't adsorb the $250+ trillion global net worth and it won't take much capital to send it rocketing up in value) and we will see it rise in value as western civilization raises taxes and capital controls to finance the terminally ill cancer of socialism-gone-mad. Which will accelerate after 2015.75 (Sept 30, 2015).

Armstrong had made the point that not all traceable assets such as real estate (which the Europeans and Chinese are buying in the USA to "get off the grid" to hide wealth from their own countries) can be confiscated because it would result in a total breakdown of civilization. My rebuttal is that it won't be outright blanket confiscation (decree) rather tax avoidance will be the catalyst by which these traceable assets are liquidated to pay tax judgments and the G20 will be cooperating with each other and the NSA to make sure all assets are traced. And a slow grinding ratcheted breakdown of civilization is the desired outcome of the global elite so they can bring about their NWO outcome, because in order for them to maintain control as the Industrial Age dies and the Knowledge Age grows, they need to increase their economies-of-scale and bring the masses (who can't cross the chasm to the Knowledge Age) down into the abyss of their dying epochal paradigm.

In the following linked blog post, Armstrong failed to grasp that "let me control the currency, and I care not who makes the laws"- Rothschild. Who ever issues the one-world currency, controls the world. If the one-world ends up as a decentralized crypto-currency which no one controls, then Armstrong's point below would be valid. But Armstrong doesn't even believe crypto-currency can remain independent of government (although we smart programmers and technologists disagree with him on that point). If we are correct, then crypto-currency will gain much more value than gold will and gold would be relegated to tangible store of wealth that can be moved (anonymously) across borders by selling it for crypto-currency and repurchasing with crypto-currency.
(Silver & gold coins)

Quote from: Armstrong
The maximum price projection for 2032 seems to be the $22,000 to $24,000 dollar level. That is derived purely technically – not my opinion or what I think. That is not even a forecast saying that is where it will rise to reach by 2032. That is just what it is – answering a question as to how high is it possible FROM A TECHNICAL perspective for gold to reach.


For the individuals it is one way to get off the grid, although they do track who is buying and how much. You cannot hop on a plane anymore and carrying a brief case full of gold bullion will only justify its confiscation. We have to be concerned about our financial privacy, which the government has converted to a crime of “money laundering” that amounts to just hiding money from their reach. True, high net worth investors should purchase gold, not for financial gain, but as the hedge against government, which it appears we may need in the years ahead. We are headed into negative interest rates and a new world of digital currency for then nothing will be private. Those who think they can create their own currency – good luck. Ain’t gonna happen. It is government that has the tanks – not the Rothschild.

The digital currency will come AFTER 2015.75. Those who thought they were clever and think they can make tax-free income in Bitcoin, all I have to say is – been there done that. There were tax straddles that allowed people to push income from one year to the next using futures. They were sold by the major brokerage houses in the late 1970s. The IRS allows such schemes to progress, then hits them with huge interest, penalties, and sometimes criminal prosecutions. If anyone thinks they can use Bitcoin tax-free – good luck. You are probably destined for real tax-free living at the closest Federal prison. Don’t worry, like Motel 6 – they will keep the light on for ya.

“How does one liquidate their gold holdings in a private manner?” Good luck. The French went after coins shows requiring that they report all attendees. The shows no longer go to Paris. The coin and bullion dealers were by law in France barred from dealing in cash. The French started to travel to Belgium to buy and sell gold. The French complained to Belgium and hence we now have coordinated G20 level monitoring. So gold may no longer provide the easy way to facilitate life as it once did. It will depend upon someone taking it in barter and to understand that possibility, you have to use coins – not bars. I know gold refiners and they must report every gram in and out even if it is coming in and out from overseas. So the Feds know who buys and sells metals.

“Will the have to smuggle metal out if the country to be paid in cash?” There comes the metal detectors and Xrays. Then just traveling with more than even $3,000 is a presumption of guilt and they get to just seize it. Perhaps now you are starting to get a feel for why the NSA really monitors everything. We did not support Ukraine with boots on the ground because there was no profit compared to Iraq that filled to coffers of friends of the court and family members. The NSA has really been tracking money more so than terrorists it could not detect like the Boston Bombers.

