Thank you for the entertainment. This thread Internet is completely full of mindboggling silliness.
Fixed it for you.
This thread has been getting more off topic recently but I'm going to chip in with some final words. I'm a busy Bitcoin entrepreneur and I've used way too much time on this already but here are some conclusions based on the discussion.
I'm not sure this will even sink in with you, but it's something I've seen with a lot of developers. They're so hung up in the small details, that they have problems seeing the whole picture. The world is a complex, irrational place, where people sometime behave very irrational, and often opposite of how the developer would want it to work.
I also see this happening a lot online, people getting hung up in miniscule and 'unimportant' things that's counter productive for everyone.
It's important to think about
who is delivering a message. Was it
sathosi, was it
jgarzik, was it
gavin or was it some random 17-year old from his mothers basement. Who should we listen to, and who should we trust?
There's always more to an action than the immediate action itself. Humans are complex, and they have a belief system, they have values, opinions, feelings, their likes and dislikes.
Now, for the future, if anyone upsets you, and it's important for you to clear up the issue. Just wait a day or two, till your blood has stopped boiling, go out for a walk, anything but hammering the keyboard. Then find their contact information, e-mail them or ask them if they want to have a conversation with you on skype. You will be surprised about how accommodating most people will be as long as you ask nicely.
Now, if we take you as an example, if someone has a discussion with you, and then they somehow come to the conclusion that you're a total ass hat, I'm pretty sure you'll disagree with that. And often, people will base their assumptions and conclusion about you on a very fragile set of facts. Someone may even say they lost all and absolute respect for you because something you said, although it would look quite differently in another light, and if it was put into some sort of context and a framework for understanding.
So, if you asked jgarzik privately about why he kicked and banned (?) you from the channel, and why he is against bitcoins being used In Iran, when it from your point of view is a great thing, then he might as well have taken his time to answer you to the best of his abilities.
While some people just look at the things immediately in front of their nose (this seems to be very popular with social media), some people actually have visions and long term plans, and they see things in a greater picture. Sometimes foregoing something in the present is not because of cowardice or lack of spine, but because the end goal makes it a wise move.
For instance, a big army moving into a foreign country may have spotted an outpost of the enemy, and if they wanted to, they could strike it and kill everyone, which would be along the goal of most of the soldiers of that group, ie. kill the enemy, bring it on! Instead, they silently go past that outpost in a stormy night, and hit the main capital of the country, and take control of it. If they'd chosen to take the outpost first, it's quite likely that the outpost would alert back to the capital, and the element of surprise totally vanished. This is a far fetched example, but you get the point.
As a last word, don't get to worked up about what someone says or does on the internet in a few sentences or in a short action (like kicking and banning someone on an irc channel). I'm sure most upstanding people are in for a reasonable discussion if you talk to them nicely. Don't jump to conclusions, and don't let your emotions cloud your judgement.
You may notice that the 'greater' participants of this forum seldom indulge themselves in pissing contests, but the stay polite, and stick to the facts. If one get dragged into endless pissing contensts online, it's just a waste of time, and the same is getting upset about every small thing that doesn't go your way. In normal life, there's a shitload of things that may be irritating, but it's how we deal with these things that determines our own well being.
Let me take myself as an example, if I had a shitty day, I may not even have answered you back if you said 'hello'. In 85% of the cases, I would probably have responded to you though, and in the remaining cases, your gut reaction might have been: "What a complete ass!" When in fact it's far from the fact if you knew me. Sometime I just have enough minding my own business. And I think a lot of people are like this. We have good days, and we have bad days.