
Topic: Is a Madmax outcome coming before 2020? Thus do we need anonymity? - page 15. (Read 102759 times)

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Activity: 770
Merit: 500
"....and whatever a man knows, whatever is not mere rumbling and roaring that he has heard, can be said in three words" - Kurnberger.

Work on your blog - post a link here. That would be best all round.
full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100
I posted further explanation at China expert (Peking University economics professor) Michael Pettis’s blog:

Michael the only way forward is to privatize the Chinese economy, but this will probably require a Minsky moment collapse to remove the structural, political, cultural, and economic barriers.

Political centralization as a means to the end goal of decentralizing and privatizing the economy, is not feasible unless (per your theory) there are ways to reward the general population at the expense of the (local and central) party members who have concentrated control over the economy. I argue at the link above that there is no way to reward the general population without collapsing the fixed investment corruption model which holds the economy up, because the imbalances are too great. I used for example the housing being 18 times average income as an example that lowering house prices 50% does not change the dynamic from fixed investment Ponzi to a renting model (housing is too expensive to rent out profitably and -50% drop in housing prices does not change this fact).

Another obvious fact from your writings is that the consumer share is a small minority of the economy, thus fixed investment dominates the financial status of the general population. You have argued that there are incremental adjustments that can be made which boost the consumer more than they deduct via losses on the fixed capital sector, but I have not yet to read a very detailed analysis from you on this with data. Can you point me to one? The housing price drop example appears to reveal (in that case) that the path dependencies are too great for incremental adjustment.
full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100
Who ever doesn't understand that iCEBREAKER is an idiot, deserves to fail miserably along with him (within about 12 to 18 months).
Activity: 2156
Merit: 1072
Crypto is the separation of Power and State.
Martinfoilhat Armwrong is getting called out and reamed on 0H for spewing idiotic anti-1st Amendment crap like "One good place to start is OUTLAW negative advertising."

Martin Armstr0ng was the gopher boy for Brit Neocon Sir Alan Walters. Armstr0ng's mentor was a card carrying member of the NWO. Walters is dead now but when he was alive this is how Walters spent his time:

> Monetarist econ advisor to Margaret Thatcher
> Adviser to the World Bank
> Vice Chairman of AIG Trading Group
> American Enterprise Institute

AEI, you may have heard, is the HQ for the NeoCon NWO Goat Worshipers who are responsible for damn near every bad thing happening in the world right now.

Armstr0ng's writings show he is trying to keep that NWO flame alive, doing his part by highlighting one side of a manufactured conflict. A manufactured conflict brought to you by his handlers in NeoCon central - the American Enterprise Instute. They have spent years pushing their Hegelian dialectic, order out of chaos game plan.

If you don't like the AEI you really won't like their scummy Atr0ngish partners over at the Husdon institute:

Armstr0ng is one their minions. He may have arrived at this point against his will, via bribery, coercion etc, leveraging his trouble with the law. The outcome is he is a sold-out neocon pet and therefore a professional shit disturber.

Agent Anonymint, you are doing a terrible job!   Wink
full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100
full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100
IMF One World Currency Lender of Last Resort After 2016 Collapse

In the video interview Obama Ending Alliance with Saudi Arabia and Killing the Petrodollar, Jim Rickards makes the astute and salient point echoed by Martin Armstrong that a reserve currency requires CONFIDENCE and the deep liquidity provided by it being dominant.

Armstrong makes the point that it is not the pricing of oil in dollars, that is the sole cause of the reserve status of the dollar, but rather a confluence of that along with the dollar never being canceled whereas Europe has regularly canceled its currencies, and the USA having the world's largest consumer market thus exporters needing to recycle their earned dollars into dollar investments.