“Will there be a black market for hard cash in the states? Ultimately, how does gold help protect folks from an out of control government?” Gold may still be viable outside of the major cities the further you get off the grid. However, keep in mind that absent moving too far into a Dark Age where even gold loses all value, such a period historically tends to last 3.5 to 6 years max. Dark Ages you multiply that by 100.

Quote from: Armstrong
This brings us most likely to the Pi cycle target after 2024.35. That is when 911 took place to the day and when Greece began with the realization that there was trouble in the sovereign debt world of Europe.

This previous 8.6 year wave that peaked in 2007.15 was just the beginning with the realization of the Sovereign Debt Crisis. The current wave that peaks in 2015.75 should start the debt crisis with more government being forced into insolvency. This is what the IMF proposal is all about and the Fed looking to impose an exit tax on the most liquid market in the world – US debt. The next wave 2024.35 will be the pulling apart of the world monetary system and the peak of this wave in 2032.95 is most likely where the tangible assets rise as a store of value in a world of uncertainty with respect to the medium of exchange.

Quote from: Armstrong
We are most likely going to see a financial crisis that engulf the pensions and the sovereign debt crisis. The preliminary target seems to be really off in 2025. However, 2020 will be the first big crack.
We seem to be headed for the electronic currency as the first fix. But we will see this migrate to the replacement of the reserve currency, which I believe will be a basket of the major currencies administered by some agency, I sure hope will not be the IMF. However, I would bet against my luck on that one.
Gold may not reach its final peak until 2025.

P.S. I wish someone could enlighten me on the impacts to the change in climate in different regions as a result of the unequivocal data that shows the magnetic poles and polar ice caps are moving away from North and South America towards North and South Eurasia/Africa/Australia:
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Can the Internet Replace Career Politicians?
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Sat, August 30, 2014 7:52 pm
To:      "Armstrong Economics"

I agree with some of what Martin Armstrong wrote at the above linked blog post. Specifically I agree that the politicians and bureaucrats are able to do malfeasance because the public is both apathetic and systemically incapable of making change even when aware.

Martin has this theory that if the people could vote directly on every issue instead of being represented by elected officials, then the systemic problem would be solved. I briefly entertained this conceptual idea when I was about 13 years old. It is quite naive and juvenile.

Armstrong and Margaret Thatcher have the same gullible misunderstanding that most people of lower IQ have. They haven't taken the time to,or don't have the mental abstraction IQ to, comprehend how degrees-of-freedom and the granularity of adaption to maximize fitness interact with the immutable Second Law of Thermodynamics such that it is impossible that top-down organization of anything can ever work. I have explained this ad nausem in my past writings as AnonyMint:

Simulated annealing is the only known algorithm which can maximize fitness (i.e. the solution to the solution space) where the solution space is unknown a priori, has an unknown number of independent variables, and is dynamic with unknown number of feedback loops. Simulated annealing is nature's optimization method. Simulated annealing is why ice that cools slowly has less cracks because the localized organization and coordination of the molecules have more time to independently (i.e. bottom-up organization) find optimum states.

Only a fool or person of low IQ would assert the bottom-up voting for top-down issues can somehow anneal. I feel like I am dealing with children. Am I that much smarter than most people? Or are most people just too lazy or too invested in their logically failed ideas such that they are unable to think coherently?

The 150 - 170 IQ genuis who coined "open source" (as opposed to "free software") explained the power vacuum of democracy:
(Some Iron Laws of Political Economics)

The solution to the problem of the power vacuum of democracy is to eliminate top-down issues so that people can be free to organize more locally. The technological solution is coming with decentralized technology. For example, 3D printing, flying cars with computerized avoidance systems, decentralized anonymous crypto-currency (Bitcoin isn't decentralized and isn't robust in a fractured internet), decentralized corporations, decentralized social organization over the internet, etc..

Why does local organization work better? Because it is impossible for top-down laws or issues to be optimized to every local situation and especially dynamically because everything is always changing.

The gripe against local organization has been that economies-of-scale can't be attained. This was true in the Industrial Age where fixed capital and stored money were paramount. But with the internet economies-of-scale can be attained even if only 1 in 1000 people are availing of each thingamajig. This is why I have been writing about the coming Knowledge Age and the death of all top-down organization, including the death of passive capital investing such as bonds and usury finance. Instead we will move towards where capital is knowledge. Money will only be a currency and not for storing capital. There will be no way to store capital for long periods of time that isn't knowledge (money will have high rates of debasement in order to fund its decenralized crypto-currency security). The old world overlords will die away along with the socialism masses who don't cross the chasm. This is why their NWO is a death paradigm.

