Interesting article, but I think get old is a part of the life so why 'destroy' or cancel it?
It will be the peer pressure. Even if you want to get old and die, your friends will talk you out of it.
IMO this kind of stuff are for super rich people.
Except that here are as many as 3,000 varieties of astragalus, the plant group that contains the TA-65 (telomerase) that really works to reduce aging. And this is on top of all sorts of other age reducers that work in part.
Consider grape see extract - proanthocyanidins. This product has been reducing the effects of aging for years now by its antioxidant qualities. Back in the early '90s, you couldn't even find grape seed extract. Now you can buy it relatively inexpensively - $20 a pound or less.
We have bovine pituitary extract, which helps the brain and endocrine systems by producing natural HGH in the body.
We have pregnenolone, the master hormone, which converts on demand in the body into at least 99 other hormones.
On the not so accepted side, we have MMS (chlorine dioxide) for internal use to kill of pathogens. This product has been around for over 100 years, used as drinking water purification. But we are only finding out, now, within the last 20 years or so, how it kills all kinds of bacteria and viruses throughout the whole body if taken in much stronger doses than when used for water purification. And it is close to dirt cheap.
We have ozone and H
2 intravenous and direct injection therapies (generally not generally available in the USA; go to Mexico) that kill off all kinds of cancer.
Most of our natural, ground drinking water has metallic minerals in it. Metallic minerals harm and kill plants, animals and people because our bodies cannot absorb them properly. We now have fulvic acid and other humic acids that convert metallic minerals in water into ionic minerals that are actually good for you. Amazon sells fulvic acid relatively inexpensively. Fifteen years ago the price was 10 times what it is now, and you could hardly find it.
These are only a few of the things that can slow down aging right now. When TA-65 (telomerase) becomes readily available, its price will come down as well. It is happening right now a little as people realize that astragulus is available all over the place, out in nature. As this unfolds, more and more the only way that people will be able to die is if they get hit by a Mack truck.
In addition, there is all kinds of research going on to reduce aging. The only way to make money off what works is to sell it to the masses. The only way for the masses to be able to afford it is to bring the price down.
Will the 1,000-year-old person ever happen? We won't know until a thousand years are up. But many of us who are around today, may be joyfully alive on some planet revolving around a distant star, a thousand years from now.