The book Colder War argues that Putin is successfully attacking the USA's superpower status by outmaneuvering on energy and natural resources:

While you can verify from my prior post that Russia (and former Eastern Bloc and developing countries such as India, Indonesia, and the Philippines) have significantly lower total debt ratios thus are poised to be more resilient in the coming sovereign debt collapse (after 2015.75, i.e. Sept 2015), there are several reasons it is impossible for a replacement reserve currency to the US dollar to come about within the next decade:

  • There is no politically viable pathway to transition away from the status quo Dollar-Euro-Pound dominant trilogy without bankrupting the pension and social system of the Western civilization. A real solution would require the developing world to take some responsibility for boomers, boomers downsizing, and thus with globalized coordination.
  • Investors aren't going to trust some currency managed by dictators, which is essentially what Russia and China's Communist Party are now, because this is too vulnerable to the whims of a few leaders and isn't free floating. The cure would be worse than the current illness. Russia and China are still largely top-down controlled economies with the entire Russian economy controlled by oligarchs close to Putin and China dominated by fixed capital investment (construction and exports) that favor the elite at the expense of the consumer (household) share of GDP. China will need a long period of time to rebalance their economy to norms of openness, and given the explosion of China's total debt to 250% of GDP documented in my prior post it looks like China will first run debt up high and crash and burn for reset and that reset will facilitate political change, i.e. domestic upheaval and external aggression against Japan (to divert public attention from the failure of the ruling elite).
  • I argued in the Economic Devastation, the Dark Enlightenment, and the Bitcoin adoption slowing threads that we are moving away from a resource driven economy to a Knowledge driven economy. Thus we won't be able to restore economic growth and confidence with some resource backing of the currency, as for example backing with land. Fundamentally technological unemployment is destroying the resource-based, fixed capital, finance-based global economy and nothing is poised to fulfill the demand for a currency compatible to the fledgeling non-financed, Knowledge-based economy which has great confidence. Even Bitcoin adoption fell short as I predicted.
  • Interim electronic currencies such as Apple Pay, Paypal, and Hong Kong's Octopus card, are merely payment systems and have very little network effects that would cause investors to hold reserve balances.

What this means is we headed into an abyss collapse because nothing can derail the mismanagement of the Dollar-Euro-Pound trilogy.

Out of the ashes can arise some global coordination for one world currency solution circa 2032 when the current Private wave ends in Armstrong's ECM model.

The one faint hope interim is for a Private wave solution of a decentralized virtual currency to rise that did have the network effects to serve the Knowledge Age and drive investment balances.

Armstrong is incorrect to assert that the powers-that-be can merely turn off the internet, electric power, or otherwise easily stop some viral network effects technology. There are ways around all such threats. Bitcoin didn't scale because it wasn't designed to, and it wasn't designed to be adopted as a widespread currency.

I posted the following comment:

Quote from: Michael Pettis
Falling housing prices, however, have two separate wealth effects. Those who own speculative property will feel poorer, but those who are short real estate (young people, poor people) will feel richer.

But with houses at 18 times annual income (versus 4.3 at the peak of the USA 2007 subprime bubble), the decline in prices and or rise in wages needs to be much greater than 50% to really make a difference for those buyers if they acting alone, thus house purchase will remain even with a -50% drop in prices a loan from someone wealthy (perhaps a relative) who views it as an investment.

Thus my logic is that China is trapped in its fixed income investment model and can only escape with a crash and reset.
Activity: 2156
Merit: 1072
Crypto is the separation of Power and State.
You maybe academically retarded.

Academia Retards By Fact Earth Has 1 Day When Dead Still, And 4 Days Within 1 Earth Rotation, losing 3 days retards humanity.

Are you stupid and evil?

If you are ignorant of natures harmonic time cube creation, then you were taught to be stupid and evil.

You are stupid and evil about the
Earth's top and bottom, front and
back and it's 2 sides. Most everything
created has these Cube like values.

Dear UnunoctiumTesticles,

You are a crackpot.

Good luck,

full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100
Global debt has continued to rocket up beyond egregious nose-bleed levels, while non-debt based commerce is free-falling into the abyss

You are obviously a very smart guy with a very broad range of interests and an unusually creative and flexible mind. Your trust in Armstrong is a harmless eccentricity in my eyes.

How much would you wager that Armstrong's model will be incorrect? I trust science. He has done all the science, meaning the model has been extensively back tested since Mesopotamia and forward tested from 1970s to current.