And this is why massive poverty is coming because most people aren't ready to cross the chasm. And this poverty will usher in disease and war. Out of the ashes, will come the Knowledge Age. For a while, the old will hang on and the socialism will become very idealistic (youth are glossy-eyed ready to the "end the corruption" mantra employing more top-down Marxism) and try for the NWO top-down solutions that Armstrong and others espouse. But that is the dying paradigm on the long haul. The Knowledge Age will be growing.

I can see clearly and lucidly the Big Picture how it all fits together in a perfect puzzle.

Get it. Or perish. I am tired of explaining it.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1035
One of the most popular Android wallets, Mycelium, is almost done implementing HD wallets that will use a different address for every transaction. After that it will implement Tor as the only method or sending money, and after that CoinJoin as default anonymization method. People will be using a popular wallet with full anonymity by default, without even knowing about it.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Argentine bond holdouts are shorting Argentina
From:    AnonyMint
To:      "Armstrong Economics"

I read some where that the vulture banks who hold 7% of the restructured Argentine bonds are also heavily short Argentina using CDS (credit default swaps).

Thus they are not planning to reap a windfall payment. Their strategy is to prevent Argentina from getting access to international capital markets, so that Argentina can't gain investment and sell more debt, thus Argentina will soon run out of international reserves and go into a default on all international bonds (and also eventually default on any domestic bonds or spiral off into hyperinflation). Then the vultures will reap huge gains.

We could pontificate about whose fault it is, but the bottom line is Argentina can't avoid a collapse, because it is an agrarian exporter in a declining global economy.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Re: How to turn American against American violently
From:    AnonyMint
To:      "Armstrong Economics"

Well Armstrong didn't get the point of my prior communication yesterday apparently given he wrote this today:

The French may all hate the situation, but when it comes time to fight over who pays, they will fight each other or a fabricated external conflict.

I don't have time for more non-technical tangents like yesterday, but the people can also obtain most of that technology and in some cases out innovate the government on military technology (they are doing it now with 3D printed guns, drones, etc), so that isn't the problem. The problem is the people don't agree with each other, because their income is all tied to the socialism and so they can be compelled to fight each other. This is how socialism always dies, because misallocation of capital can't be unwound, just as spaghetti can't be unwound. The people are tied into knots. There is no escape from chaos and collapse. So any French Revolution again will end up with totalitarian and socialist outcomes (e.g. Napoleon and France after Napoleon).

Quote from: anonymous
If the government has total control of the military - I don't see how guns are going to matter at all :S

Drones could completely control a populace.   X-ray vision to scan for people with guns, heat vision to find them, and the logic to kill anyone carrying a weapon.  

The notion that handguns can protect a populace against total military / govt control feels out of touch with the reality of the tech that has been invented in the last 20 - 40 years :S
Activity: 1256
Merit: 1009
A super minority of Americans have a lot of guns, but that doesn't mean their interests are aligned. No! Those guns are a form of standing army chaos, because a majority of Americans now depend on the government. You can't have guns without also having self-sufficiency and expect a sane outcome:

I think often our interests are more aligned than they are made out to be by politicians.  Even if it's the aligned interest of "lets leave each other alone".  It's less of a divide and conquer mentality than a "shove everyone together in order to force them to adopt the politically correct moral stance on all issues."  

I read this -  The ability to co-exist is being eliminated as people become more and more morally entitled to pass judgement on those who don't agree with the politically correct status quo.  I wonder sometimes if/when the entitlement to pass judgement will bleed over into violence of upholding the politically correct worldview as the only "correct" one. 
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: How to turn American against American violently
From:    AnonyMint
To:      "Armstrong Economics"

A super minority of Americans have a lot of guns, but that doesn't mean their interests are aligned. No! Those guns are a form of standing army chaos, because a majority of Americans now depend on the government. You can't have guns without also having self-sufficiency and expect a sane outcome:

Take away their money and retirements in a way that they blame each other for it:

Obamacare will turn the doctors against the businessmen. Etc..

TPTB planned this out well. Americans will shoot Americans. Chaos is coming:

Armstrong is pleading against this mistake of divide-and-conquer:

But he won't succeed to stop it.
Activity: 2352
Merit: 1064
Bitcoin is antisemitic
I have difficulty believing they can move the world to total submission because at this time there are still self-sufficient people living in the mountains and hinterlands, especially in the third world countries. Filipinos in particular can survive on root crops that grow naturally and bananas. It is not a nice subsistence, but they've done it as recently as the 1990s. Modernization is proceeding rapidly now and I see new roads into the mountains, but I doubt it is ready on time.

What's happening in the world economy is just another controlled demolition, but in this case the nuke in the basement was placed one century ago with privately owned central banking. The aim was to set in place a mechanism to automatically funnel wealth at the very top (by debt-money and 'public' debt) -which worked nicely. Now it has to implode because there is little to none further wealth to suck from the sheeple (due to technology, markets saturation, unemployment, demography, etc.), so now it's depopulation time.

Possibly there are remote parts in the globe insignificant enough for the reptilians at the top to not care about, and that's where i would suggest to move to a.s.a.p.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
My anonymous source provided another potential early stage developing plague which would correspond with Armstrong's model of rising pandemic to peak in 2019 with 25 - 33% of the world's population dead:
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
Follow up email to the anonymous source in the prior post.

I have difficulty believing they can move the world to total submission because at this time there are still self-sufficient people living in the mountains and hinterlands, especially in the third world countries. Filipinos in particular can survive on root crops that grow naturally and bananas. It is not a nice subsistence, but they've done it as recently as the 1990s. Modernization is proceeding rapidly now and I see new roads into the mountains, but I doubt it is ready on time.

The Asian Economic union is on schedule for 2015. There is a plan to have big summit over here in the Philippines next year.

Also for example crypto-currencies are rising, and it is even possible to design these to be resistant to internet outages and censorship. If the top-down controllers want anything other than total chaos (which means they aren't in control) then they depend on keeping the internet up and running.

I believe the top-down aims can only be pushed so far and so fast, thus your timing appears dubious to me.

Perhaps a pandemic can add to the chaos and the top-down control of some aspects (e.g. travel), but this also could lead to chaos that is not controllable, e.g. the cities become controlled because everyone hides in their abodes, but in the countryside the people roam chaotically perhaps. But given a total collapse is averted, the top-controllers might be able to sustain more control. Total collapse could mean even their own police and soldiers go AWOL. So total collapse doesn't appear to be the likely outcome.

How do you get around the scriptures that tell us no one can predict the exact time?

Matthew 24:23-27

Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand. So, if they say to you, ‘Look, he is in the wilderness,’ do not go out. If they say, ‘Look, he is in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. For as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.

Matthew 24:36

"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. "For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah."

It is very unlikely the world proceeds into total collapse 2016ish. Post 2015, I rather place a high probability on an acceleration of:

* economic hardship
* reduction of personal freedom
* loss of private property rights
* war and riots (reduction of personal security)
* disease and pestilence

Those Christians who would urge we do nothing to try to aid prosperity (e.g. with crypto-currency) because as believers they feel they have nothing to fear, appears to me to be the epitome of the laziness that was reprimanded in the Parable of the Talents. Since no one can predict the exact time and extent, we must continue to be productive until the time.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Ebola may have gone airborne
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Mon, August 11, 2014 10:40 pm
To:      anonymous
Cc:      "'Armstrong Economics'" <[email protected]>

If you review what I wrote you before, I made the point that in normal economic conditions, the relative values of currencies is influenced near-term primary by capital flows, and long-term by relative productive capacity of the citizens of a nation.

However, I suppose it is not unfathomable that in some crisis environment that subject the people to top-down control, then relative value could be based on some top-down edict.

I find it difficult to imagine the collapse that accelerates late next year to create such crisis conditions within a year. I expect it to be a longer slow burn down, with with some contagion bursts along the way.

However, from the Biblical perspective, if Ebola has gone airborne as Armstrong's model predicts, that could be one of the bowls of Revelation being poured out.

I would tend to stick with Armstrong's recent timeline which is 2024 for the worst. Note that corresponds with the timing others formulated before for the return of Jesus 2024 from the mention of the Abomination of Desolation and three events (formation of Israel, Middle East war, ...).