I haven't immersed myself in his work as you have. What specific event would you deem to be a falsification of his model?

There have been so many historically (ancient and recent) thus I consider the model already falsified. The next big turning point in the ECM (Economic Confidence Model) is 2015.75. If we don't see a shift from the ability to use debt to kick the can down the road towards collapse in global nominal GDP, the model failed.

I will make an explosive post in the Mad Max thread today. (click this link if images below don't display)

Collapse of Commerce Driven Growth (i.e. velocity-of-money, instead massive loans create new money to barely sustain small GDP growth)

Declining Marginal Utility of Debt ($ of nominal GDP gained per $ increase in debt)

Total Debt as % of GDP (2008)

And Still Growing... (debt increasing much faster than GDP)

China Rocketed to 250% (Corp. 150% of GDP) (Household 31%, Govt 54%)

Exceptions: USA, UK, & Australia Reaped Safe Haven Capital Ingress (as Armstrong predicted, haven't significantly deleveraged, & ingress isn't sustainable)

Fed Covertly Buying Treasuries (?) To Delay Collapse

Contagion Time Bomb of Mass Destruction Lurks

IMF One World Currency Lender of Last Resort After 2016 Collapse
full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100
Proof that Martin Armstrong predicted in 1998 all the major economic events of the 21st Century (thus far).

Proof that his computer model predicted in 1980, events that are transpiring today.

Proof that his computer model predicted in 1985, the exact day of the top of the real estate bubble in 2007.

Recent proof that his model predicted the exact number of Senate seats won by the Republicans.

You can add the predictions for the gold and silver top in 2011 and the decline to under $1200, as well the continued rise in the USA stock market since 2011 and rise in the dollar. I was reading his blog when his model made those predictions.
hero member
Activity: 723
Merit: 503
Acceleration towards Mad Max will ensue October 2015.

By 2019, we will be in full blown scorched landscape with global megadeath pandemic as well.

Dont ever stop posting ! Thanks again for all your work.
full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100
Acceleration towards Mad Max will ensue October 2015.

By 2019, we will be in full blown scorched landscape with global megadeath pandemic as well.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1035
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Global currency, BIS, and the Nazi connection
From:    AnnoyMint
Date:    Mon, September 22, 2014 7:24 am
To:      "Hamstrung Economecs"

Occam's razor dictates that the eastwest conflict is being waged for way simpler reasons than that.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Global currency, BIS, and the Nazi connection
From:    AnnoyMint
Date:    Mon, September 22, 2014 7:24 am
To:      "Hamstrung Economecs"
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: No Apple did not fight back, they fooled you!
From:    AnonyMint
To:      "Armstrong Economics"

Don't you know the NSA has the ability to reprogram the microcode in the
CPU and other hardware, thus it doesn't matter what Apple has promised to
put in the software for iOS8.

This is just another means of sucking the masses into another false sense
of victory.
Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
The banks will crash all at once, probably from some kind of solar EMP on the electricity of the world. Many governments will go down with them. Local groups will form their own governments as necessary to help the members of their group. Anonymity as we know it will be irrelevant. Small groups hidden in the hills will have anonymity because of their remoteness, and this will be the only anonymity that will count. Militaries will die because there will be no-one to support them. Some areas will be a disaster, with gangs preying on the weak, like in MadMax.

Of course, I could be wrong...

Activity: 1680
Merit: 1035
Secession, not succession.

Also, unless "the powers that be" told Ukraine's president to become a dictatorial dickhead, they had nothing to do with what happened there. I had friends in high places there, and no one was paid to protest, or to stay and keep protesting when they were told doing so is going to land them 15 years in jail.

Learn from the first person who ever communicated with Satoshi in a public forum.

Who cares if he was the first. Frankly, I would ask for proof, but it would be meaningless unless I thought Satoshi was some sort of an infallible saint.

"Presumably this phone call was tapped by the Russian KGB"  Ah! Proof it's a lie.