Quote from: anonymous
> When the full crash happens next year, everything comes under a one world
> government with one single currency and the worth of that in any country
> will be determined by their status of holdings in the hard asset backed
> one world currency.
> There will be increasingly NO WAY of getting around this through the
> internet and any other form of technology as that is all going to be
> tightly controlled very much like a slave environment and the world will
> love it because the chaos out of which they are rescued from both economic
> collapse and societal collapse will lead them to agree with everything
> proposed by the President of the United States or their countries will
> fall into the Dark Ages in every way.
> It IS that simple, what they have planned in this coming collapse.
> Wink

Edit: followup...

Did you see that Armstrong's computer model predicts a pandemic 2019?

Looks like Ebola may be it.

So from your Biblical interpretation you don't see a complete collapse 2016, but rather a slide into the abyss with full "hell on earth" by 2019 lasting 1260 days hence?

Quote from: anonymous
> The Abomination of Desolation is March 6, 2019 and begins the final 1290 days.
> After 30 days, on April 5 2019, Revelation 12 takes place and the bride of
> Christ is taken to the wilderness while the world feels the grasps of
> Hell, quite literally.
> This goes on for 1260 days, joining the 1290 days at the same date of
> 9/16/2022.
> During this 1260 days, the Two Witnesses are in Jerusalem throwing all
> plagues all around the earth, continually.
> 10 days later is Feast of Trumpets and the other 2 remaining Fall Feasts
> to be fulfilled.
> Armageddon is right in the midst 10 days after Trumpets and on the Day of
> Atonement.
> And, as they say in the documentaries...
> The rest is history.
> HIS-story.

Another follow up...

Armstrong's computer model is also calling for an acceleration after 2015.75. And it also points to some major rise in war activity this November 2014.

I don't know if they get all the way to world government as soon as you think.

It depends how fast and extensive the collapse will be.

In any case, we can be sure that conditions are going to worsen significantly no later than 2016.

Quote from: anonymous
> The worldwide economic collapse of Revelation 18 is Armstrong's collapse
> next year 2015.75
> Probably just after, virtually coinciding with the last of the 4 blood
> moon tetrad.
> Keep in mind, Revelation is not a chronological book.
> Obama rushes in, after great worldwide upheaval and millions killed and
> most everyone else hungry because there will be no currency for trade.
> The governments go after those with the guns, like survivalists, during
> this also and kill most of them.
> He rushes in with the Yamashita's Gold, 175,000 tons in the Bank of Hawaii
> just like Karen Hudes says.  She is not a whistleblower but just one who
> is telling what is as that seems to be their code to reveal things before
> they happen.
> Once order is restored under a one world government and single currency in
> late 2015 or early 2016, trade resumes and everything appears just great
> as the world is in love with him.
> From Revelation 13:
> The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority. 3 And I
> saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly
> wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. 4 So
> they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they
> worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make
> war with him?”
> 5 And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he
> was given authority to continue[c] for forty-two months. 6 Then he opened
> his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle,
> and those who dwell in heaven. 7 It was granted to him to make war with
> the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every
> tribe,[d] tongue, and nation. 8 All who dwell on the earth will worship
> him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb
> slain from the foundation of the world.
> 9 If anyone has an ear, let him hear. 10 He who leads into captivity shall
> go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the
> sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
Counter argument:

So why were there bullet holes in the downed Malaysian commercial jet in Ukraine?

anonymous replied:
> Looks like schrapnel to me.
> Here's an image showing some schrapnel damage due to an explosion in Gaza.


Shrapnel provides varying sized (and spaced) holes. (Machine gun) bullet holes are similar in size (and spacing). See the difference above. The latter appear to be bullet holes.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
So why were there bullet holes in the downed Malaysian commercial jet in Ukraine?

anonymous replied:
> Looks like schrapnel to me.
> Here's an image showing some schrapnel damage due to an explosion in Gaza.


Shrapnel provides varying sized (and spaced) holes. (Machine gun) bullet holes are similar in size (and spacing). See the difference above. The latter appear to be bullet holes.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
So why were there bullet holes in the downed Malaysian commercial jet in Ukraine?

All the gory details on the student loan scam.

European collapse on schedule and Euro starts its descent.
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