Sounds like this guy was stupid enough to fall for Russian propaganda. Which is understandable, since Russians have had over 100 years of practice. That, and he apparently doesn't know Russian history, or understands what is actually going on on the ground in Ukraine, with massive natural gas deposits that can threaten Russia's monopoly on gas, Russia's concern about neighboring countries joining NATO (it doesn't want military bases near its borders) and it disrupting such nations to prevent them from being able to join, and Russia's typical take-over tactic of other countries using claims of "anti-russian discrimination" and thugs that start protests.

Have your friend read this. Maybe he'll understand things a bit better:
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
Bitmessage is dead.

Powers-that-be have defeated the only way to communicate anonymously.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Martin, I am not claiming the ANGST isn't real!!!
From:    AnonyMint
To:      "Armstrong Economics"

Would you please stop obfuscating my point!

The point I made to you in the prior communication:

Is that the ANGST is symbiotic with the trend towards global herding.

It is not just a CIA plot. Rather it is a confluence of the trend at all levels wherein the masses are symbiotic with the trend towards global herding.

Please don't have such a one-dimensional analysis.

You often claim that people don't see how things are interconnected. Now you use a simplistic dichotomy "CIA plot" versus "Grassroots uprising" to obfuscate what is really going on!

Damn it!

You are abusing and wasting the resources you've developed. You are so talented in one area and so deficit in another. It is so frustrating to both respect you and pull my hair out at the same time!

Activity: 42
Merit: 0
Hope you don't mind, I am copying my reply to Armstrong, because both of you have part of it correct, and both of you have a myopia also. I will not repeat your words verbatim in public.

It is important both of you move closer to understanding each other.

Anonymous Female, I believe Armstrong is correct that the elite are NOT more powerful than the cycles. The elites are symbiotic because they are part of the cycle and the power vacuum of democracy is one of the natural causes of the cycle.

I also believe Armstrong is incorrect in that he can't see the cycle is leading to one-world government and global elite control. He stated in his recent audio interview that he doesn't understand how one-world government could bring peace and rather he thinks pushing for that would bring war. Martin is correct that the elite dominance is deflationary, megadeath, failure-oriented paradigm that would lead to war.

Martin's misunderstanding is that the majority gravitate towards being herded. The collectivism and centralization of control was always limited in the past by the lack of technology to herd the entire global population. Communication and tracking was technologically limited. Imagine how could you track someone 100 years ago.

But now the elite have the technology to herd the global population. So global herding is the natural outcome, because people need to be herded. This is the power vacuum of democracy as so eloquently explained by the 150-160 IQ genius who coined the term "open source": (Some Iron Laws of Political Economics)

This is why I keep telling Martin that the only possible way to avoid a Dark Age is new disruptive technology that interrupts their totalitarian herding technology.

WTF do you think I am doing! Martin has the readership to be a very big help, but instead he is misdirecting his readership away from the solution and chasing the rainbows which are symbiotic with the elite's direction towards a total Dark Age, e.g. all this idealism Martin is displaying about Scotland's potential as independent, and the other myopic Armstrong had about Ukraine and the true symbiosis of the ANGST movement underway. The angst is driving humanity right into the lap of the elite's technological herding.

Martin will instead try to build political resistance to the surveillance, but the politics is by definition always symbiotic with the elite, as you and I so described below. Martin can't grasp that the only possible solution is technological disruption.

I hope the elites realize they are trapped in their own destruction, unless we succeed in disrupting their technological herding.

Is Martin too old to see? He was at one time technologically astute. For some reason he is blinded.

P.S. The Corbert report is public:

Quote from: Anonymous Female (paraphrased)
Your commentary is great. The big psyop is the creation of ISIS by the elite to recharge the Big T(errorism) false flag and giving support to the DEEP STATE which operates without any congressional oversight. This meme was observable in new language in the MSM starting some 2 year ago. Part of the evidence which is beyond the scope of this email is Obama sending 3,000 troops to Africa to "fight" ebola.

Control over resources such as oil, independent states as a divide-and-conquer strategy, etc...

Feel free to use the concepts but please don't use my words.  Thanks, I appreciate it!  Smiley
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